MLton 20051202 SystemInfo
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Python Version
2.2.3 (#1, Oct 25 2004, 20:26:02) [GCC 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-113)]
MoinMoin Version
Release 1.2.3 [Revision 1.186]
Number of pages
Number of system pages
Number of backup versions
Accumulated page sizes
Entries in edit log
1922 (189747 bytes)
Event log
30379275 bytes
Global extension macros
AbandonedPages, BR, FootNote, Form, FullSearch, GetText, Include, Navigation, OrphanedPages, PageHits, PageSize, RandomPage, RandomQuote, RecentChanges, ShowSmileys, StatsChart, SystemAdmin, TableOfContents, TeudView, WantedPages
Local extension macros
Cite, Div, DownloadSVN, Form, Improvement, IncludeSVN, Input, Span, TextArea, ViewCVS, ViewCVSDir, ViewSVN, ViewSVNDir
Global extension actions
AttachFile, DeletePage, LikePages, LocalSiteMap, RenamePage, SpellCheck, links, rss_rc, titleindex
Local extension actions
Installed processors
CSV, Colorize

Last edited on 2004-10-26 01:42:46 by StephenWeeks.