MLton 20051202 MLBasisAnnotations
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ML Basis annotations control options that affect the elaboration of SML source files. Conceptually, a basis file is elaborated in a default annotation environment (just as it is elaborated in an empty basis). The declaration ann "ann" in basdec end merges the annotation ann with the "current" annotation environment for the elaboration of basdec. To allow for future expansion, "ann" is lexed as a single SML string constant. To conveniently specify multiple annotations, the following derived form is provided:
ann "ann" ("ann")+ in basdec end ==>  ann "ann" in ann ("ann")+ in basdec end end

Here are the available annotations. In the explanation below, for annotations that take an argument, the first value listed is the default.

allowFFI {false|true} 


nonexhaustiveExnMatch {default|ignore} 

nonexhaustiveMatch {warn|error|ignore} 

redundantMatch {warn|error|ignore} 

sequenceNonUnit {ignore|error|warn} 

warnUnused {false|true} 

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Last edited on 2005-12-01 19:50:46 by StephenWeeks.