[MLton-commit] r4375
Matthew Fluet
Sat, 4 Mar 2006 10:39:11 -0800
Report exception history for debugging
A mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library.refactor/test/exn.sml
Added: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library.refactor/test/exn.sml
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library.refactor/test/exn.sml 2006-03-04 18:30:37 UTC (rev 4374)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library.refactor/test/exn.sml 2006-03-04 18:39:11 UTC (rev 4375)
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+structure COld =
+ struct
+ open Int
+ fun makeLength (sub, term) p =
+ let
+ fun loop i =
+ if term (sub (p, i))
+ then i
+ else loop (i +? 1)
+ in loop 0
+ end
+ fun toArrayOfLength (s: 'a,
+ sub: 'a * int -> 'b,
+ n: int) : 'b array =
+ let
+ val a = Primitive.Array.arrayUnsafe n
+ fun loop i =
+ if i >= n
+ then ()
+ else (Array.update (a, i, sub (s, i))
+ ; loop (i + 1))
+ in loop 0;
+ a
+ end
+ structure CS =
+ struct
+ type t = Primitive.MLton.Pointer.t
+ fun sub (cs, i) =
+ Primitive.Char8.fromWord8Unsafe (Primitive.MLton.Pointer.getWord8 (cs, i))
+ fun update (cs, i, c) =
+ Primitive.MLton.Pointer.setWord8 (cs, i, Primitive.Char8.toWord8Unsafe c)
+ fun toCharArrayOfLength (cs, n) = toArrayOfLength (cs, sub, n)
+ fun toStringOfLength cs =
+ String.fromArray (CharArray.fromPoly (toCharArrayOfLength cs))
+ val length = makeLength (sub, fn #"\000" => true | _ => false)
+ fun toString cs = toStringOfLength (cs, length cs)
+ end
+ end
+structure MLtonCallStack =
+ struct
+ open Primitive.MLton.CallStack
+ val gcState = Primitive.MLton.GCState.gcState
+ structure Pointer = Primitive.MLton.Pointer
+ val current: unit -> t =
+ fn () =>
+ if not keep
+ then T (Array.array (0, 0w0))
+ else
+ let
+ val a = Array.array (Word32.toInt (numStackFrames gcState), 0w0)
+ val () = callStack (gcState, a)
+ in
+ T a
+ end
+ val toStrings: t -> string list =
+ fn T a =>
+ if not keep
+ then []
+ else
+ let
+ val skip = Array.length a - 2
+ in
+ Array.foldri
+ (fn (i, frameIndex, ac) =>
+ if i >= skip
+ then ac
+ else
+ let
+ val p = frameIndexSourceSeq (gcState, frameIndex)
+ val max = Pointer.getInt32 (p, 0)
+ fun loop (j, ac) =
+ if j > max
+ then ac
+ else loop (j + 1,
+ COld.CS.toString (sourceName
+ (gcState, Pointer.getWord32 (p, j)))
+ :: ac)
+ in
+ loop (1, ac)
+ end)
+ [] a
+ end
+ end
+structure MLtonExn =
+ struct
+ open Primitive.MLton.Exn
+ type t = exn
+ val addExnMessager = General.addExnMessager
+ val history: t -> string list =
+ if keepHistory then
+ (setInitExtra (NONE: extra)
+ ; setExtendExtra (fn e =>
+ case e of
+ NONE => SOME (MLtonCallStack.current ())
+ | SOME _ => e)
+ ; (fn e =>
+ case extra e of
+ NONE => []
+ | SOME cs =>
+ let
+ (* Gets rid of the anonymous function passed to
+ * setExtendExtra above.
+ *)
+ fun loop xs =
+ case xs of
+ [] => []
+ | x :: xs =>
+ if String.isPrefix "MLtonExn.fn " x then
+ xs
+ else
+ loop xs
+ in
+ loop (MLtonCallStack.toStrings cs)
+ end))
+ else fn _ => []
+ local
+ val message = PrimitiveFFI.Stdio.print
+ in
+ fun 'a topLevelHandler (exn: exn): 'a =
+ (message (concat ["unhandled exception: ", exnMessage exn, "\n"])
+ ; (case history exn of
+ [] => ()
+ | l =>
+ (message "with history:\n"
+ ; (List.app (fn s => message (concat ["\t", s, "\n"]))
+ l)))
+ ; Primitive.MLton.bug (Primitive.NullString8.fromString
+ "unhandled exception in Basis Library\000")
+ ; raise Fail "bug")
+ handle _ => (message "Toplevel handler raised exception.\n"
+ ; Primitive.MLton.bug (Primitive.NullString8.fromString
+ "unhandled exception in Basis Library\000")
+ (* The following raise is unreachable, but must be there
+ * so that the expression is of type 'a.
+ *)
+ ; raise Fail "bug")
+ end
+ end
+val _ =
+ Primitive.TopLevel.setHandler MLtonExn.topLevelHandler