Changes since the last public release
New platforms:
Support for 64-bit platforms.
Native amd64 codegen.
Added: -codegen amd64, -codegen x86, -default-type type, -profile-val {false|true}.
Changed: -stop f (file listing now includes .mlb files).
Bytecode codegen.
Support for exception history.
Support for profiling.
Removed: allowExport, allowImport, sequenceUnit, warnMatch.
Added: PackWord16Big, PackWord16Little, PackWord64Big, PackWord64Little.
Bug Fixes: see
Added: MLTON_MONO_ARRAY, MLTON_MONO_VECTOR, MLTON_REAL, MLton.BinIO.tempPrefix, MLton.CharArray, MLton.CharVector, MLton.Exn.defaultTopLevelHandler, MLton.Exn.getTopLevelHandler, MLton.Exn.setTopLevelHandler, MLton.IntInf.BigWord, Mlton.IntInf.SmallInt, MLton.LargeReal, MLton.LargeWord, MLton.Real, MLton.Real32, MLton.Real64, MLton.Rlimit.Rlim, MLton.TextIO.tempPrefix, MLton.Vector.create, MLton.Word.bswap, MLton.Word8.bswap, MLton.Word16, MLton.Word32, MLton.Word64, MLton.Word8Array, MLton.Word8Vector.
Changed: MLton.Array.unfoldi, MLton.IntInf.rep, MLton.Rlimit, MLton.Vector.unfoldi.
Deprecated: MLton.Socket.
Other libraries.
Added: MLRISC library.
Updated: ckit library, SML/NJ library.
For a complete list of changes and bug fixes since Release20051202, see the changelog and Bugs20051202.
20070826 binary packages
20070826 source packages
Packages available at other sites
Also see
MLton Guide (20070826). A snapshot of the MLton wiki at the time of release.