[MLton-commit] r4364

Stephen Weeks MLton@mlton.org
Thu, 2 Mar 2006 12:14:17 -0800

Exported Timer.

Added Vector.size.

Added String.{concatV,exists,unfold}.

Used MLton.Word.rol to implement Word.rotateLeft.


U   mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/sources.cm
U   mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/string.sig
U   mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/string.sml
U   mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/vector.fun
U   mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/vector.sig
U   mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/word.sml
U   mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/sources.cm
U   mlton/trunk/lib/mlton-stubs/sources.cm
U   mlton/trunk/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/sources.cm


Modified: mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/sources.cm
--- mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/sources.cm	2006-03-02 19:55:59 UTC (rev 4363)
+++ mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/sources.cm	2006-03-02 20:14:16 UTC (rev 4364)
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@
 structure SysWord
 structure Thread
 structure Time
+structure Timer
 structure Trace
 structure Tree
 structure TwoListQueue

Modified: mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/string.sig
--- mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/string.sig	2006-03-02 19:55:59 UTC (rev 4363)
+++ mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/string.sig	2006-03-02 20:14:16 UTC (rev 4364)
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
       val baseName: t * t -> t
       val compare: t * t -> Relation.t
       val concat: t list -> t
+      val concatV: t vector -> t
       val concatWith: t list * t -> t
       val contains: t * char -> bool
       val deleteSurroundingWhitespace: t -> t
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@
       val escapeC: t -> t
       val escapeSML: t -> t
       val existsi: t * (int * char -> bool) -> bool
+      val exists: t * (char -> bool) -> bool
       val explode: t -> char list
       (* extract (s, i, SOME j)
        * returns the substring of s of length j starting at i.
@@ -103,6 +105,7 @@
       val toUpper: t -> t
       val tokens: t * (char -> bool) -> t list 
       val translate: t * (char -> t) -> t
+      val unfold: int * 'a * ('a -> char * 'a) -> t

Modified: mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/string.sml
--- mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/string.sml	2006-03-02 19:55:59 UTC (rev 4363)
+++ mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/string.sml	2006-03-02 20:14:16 UTC (rev 4364)
@@ -11,8 +11,49 @@
       open String1
+      fun unfold (n, a, f) =
+         let
+            val r = ref a
+         in
+            tabulate (n, fn _ =>
+                      let
+                         val (b, a) = f (!r)
+                         val () = r := a
+                      in
+                         b
+                      end)
+         end
+      fun concatV ss =
+         if 0 = Vector.length ss then
+            ""
+         else
+            let
+               fun str i =
+                  let
+                     val s = Vector.sub (ss, i)
+                  in
+                     (s, String.size s, i, 0)
+                  end
+            in
+               unfold
+               (Vector.fold (ss, 0, fn (s, n) => n + size s),
+                str 0, fn (s, n, i, j) =>
+                (String.sub (s, j),
+                 let
+                    val j = j + 1
+                 in
+                    if j = n then
+                       str (i + 1)
+                    else
+                       (s, n, i, j)
+                 end))
+            end
       fun existsi (s, f) = Int.exists (0, size s, fn i => f (i, sub (s, i)))
+      fun exists (s, f) = existsi (s, f o #2)
       fun keepAll (s: t, f: char -> bool): t =
          implode (List.rev
                   (fold (s, [], fn (c, ac) => if f c then c :: ac else ac)))

Modified: mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/vector.fun
--- mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/vector.fun	2006-03-02 19:55:59 UTC (rev 4363)
+++ mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/vector.fun	2006-03-02 20:14:16 UTC (rev 4364)
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 open S
+val size = length
 fun unfold (n, a, f) = unfoldi (n, a, f o #2)
 fun tabulate (n, f) = unfoldi (n, (), fn (i, ()) => (f i, ()))

Modified: mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/vector.sig
--- mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/vector.sig	2006-03-02 19:55:59 UTC (rev 4363)
+++ mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/vector.sig	2006-03-02 20:14:16 UTC (rev 4364)
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
       val removeDuplicates: 'a t * ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a t
       val removeFirst: 'a t * ('a -> bool) -> 'a t
       val rev: 'a t -> 'a t
+      val size: 'a t -> int
       val splitLast: 'a t -> 'a t * 'a
       val tabulate: int * (int -> 'a) -> 'a t
       val tabulator: int * (('a -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a t

Modified: mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/word.sml
--- mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/word.sml	2006-03-02 19:55:59 UTC (rev 4363)
+++ mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/word.sml	2006-03-02 20:14:16 UTC (rev 4364)
@@ -23,15 +23,7 @@
                  orb (w (2, 0w16), w (3, 0w24)))
-      local
-         val wordSize = fromInt wordSize
-      in
-         fun rotateLeft (w: t, n: t) =
-            let val l = n mod wordSize
-               val r = wordSize - l
-            in orb (<< (w, l), >> (w, r))
-            end
-      end
+      val rotateLeft = MLton.Word.rol
       val fromWord = fn x => x
       val toWord = fn x => x

Modified: mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/sources.cm
--- mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/sources.cm	2006-03-02 19:55:59 UTC (rev 4363)
+++ mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/sources.cm	2006-03-02 20:14:16 UTC (rev 4364)
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@
 structure SysWord
 structure Thread
 structure Time
+structure Timer
 structure Trace
 structure Tree
 structure TwoListQueue

Modified: mlton/trunk/lib/mlton-stubs/sources.cm
--- mlton/trunk/lib/mlton-stubs/sources.cm	2006-03-02 19:55:59 UTC (rev 4363)
+++ mlton/trunk/lib/mlton-stubs/sources.cm	2006-03-02 20:14:16 UTC (rev 4364)
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
 structure SysWord
 structure TextIO
 structure Time
+structure Timer
 structure Unix
 structure Unsafe
 structure Vector

Modified: mlton/trunk/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/sources.cm
--- mlton/trunk/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/sources.cm	2006-03-02 19:55:59 UTC (rev 4363)
+++ mlton/trunk/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/sources.cm	2006-03-02 20:14:16 UTC (rev 4364)
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
 structure SysWord
 structure TextIO
 structure Time
+structure Timer
 structure Unix
 structure Unsafe
 structure Vector