This is an archived public release of MLton, version 20051202.
Changes since the last public release
The MLton license is now BSD-style instead of the GPL.
New platforms: X86/MinGW and HPPA/Linux.
Improved and expanded documentation, based on the MLton wiki.
improved exception history.
Added: -as-opt, -mlb-path-map, -target-as-opt, -target-cc-opt.
Removed: -native, -sequence-unit, -warn-match, -warn-unused.
FFI syntax changes and extensions.
Added: _symbol.
Changed: _export, _import.
Removed: _ffi.
Added: allowFFI, nonexhaustiveExnMatch, nonexhaustiveMatch, redundantMatch, sequenceNonUnit.
Deprecated: allowExport, allowImport, sequenceUnit, warnMatch.
Basis Library.
Added: Int1, Word1.
Added: Process.create, ProcEnv.setgroups, Rusage.measureGC, Socket.fdToSock, Socket.Ctl.getError.
Changed: MLton.Platform.Arch.
Other libraries.
Added: ckit, ML-NLFFI library, SML/NJ library.
Updates of mllex and mlyacc from SML/NJ.
Added mlnlffigen.
Profiling supports better inclusion/exclusion of code.
For a complete list of changes and bug fixes since Release20041109, see the changelog and Bugs20041109.
20051202 binary packages
20051202 source packages
Debian dsc, diff.gz, orig.tar.gz
RedHat source rpm
Also see
A snapshot of the MLton wiki at the time of release.