SML does not have printf. Could we define it ourselves?
val () = printf ("here's an int %d and a real %f.\n", 13, 17.0) val () = printf ("here's three values (%d, %f, %f).\n", 13, 17.0, 19.0)
What could the type of printf be?
This obviously can't work, because SML functions take a fixed number of arguments. Actually they take one argument, but if that's a tuple, it can only have a fixed number of components.
From tupling to currying
What about currying to get around the typing problem?
val () = printf "here's an int %d and a real %f.\n" 13 17.0 val () = printf "here's three values (%d, %f, %f).\n" 13 17.0 19.0
That fails for a similar reason. We need two types for printf.
val printf: string -> int -> real -> unit val printf: string -> int -> real -> real -> unit
This can't work, because printf can only have one type. SML doesn't support programmer-defined overloading.
Overloading and dependent types
Even without worrying about number of arguments, there is another problem. The type of printf depends on the format string.
val () = printf "here's an int %d and a real %f.\n" 13 17.0 val () = printf "here's a real %f and an int %d.\n" 17.0 13
Now we need
val printf: string -> int -> real -> unit val printf: string -> real -> int -> unit
Again, this can't possibly working because SML doesn't have overloading, and types can't depend on values.
Idea: express type information in the format string
If we express type information in the format string, then different uses of printf can have different types.
type 'a t (* the type of format strings *) val printf: 'a t -> 'a infix D F val fs1: (int -> real -> unit) t = "here's an int "D" and a real "F".\n" val fs2: (int -> real -> real -> unit) t = "here's three values ("D", "F", "F").\n" val () = printf fs1 13 17.0 val () = printf fs2 13 17.0 19.0
Now, our two calls to printf type check, because the format string specializes printf to the appropriate type.
The types of format characters
What should the type of format characters D and F be? Each format character requires an additional argument of the appropriate type to be supplied to printf.
Idea: guess the final type that will be needed for printf the format string and verify it with each format character.
type ('a, 'b) t (* 'a = rest of type to verify, 'b = final type *) val ` : string -> ('a, 'a) t (* guess the type, which must be verified *) val D: (int -> 'a, 'b) t * string -> ('a, 'b) t (* consume an int *) val F: (real -> 'a, 'b) t * string -> ('a, 'b) t (* consume a real *) val printf: (unit, 'a) t -> 'a
Don't worry. In the end, type inference will guess and verify for us.
Understanding guess and verify
Now, let's build up a format string and a specialized printf.
infix D F val f0 = `"here's an int " val f1 = f0 D " and a real " val f2 = f1 F ".\n" val p = printf f2
These definitions yield the following types.
val f0: (int -> real -> unit, int -> real -> unit) t val f1: (real -> unit, int -> real -> unit) t val f2: (unit, int -> real -> unit) t val p: int -> real -> unit
So, p is a specialized printf function. We could use it as follows
val () = p 13 17.0 val () = p 14 19.0
Type checking this using a functor
signature PRINTF = sig type ('a, 'b) t val ` : string -> ('a, 'a) t val D: (int -> 'a, 'b) t * string -> ('a, 'b) t val F: (real -> 'a, 'b) t * string -> ('a, 'b) t val printf: (unit, 'a) t -> 'a end functor Test (P: PRINTF) = struct open P infix D F val () = printf (`"here's an int "D" and a real "F".\n") 13 17.0 val () = printf (`"here's three values ("D", "F ", "F").\n") 13 17.0 19.0 end
Implementing Printf
Think of a format character as a formatter transformer. It takes the formatter for the part of the format string before it and transforms it into a new formatter that first does the left hand bit, then does its bit, then continues on with the rest of the format string.
structure Printf: PRINTF = struct datatype ('a, 'b) t = T of (unit -> 'a) -> 'b fun printf (T f) = f (fn () => ()) fun ` s = T (fn a => (print s; a ())) fun D (T f, s) = T (fn g => f (fn () => fn i => (print (Int.toString i); print s; g ()))) fun F (T f, s) = T (fn g => f (fn () => fn i => (print (Real.toString i); print s; g ()))) end
Testing printf
structure Z = Test (Printf)
User-definable formats
The definition of the format characters is pretty much the same. Within the Printf structure we can define a format character generator.
val newFormat: ('a -> string) -> ('a -> 'b, 'c) t * string -> ('b, 'c) t = fn toString => fn (T f, s) => T (fn th => f (fn () => fn a => (print (toString a); print s ; th ()))) val D = fn z => newFormat Int.toString z val F = fn z => newFormat Real.toString z
A core Printf
We can now have a very small PRINTF signature, and define all the format strings externally to the core module.
signature PRINTF = sig type ('a, 'b) t val ` : string -> ('a, 'a) t val newFormat: ('a -> string) -> ('a -> 'b, 'c) t * string -> ('b, 'c) t val printf: (unit, 'a) t -> 'a end structure Printf: PRINTF = struct datatype ('a, 'b) t = T of (unit -> 'a) -> 'b fun printf (T f) = f (fn () => ()) fun ` s = T (fn a => (print s; a ())) fun newFormat toString (T f, s) = T (fn th => f (fn () => fn a => (print (toString a) ; print s ; th ()))) end
Extending to fprintf
One can implement fprintf by threading the outstream through all the transformers.
signature PRINTF = sig type ('a, 'b) t val ` : string -> ('a, 'a) t val fprintf: (unit, 'a) t * TextIO.outstream -> 'a val newFormat: ('a -> string) -> ('a -> 'b, 'c) t * string -> ('b, 'c) t val printf: (unit, 'a) t -> 'a end structure Printf: PRINTF = struct type out = TextIO.outstream val output = TextIO.output datatype ('a, 'b) t = T of (out -> 'a) -> out -> 'b fun fprintf (T f, out) = f (fn _ => ()) out fun printf t = fprintf (t, TextIO.stdOut) fun ` s = T (fn a => fn out => (output (out, s); a out)) fun newFormat toString (T f, s) = T (fn g => f (fn out => fn a => (output (out, toString a) ; output (out, s) ; g out))) end
Lesson: instead of using dependent types for a function, express the the dependency in the type of the argument.
If printf is partially applied, it will do the printing then and there. Perhaps this could be fixed with some kind of terminator.
A syntactic or argument terminator is not necessary. A formatter can either be eager (as above) or lazy (as below). A lazy formatter accumulates enough state to print the entire string. The simplest lazy formatter concatenates the strings as they become available:
structure PrintfLazyConcat: PRINTF = struct datatype ('a, 'b) t = T of (string -> 'a) -> string -> 'b fun printf (T f) = f print "" fun ` s = T (fn th => fn s' => th (s' ^ s)) fun newFormat toString (T f, s) = T (fn th => f (fn s' => fn a => th (s' ^ toString a ^ s))) end
It is somewhat more efficient to accumulate the strings as a list:structure PrintfLazyList: PRINTF = struct datatype ('a, 'b) t = T of (string list -> 'a) -> string list -> 'b fun printf (T f) = f ( print o List.rev) [] fun ` s = T (fn th => fn ss => th (s::ss)) fun newFormat toString (T f, s) = T (fn th => f (fn ss => fn a => th (s::toString a::ss))) end