MLton 20241230

MLton supports both linking to and creating system-level libraries. While Standard ML libraries should be designed with the MLBasis system to work with other Standard ML programs, system-level library support allows MLton to create libraries for use by other programming languages. Even more importantly, system-level library support allows MLton to access libraries from other languages. This article will explain how to use libraries portably with MLton.

The Basics

A Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) is a piece of executable code written in a format understood by the operating system. Executable programs and dynamic libraries are the two most common examples of a DSO. They are called shared because if they are used more than once, they are only loaded once into main memory. For example, if you start two instances of your web browser (an executable), there may be two processes running, but the program code of the executable is only loaded once. A dynamic library, for example a graphical toolkit, might be used by several different executable programs, each possibly running multiple times. Nevertheless, the dynamic library is only loaded once and it’s program code is shared between all of the processes.

In addition to program code, DSOs contain a table of textual strings called symbols. These are used in order to make the DSO do something useful, like execute. For example, on linux the symbol _start refers to the point in the program code where the operating system should start executing the program. Dynamic libraries generally provide many symbols, corresponding to functions which can be called and variables which can be read or written. Symbols can be used by the DSO itself, or by other DSOs which require services.

When a DSO creates a symbol, this is called 'exporting'. If a DSO needs to use a symbol, this is called 'importing'. A DSO might need to use symbols defined within itself or perhaps from another DSO. In both cases, it is importing that symbol, but the scope of the import differs. Similarly, a DSO might export a symbol for use only within itself, or it might export a symbol for use by other DSOs. Some symbols are resolved at compile time by the linker (those used within the DSO) and some are resolved at runtime by the dynamic link loader (symbols accessed between DSOs).

Symbols in MLton

Symbols in MLton are both imported and exported via the ForeignFunctionInterface. The notation _import "symbolname" imports functions, _symbol "symbolname" imports variables, and _address "symbolname" imports an address. To create and export a symbol, _export "symbolname" creates a function symbol and _symbol "symbolname" 'alloc' creates and exports a variable. For details of the syntax and restrictions on the supported FFI types, read the ForeignFunctionInterface page. In this discussion it only matters that every FFI use is either an import or an export.

When exporting a symbol, MLton supports controlling the export scope. If the symbol should only be used within the same DSO, that symbol has ‘private’ scope. Conversely, if the symbol should also be available to other DSOs the symbol has ‘public’ scope. Generally, one should have as few public exports as possible. Since they are public, other DSOs will come to depend on them, limiting your ability to change them. You specify the export scope in MLton by putting private or public after the symbol’s name in an FFI directive. eg: _export "foo" private: int->int; or _export "bar" public: int->int; .

For technical reasons, the linker and loader on various platforms need to know the scope of a symbol being imported. If the symbol is exported by the same DSO, use public or private as appropriate. If the symbol is exported by a different DSO, then the scope ‘external’ should be used to import it. Within a DSO, all references to a symbol must use the same scope. MLton will check this at compile time, reporting: symbol "foo" redeclared as public (previously external). This may cause linker errors. However, MLton can only check usage within Standard ML. All objects being linked into a resulting DSO must agree, and it is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure this.

Summary of symbol scopes:

  • private: used for symbols exported within a DSO only for use within that DSO

  • public: used for symbols exported within a DSO that may also be used outside that DSO

  • external: used for importing symbols from another DSO

  • All uses of a symbol within a DSO (both imports and exports) must agree on the symbol scope

Output Formats

MLton can create executables (-format executable) and dynamic shared libraries (-format library). To link a shared library, use -link-opt -l<dso_name>. The default output format is executable.

MLton can also create archives. An archive is not a DSO, but it does have a collection of symbols. When an archive is linked into a DSO, it is completely absorbed. Other objects being compiled into the DSO should refer to the public symbols in the archive as public, since they are still in the same DSO. However, in the interest of modular programming, private symbols in an archive cannot be used outside of that archive, even within the same DSO.

Although both executables and libraries are DSOs, some implementation details differ on some platforms. For this reason, MLton can create two types or archives. A normal archive (-format archive) is appropriate for linking into an executable. Conversely, a libarchive (-format libarchive) should be used if it will be linked into a dynamic library.

When MLton does not create an executable, it creates two special symbols. The symbol libname_open is a function which must be called before any other symbols are accessed. The libname is controlled by the -libname compile option and defaults to the name of the output, with any prefixing lib stripped (eg: foofoo, libfoofoo). The symbol libname_close is a function which should be called to clean up memory once done.

Summary of -format options:

  • executable: create an executable (a DSO)

  • library: create a dynamic shared library (a DSO)

  • archive: create an archive of symbols (not a DSO) that can be linked into an executable

  • libarchive: create an archive of symbols (not a DSO) that can be linked into a library

Related options:

  • -libname x: controls the name of the special _open and _close functions.

Interfacing with C

MLton can generate a C header file. When the output format is not an executable, it creates one by default named libname.h. This can be overridden with -export-header foo.h. This header file should be included by any C files using the exported Standard ML symbols.

If C is being linked with Standard ML into the same output archive or DSO, then the C code should #define PART_OF_LIBNAME before it includes the header file. This ensures that the C code is using the symbols with correct scope. Any symbols exported from C should also be marked using the PRIVATE/PUBLIC/EXTERNAL macros defined in the Standard ML export header. The declared C scope on exported C symbols should match the import scope used in Standard ML.

An example:

#define PART_OF_FOO
#include "foo.h"

PUBLIC int cFoo() {
  return smlFoo();
val () = _export "smlFoo" private: unit -> int; (fn () => 5)
val cFoo = _import "cFoo" public: unit -> int;

Operating-system specific details

On Windows, libarchive and archive are the same. However, depending on this will lead to portability problems. Windows is also especially sensitive to mixups of ‘public’ and ‘external’. If an archive is linked, make sure it’s symbols are imported as public. If a DLL is linked, make sure it’s symbols are imported as external. Using external instead of public will result in link errors that impfoo is undefined. Using public instead of external will result in inconsistent function pointer addresses and failure to update the imported variables.

On Linux, libarchive and archive are different. Libarchives are quite rare, but necessary if creating a library from an archive. It is common for a library to provide both an archive and a dynamic library on this platform. The linker will pick one or the other, usually preferring the dynamic library. While a quirk of the operating system allows external import to work for both archives and libraries, portable projects should not depend on this behaviour. On other systems it can matter how the library is linked (static or dynamic).