signature MLTON_EXN = sig val addExnMessager: (exn -> string option) -> unit val history: exn -> string list val topLevelHandler: exn -> 'a end
addExnMessager f
history e
topLevelHandler e
adds f as a pretty-printer to be used by General.exnMessage for converting exceptions to strings. Messagers are tried in order from most recently added to least recently added.
returns call stack at the point that e was first raised. Each element of the list is a file position. The elements are in reverse chronological order, i.e. the function called last is at the front of the list.
history e will return [] unless the program is compiled with -const 'Exn.keepHistory true'.
behaves as if the top level handler received the exception e, that is, print out the unhandled exception message for e and exit.