MLton 20051202 OptionalArguments
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Optional arguments are function parameters which may be omitted from applications of the function, in which case the parameters take on default values.

Standard ML does not have built-in support for optional arguments (unlike OCaml). Despite the absence of built-in support, it is easy to emulate optional arguments.

For example, consider the function

fun f x {a, b, c} = a * (real c) + b * (real x)
for which the parameters a, b, and c should take on the default values specified by
val defs = {a = 0.0, b = 0.0, c = 0}
We wish to provide an (optionalized) function f' and two (general) functions $ and ` such that
val X = f' 1 $
val Y = f' 1 (` #b 1.0) $
val Z = f' 1 (` #a 1.0) (` #c 2) (` #b 1.0) $
val () = print (concat ["X = ", Real.toString X,
                        ", Y = ", Real.toString Y,
                        ", Z = ", Real.toString Z, "\n"])
prints out the following:
X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 3

Here is the signature for the two general supporting functions, as well as two additional functions:

signature OPTIONAL =
      type ('upds, 'opts, 'res) t
      type ('upds, 'opts, 'res, 'k) u =
         (('upds, 'opts, 'res) t -> 'k) -> 'k

      val $ : ('upds, 'opts, 'res) t -> 'res

      val ` : ('upds -> ('opts -> 'x -> 'opts)) -> 
              'x ->
              ('upds, 'opts, 'res) t ->
              ('upds, 'opts, 'res, 'k) u

      val `` : 'opts ->
               ('upds, 'opts, 'res) t ->
               ('upds, 'opts, 'res, 'k) u

      val make : 'upds ->
                 'opts ->
                 ('opts -> 'res) ->
                 ('upds, 'opts, 'res, 'k) u
Our intention is that the type ('upds, 'opts, 'res) t represents the type of functions returning the type 'res and whose optional arguments are given by the (record) type 'opts; supporting the optional arguments is the (record) type 'upds of update functions. The function ` introduces an override for an optional argument,while $ marks the end of optional arguments. The function `` provides a convenient way to simultaneously set all optional arguments; it can also be useful when the 'opts type is kept abstract, in which case the defining module may provide values of type 'opts that may be used with `` to install a new set of default values, while ` may continue to be used to override these new defaults. Finally, the make function transforms a function to use optional arguments:

A structure matching OPTIONAL could be used as follows.

functor MakeF (S: OPTIONAL) :>
      type opts
      type 'a upd = opts -> 'a -> opts
      type upds = {a: real upd, b: real upd, c: int upd}
      val f' : int -> (upds, opts, real, 'k) S.u
      val opts_def2 : opts
   end =
      open S

      (* define the function and defaults *)
      fun f x {a, b, c} = a * (real c) + b * (real x)
      type opts = {a: real, b: real, c: int}
      val opts_def1 (* : opts *) = {a = 0.0, b = 0.0, c = 0}
      val opts_def2 (* : opts *) = {a = 1.0, b = 1.0, c = 1}

      (* define the update functions *)
      type 'a upd = opts -> 'a -> opts
      val upda (* : real upd *) = fn {a, b, c} => fn a' => {a = a', b = b, c = c}
      val updb (* : real upd *) = fn {a, b, c} => fn b' => {a = a, b = b', c = c}
      val updc (* : int upd *) = fn {a, b, c} => fn c' => {a = a, b = b, c = c'}
      type upds = {a: real upd, b: real upd, c: int upd}
      val upds = {a = upda, b = updb, c = updc}

      fun f' x (* : (upds, opts, real, 'k) u *) = 
         make upds opts_def1 (f x)


functor TestOptionalF (S: OPTIONAL) =
      structure F = MakeF (S)
      open F S

      val X = f' 1 $
      val Y = f' 1 (` #b 1.0) $
      val Z = f' 1 (` #a 1.0) (` #c 2) (` #b 1.0) $
      val () = print (concat ["X = ", Real.toString X,
                              ", Y = ", Real.toString Y,
                              ", Z = ", Real.toString Z, "\n"])

      val X = f' 1 (`` opts_def2) $
      val Y = f' 1 (`` opts_def2) (` #b 1.0) $
      val Z = f' 1 (`` opts_def2) (` #a 1.0) (` #c 2) (` #b 1.0) $
      val () = print (concat ["X = ", Real.toString X,
                              ", Y = ", Real.toString Y,
                              ", Z = ", Real.toString Z, "\n"])

