In theory every strictly conforming Standard ML program should run on MLton. However, often large SML projects use implementation specific features so some "porting" is required. Here is a partial list of software that is known to run on MLton.
Utility libraries:
SMLNJLibrary - distributed with MLton
MLtonLibraryProject - various libraries located on the MLton subversion repository
mlton - the internal MLton utility library, which we hope to cleanup and make more accessible someday
sml-ext, a grab bag of libraries for MLton and other SML implementations (by Sean McLaughlin)
sml-lib, a grab bag of libraries for MLton and other SML implementations (by TomMurphy)
Scanner generators:
MLLPTLibrary - distributed with MLton
MLLex - distributed with MLton
MLULex -
Parser generators:
MLAntlr -
MLLPTLibrary - distributed with MLton
MLYacc - distributed with MLton
Concurrency: ConcurrentML - distributed with MLton
Misc. libraries:
CKitLibrary - distributed with MLton
MLRISCLibrary - distributed with MLton
ML-NLFFI - distributed with MLton
Swerve, an HTTP server
fxp, an XML parser
Ports in progress
Contact us for details on any of these.
More projects using MLton can be seen on the Users page.
Software for SML implementations other than MLton
Moscow ML:
ML Kit: SMLserver (a plugin for AOLserver)
Moscow ML: ML Server Pages (support for PHP-style CGI scripting)
SML/NJ: smlweb