signature MLTON_FINALIZABLE = sig type 'a t val addFinalizer: 'a t * ('a -> unit) -> unit val finalizeBefore: 'a t * 'b t -> unit val new: 'a -> 'a t val touch: 'a t -> unit val withValue: 'a t * ('a -> 'b) -> 'b end
A finalizable value is a value to which finalizers can be attached. A finalizer is a function that runs after a garbage collection determines that the value to which it is attached is unreachable. Reachability is the same as with weak pointers. The finalizer is treated like a signal handler, in that it runs asynchronously in a separate thread, with signals blocked, and will not interrupt a critical section (see MLtonThread).
addFinalizer (v, f)
finalizeBefore (v1, v2)
new x
touch v
withValue (v, f)
adds f as a finalizer to v. This means that sometime after the last call to withValue on v completes and v becomes unreachable, f will be called with the value of v.
ensures that v1 will be finalized before v2. A cycle of values v = v1, ..., vn = v with finalizeBefore (vi, vi+1) will result in none of the vi being finalized.
creates a new finalizable value, v, with value x. The finalizers of v will run sometime after the last call to withValue on v when the garbage collector determines that v is unreachable.
ensures that v's finalizers will not run before the call to touch.
returns the result of applying f to the value of v and ensures that v's finalizers will not run before f completes. The call to f is a nontail call.
Suppose that finalizable.sml contains the following.
signature CLIST = sig type t val cons: int * t -> t val sing: int -> t val sum: t -> int end functor CList (structure F: MLTON_FINALIZABLE structure Prim: sig val cons: int * Word32.word -> Word32.word val free: Word32.word -> unit val sing: int -> Word32.word val sum: Word32.word -> int end): CLIST = struct type t = Word32.word F.t fun cons (n: int, l: t) = F.withValue (l, fn w' => let val c = (Prim.cons (n, w')) val _ = F.addFinalizer (c, val _ = F.finalizeBefore (c, l) in c end) fun sing n = let val c = (Prim.sing n) val _ = F.addFinalizer (c, in c end fun sum c = F.withValue (c, Prim.sum) end functor Test (structure CList: CLIST structure MLton: sig structure GC: sig val collect: unit -> unit end end) = struct fun f n = if n = 1 then () else let val a = Array.tabulate (n, fn i => i) val _ = Array.sub (a, 0) + Array.sub (a, 1) in f (n - 1) end val l = CList.sing 2 val l = CList.cons (2,l) val l = CList.cons (2,l) val l = CList.cons (2,l) val l = CList.cons (2,l) val l = CList.cons (2,l) val l = CList.cons (2,l) val _ = MLton.GC.collect () val _ = f 100 val _ = print (concat ["listSum(l) = ", Int.toString (CList.sum l), "\n"]) val _ = MLton.GC.collect () val _ = f 100 end structure CList = CList (structure F = MLton.Finalizable structure Prim = struct val cons = _import "listCons": int * Word32.word -> Word32.word; val free = _import "listFree": Word32.word -> unit; val sing = _import "listSing": int -> Word32.word; val sum = _import "listSum": Word32.word -> int; end) structure S = Test (structure CList = CList structure MLton = MLton)
Suppose that cons.c contains the following.
#include <stdio.h> typedef unsigned int uint; typedef struct Cons { struct Cons *next; int value; } *Cons; Cons listCons (int n, Cons c) { Cons res; res = (Cons) malloc (sizeof(*res)); fprintf (stderr, "0x%08x = listCons (%d)\n", (uint)res, n); res->next = c; res->value = n; return res; } Cons listSing (int n) { Cons res; res = (Cons) malloc (sizeof(*res)); fprintf (stderr, "0x%08x = listSing (%d)\n", (uint)res, n); res->next = NULL; res->value = n; return res; } void listFree (Cons p) { fprintf (stderr, "listFree (0x%08x)\n", (uint)p); free (p); } int listSum (Cons c) { int res; fprintf (stderr, "listSum\n"); res = 0; for (; c != NULL; c = c->next) res += c->value; return res; }
We can compile these to create an executable with
% mlton -default-ann 'allowFFI true' finalizable.sml cons.c
Running this executable will create output like the following.
% finalizable 0x08072890 = listSing (2) 0x080728a0 = listCons (2) 0x080728b0 = listCons (2) 0x080728c0 = listCons (2) 0x080728d0 = listCons (2) 0x080728e0 = listCons (2) 0x080728f0 = listCons (2) listSum listSum(l) = 14 listFree (0x080728f0) listFree (0x080728e0) listFree (0x080728d0) listFree (0x080728c0) listFree (0x080728b0) listFree (0x080728a0) listFree (0x08072890)
Synchronous Finalizers
Finalizers in MLton are asynchronous. That is, they run at an unspecified time, interrupting the user program. It is also possible, and sometimes useful, to have synchronous finalizers, where the user program explicitly decides when to run enabled finalizers. We have considered this in MLton, and it seems possible, but there are some unresolved design issues. See the thread at
Also see Boehm03.