[MLton-commit] r4202

Matthew Fluet MLton@mlton.org
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 16:24:57 -0800

Eliminated out of date comment; reordered fields

U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/runtime/gc/thread.h


Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/runtime/gc/thread.h
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/runtime/gc/thread.h	2005-11-12 00:24:09 UTC (rev 4201)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/runtime/gc/thread.h	2005-11-12 00:24:53 UTC (rev 4202)
@@ -10,15 +10,13 @@
   /* The order of these fields is important.  The nonpointer fields
    * must be first, because this object must appear to be a normal
    * heap object.
-   * Furthermore, the exnStack field must be first, because the native
-   * codegen depends on this (which is bad and should be fixed).
-  uint32_t exnStack;  /* An offset added to stackBottom that specifies 
-                       * where the top of the exnStack is.
-                       */
   size_t bytesNeeded; /* The number of bytes needed when returning
                        * to this thread.
+  uint32_t exnStack;  /* An offset added to stackBottom that specifies 
+                       * where the top of the exnStack is.
+                       */
   objptr stack;       /* The stack for this thread. */
 } *GC_thread;