MLton 20070826 MLNLFFI
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ML-NLFFI is the no-longer-foreign-function interface library for SML.

As of 20050212, MLton has an initial port of ML-NLFFI from SML/NJ to MLton. All of the ML-NLFFI functionality is present.

Additionally, MLton has an initial port of the mlnlffigen tool from SML/NJ to MLton. Due to low-level details, the code generated by SML/NJ's ml-nlffigen is not compatible with MLton, and vice-versa. However, the generated code has the same interface, so portable client code can be written. MLton's mlnlffigen does not currently support C functions with struct or union arguments.


Also see

Last edited on 2007-08-23 17:24:47 by MatthewFluet.