MLton 20051202 Installation
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MLton runs on a variety of platforms and is distributed in both source and binary form. The format for the binary package depends on the platform. The binary package will install under /usr or /usr/local, depending on the platform. If you install MLton somewhere else, you must set the lib variable in the /usr/bin/mlton script to the directory that contains the libraries (/usr/lib/mlton by default).

MLton requires that you have the [WWW]GNU multiprecision library installed on your machine. MLton must be able to find both the gmp.h include file and the libgmp.a or library. If you see the error message gmp.h: No such file or directory, you should copy gmp.h to /usr/lib/mlton/self/include. If you see the error message /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgmp, you should add a -link-opt -L argument in the /usr/bin/mlton script so that the linker can find libgmp. If, for example, libgmp.a is in /tmp, then add -link-opt -L/tmp.

Installation of MLton creates the following files and directories.

Hello, World!

Once you have installed MLton, create a file called hello-world.sml with the following contents.

print "Hello, world!\n";
Now create an executable, hello-world, with the following command.
mlton hello-world.sml
You can now run hello-world to verify that it works. There are more small examples in /usr/share/doc/mlton/examples.

Last edited on 2005-12-01 04:45:57 by StephenWeeks.