The implementation of OPTIONAL is actually quite straightforward:

structure Optional :> OPTIONAL =
      type ('upds, 'opts, 'res) t =
         'upds * 'opts * ('opts -> 'res)
      type ('upds, 'opts, 'res, 'k) u =
         (('upds, 'opts, 'res) t -> 'k) -> 'k
      val make =
         fn upds =>
         fn defs =>
         fn f =>
         fn k => k (upds, defs, f)

      fun `` opts =
         fn (upds, opts, f) =>
         fn k =>
         k (upds, opts, f)
      fun ` sel v = 
         fn (upds, opts, f) =>
         fn k => 
         k (upds, sel upds opts v, f)
      val $ = 
         fn (upds, opts, f) =>
         f opts

One may also mix sequences of required and optional arguments.

functor MakeG (S: OPTIONAL) :>
      type optsABC
      type 'x updABC = optsABC -> 'x -> optsABC
      type updsABC = {a: real updABC, b: real updABC, c: int updABC}
      type optsDEF
      type 'x updDEF = optsDEF -> 'x -> optsDEF
      type updsDEF = {d: int updDEF, e: int updDEF, f: real updDEF}
      val g' : int -> (updsABC, optsABC,
                       real -> (updsDEF, optsDEF, string -> unit, 'kDEF) S.u,
                       'kABC) S.u
   end =
      open S

      (* define the function and defaults *)
      fun g x {a, b, c} y {d, e, f} s = 
            val z1 = a * (real c) + b * (real x)
            val z2 = (real d) * f + (real e) * y
            print (concat [s, Real.toString (z1 + z2), s, "\n"])
      type optsABC = {a: real, b: real, c: int}
      val optsABC_def (* : optsABC *) = {a = 0.0, b = 0.0, c = 0}
      type optsDEF = {d: int, e: int, f: real}
      val optsDEF_def (* : optsDEF *) = {d = 1, e = 1, f = 1.0}

      (* define the update functions *)
      type 'a updABC = optsABC -> 'a -> optsABC
      val upda (* : real updABC *) = fn {a, b, c} => fn a' => {a = a', b = b, c = c}
      val updb (* : real updABC *) = fn {a, b, c} => fn b' => {a = a, b = b', c = c}
      val updc (* : int updABC *) = fn {a, b, c} => fn c' => {a = a, b = b, c = c'}
      type updsABC = {a: real updABC, b: real updABC, c: int updABC}
      val updsABC = {a = upda, b = updb, c = updc}

      type 'a updDEF = optsDEF -> 'a -> optsDEF
      val updd (* : real updDEF *) = fn {d, e, f} => fn d' => {d = d', e = e, f = f}
      val upde (* : real updDEF *) = fn {d, e, f} => fn e' => {d = d, e = e', f = f}
      val updf (* : int updDEF *) = fn {d, e, f} => fn f' => {d = d, e = e, f = f'}
      type updsDEF = {d: int updDEF, e: int updDEF, f: real updDEF}
      val updsDEF = {d = updd, e = upde, f = updf}

      val g' (* : (upds, opts, real, 'k) u *) = (fn x =>
         make updsABC optsABC_def (fn optsABC => fn y =>
         make updsDEF optsDEF_def (fn optsDEF => fn s =>
         g x optsABC y optsDEF s)))

functor TestOptionalG (S: OPTIONAL) =
      structure G = MakeG (S)
      open G S

      val () = g' 1 (` #a 3.0) $ 1.0 (` #e 2) $ " ** "

To make a complete program and test the above code, we can apply the TestOptionalF and TestOptionalG functors to our implementation.

structure TestF = TestOptionalF (Optional)
structure TestG = TestOptionalG (Optional)

Running the complete code prints out the following.

X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 3
X = 2, Y = 2, Z = 3
 ** 3 ** 



Last edited on 2005-12-02 04:23:32 by StephenWeeks.