Advance preparation for release
Catch up on doc/changelog documentation.
Write summary of changes from previous release.
Update doc/README with relevant changes.
Update man/{mlton,mlprof}.1 with relevant changes and set dates.
Check OrphanedPages and WantedPages.
Features page should by synchronized with doc/README.
Catch up on Credits acknowledgements.
Create ReleaseYYYYMM?? (i.e., forthcoming release) based on ReleaseXXXXLLCC (i.e., previous release).
Update summary from doc/changelog.
Update attachment, SVN, and Wiki links to estimated release date.
Comment out lists and attachment links under YYYYMM?? binary packages and YYYYMM?? sources.
Ensure page has #acl All:
Create BugsYYYYMM?? based on BugsXXXXLLCC.
Update SVN and Wiki links to estimated release date.
Spell check pages.
Prepare Wiki for tagging
This ensures that the guide distributed with the release looks updated for the release.
Rename ReleaseYYYYMM?? to ReleaseYYYYMMDD with proper release date.
Update attachment, SVN, and Wiki links to proper release date.
Rename BugsYYYYMM?? to BugsYYYYMMDD with proper release date.
Update SVN and Wiki links to proper release date.
Update ReleaseXXXXLLCC.
Change intro to "This is an archived public release of MLton, version XXXXLLCC."
Change Include(ReleaseXXXXLLCC, "Release XXXXLLCC") to Include(ReleaseYYYYMMDD,"Release YYYYMMDD").
Update Home with note of new release.
Change What's new? text to Please try out our new release, [:ReleaseYYYYMMDD:MLton YYYYMMDD].
Prepare sources for tagging
Run bin/grab-wiki to update doc/guide.
Check that doc/guide/20100608 has proper release date.
Make sure that ReleaseYYYYMMDD and BugsYYYYMMDD are added to the repository.
Make sure that ReleaseYYYYMM?? and BugsYYYYMM?? are removed from the repository (if they were added during the advanced preparation).
Commit changes to doc/guide.
Check that doc/changelog has proper date.
Tag sources
Shell commands:
svn copy -m "Tagging YYYYMMDD release" svn+ssh:// svn+ssh://
Source release
Shell commands:
svn checkout svn+ssh:// mlton-YYYYMMDD cd mlton-YYYYMMDD make clean clean-svn version VERSION=YYYYMMDD RELEASE=1 cd .. tar -czpvf mlton-YYYYMMDD-1.src.tgz mlton-YYYYMMDD
Update ReleaseYYYYMMDD with mlton-YYYYMMDD-1.src.tgz attachment.
Binary releases
Download source release (mlton-YYYYMMDD-1.src.tgz from
Shell commands:
tar -xzpvf mlton-YYYYMMDD-1.src.tgz cd mlton-YYYYMMDD make
If your platform doesn't have htmldoc, please build or get mlton-guide.pdf and copy to doc/guide.
Shell commands:
make install cd install tar -czpvf ../mlton-YYYYMMDD-1.ARCH-OS.tgz *
Update ReleaseYYYYMMDD with mlton-YYYYMMDD-1.ARCH-OS.tgz attachment.
Package releases
Debian: ???
basis gets a snapshot of (if any relevant changes).
changelog gets a copy of doc/changelog.
guide/YYYYMMDD gets a copy of doc/guide.
Need to run sed to replace 20100608 with YYYYMMDD.
Copy guide/YYYYMMDD/Home to guide/YYYYMMDD/index.html.
Upload guide/guide-YYYYMMDD.tgz and unpack.
Add <Directory /var/www/html/> DefaultType text/html </Directory> to /etc/apache2/sites-available/
Restart apache2 service.
Announce release
Send mail to
- (linux weekly news)
Post to
Update OtherSites that have MLton pages.
dupload Debian package.
Generate new Performance numbers.