signature MLTON_EXN =
val addExnMessager: (exn -> string option) -> unit
val history: exn -> string list
val defaultTopLevelHandler: exn -> 'a
val getTopLevelHandler: unit -> (exn -> unit)
val setTopLevelHandler: (exn -> unit) -> unit
val topLevelHandler: exn -> 'a
addExnMessager f
adds f as a pretty-printer to be used by General.exnMessage for converting exceptions to strings. Messagers are tried in order from most recently added to least recently added.
history e
returns call stack at the point that e was first raised. Each element of the list is a file position. The elements are in reverse chronological order, i.e. the function called last is at the front of the list.
history e will return [] unless the program is compiled with -const 'Exn.keepHistory true'.
defaultTopLevelHandler e
function that behaves as the default top level handler; that is, print out the unhandled exception message for e and exit.
getTopLevelHandler ()
get the top level handler.
setTopLevelHandler f
set the top level handler to the function f. The function f should not raise an exception or return normally.
topLevelHandler e
behaves as if the top level handler received the exception e.