MLton 20051202 WikiTool
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We have written a simple command-line tool that makes it possible to edit wiki pages using your favorite text editor instead of within a browser text box. The tool provides a CVS/SVN-like command-line interface that can be used to update local copies of files from the web and to commit local modifications to the web.

The tool is written in SML (of course) and is [[WWW] available in the MLton CVS]. To compile it, you need to have the latest SVN of the MLton library sources, and point the MLB path variable MLTON_SRC_LIB at the lib/mlton dir in the sources.

Here's a quick tutorial on how to use the tool

  1. Create a new directory for your local copy of the wiki files.

  2. In that directory, login.

     wiki login StephenWeeks <my password>

  3. Checkout (the raw wiki markup) files with commands like:

     wiki checkout Home
     wiki checkout Index Documentation

  4. Edit the files using your favorite text editor.

  5. Commit your changes with a command like

     wiki commit UserGuide

  6. Logout.

     wiki logout

That's it for the simple use. There are also other commands like cvs.

rename and remove shouldn't work for most people on because of the way our AccessControl is set up.

This code is a two-day hack and is not widely used. But we've found it useful. Please send bug reports to [MAILTO]

Last edited on 2005-12-02 03:21:22 by StephenWeeks.