[MLton-commit] r5820

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Sun Aug 5 02:25:08 PDT 2007

Split TypeInfo into TypeInfo and DataRecInfo.  This allows one to avoid
the more costly datatype recursion analysis when it isn't needed.


U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/unsealed.cm
A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/data-rec-info.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/type-info.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/lib.mlb
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/export.sml
A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/data-rec-info.sig
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/type-info.sig


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/unsealed.cm
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/unsealed.cm	2007-08-05 09:21:33 UTC (rev 5819)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/unsealed.cm	2007-08-05 09:25:07 UTC (rev 5820)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+   ../../../public/value/data-rec-info.sig
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@
+   ../../value/data-rec-info.sml

Copied: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/data-rec-info.sml (from rev 5784, mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/type-info.sml)
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/type-info.sml	2007-07-20 21:36:00 UTC (rev 5784)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/data-rec-info.sml	2007-08-05 09:25:07 UTC (rev 5820)
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security, Helsinki, Finland
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+functor WithDataRecInfo (Arg : OPEN_GENERIC) : DATA_REC_INFO_GENERIC = struct
+   (* <-- SML/NJ workaround *)
+   open TopLevel
+   infix  2 andAlso
+   infix  1 orElse
+   (* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
+   type recs = Unit.t Ref.t List.t
+   fun rem x : recs UnOp.t =
+    fn []  => []
+     | [y] => if x = y then [] else [y]
+     | ys  => List.filter (notEq x) ys
+   val merge : recs BinOp.t =
+    fn ([], ys)   => ys
+     | (xs, [])   => xs
+     | ([x], [y]) => if x = y then [x] else [x, y]
+     | (xs, ys)   =>
+       foldl (fn (x, ys) => if List.exists (eq x) ys then ys else x::ys) ys xs
+   datatype t = INT of {exn : Bool.t, recs : recs, pure : Bool.t}
+   datatype s = INS of {exn : Bool.t, recs : recs}
+   datatype p = INP of {exn : Bool.t, recs : recs}
+   val base = INT {exn = false, pure = true, recs = []}
+   fun pure (INT {exn, recs, ...}) = INT {exn = exn, pure = true, recs = recs}
+   fun mutable (INT {exn, recs, ...}) =
+       INT {exn = exn, pure = false, recs = recs}
+   structure DataRecInfo =
+      LayerGenericRep
+        (structure Outer = Arg.Rep
+         structure Closed = struct
+            type  'a      t = t
+            type  'a      s = s
+            type ('a, 'k) p = p
+         end)
+   open DataRecInfo.This
+   fun outT (INT r) = r
+   fun mayContainExn ? = (#exn o outT o getT) ?
+   fun mayBeRecData  ? = (not o null o #recs o outT o getT) ?
+   fun isMutableType ? = (not o #pure o outT o getT) ?
+   fun mayBeCyclic   ? =
+       (isMutableType andAlso (mayContainExn orElse mayBeRecData)) ?
+   structure Layered = LayerGeneric
+     (structure Outer=Arg and Result=DataRecInfo and Rep=DataRecInfo.Closed
+      val iso        = const
+      val isoProduct = const
+      val isoSum     = const
+      fun op *` (INP l, INP r) =
+          INP {exn  = #exn l orelse #exn r, recs = merge (#recs l, #recs r)}
+      fun T (INT {exn, recs, ...}) = INP {exn = exn, recs = recs}
+      fun R _ = T
+      fun tuple (INP {exn, recs, ...}) =
+          INT {exn = exn, pure = true, recs = recs}
+      val record = tuple
+      fun op +` (INS l, INS r) =
+          INS {exn  = #exn l orelse #exn r, recs = merge (#recs l, #recs r)}
+      val unit = base
+      fun C0 _ = INS {exn = false, recs = []}
+      fun C1 _ (INT {exn, recs, ...}) = INS {exn = exn, recs = recs}
+      fun data (INS {exn, recs, ...}) =
+          INT {exn = exn, pure = true, recs = recs}
+      fun Y ? =
+          Tie.pure
+             (fn () => let
+                    val me = ref ()
+                 in
+                    (INT {exn = false, pure = true, recs = [me]},
+                     fn INT {exn, pure, recs} =>
+                        INT {exn = exn, pure = pure, recs = rem me recs})
+                 end) ?
+      fun op --> _ = base
+      val exn = INT {exn = true, pure = true, recs = []}
+      fun regExn _ _ = ()
+      val array = mutable
+      val refc  = mutable
+      val vector = pure
+      val list   = pure
+      val largeInt  = base
+      val largeReal = base
+      val largeWord = base
+      val bool   = base
+      val char   = base
+      val int    = base
+      val real   = base
+      val string = base
+      val word   = base
+      val word8  = base
+      val word32 = base
+      val word64 = base)
+   open Layered

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/type-info.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/type-info.sml	2007-08-05 09:21:33 UTC (rev 5819)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/type-info.sml	2007-08-05 09:25:07 UTC (rev 5820)
@@ -7,28 +7,15 @@
 functor WithTypeInfo (Arg : OPEN_GENERIC) : TYPE_INFO_GENERIC = struct
    (* <-- SML/NJ workaround *)
    open TopLevel
-   infix  2 andAlso
-   infix  1 orElse
    (* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
-   type recs = Unit.t Ref.t List.t
+   datatype t = INT of {base : Bool.t}
+   datatype s = INS of {base : Bool.t, alts : Int.t}
+   datatype p = INP of {base : Bool.t, elems : Int.t}
-   fun rem x : recs UnOp.t =
-    fn []  => []
-     | [y] => if x = y then [] else [y]
-     | ys  => List.filter (notEq x) ys
+   val base = INT {base = true}
+   fun pure (INT {...}) = INT {base = true}
-   val merge : recs BinOp.t =
-    fn ([], ys)   => ys
-     | (xs, [])   => xs
-     | ([x], [y]) => if x = y then [x] else [x, y]
-     | (xs, ys)   =>
-       foldl (fn (x, ys) => if List.exists (eq x) ys then ys else x::ys) ys xs
-   datatype t = INT of {base : Bool.t, exn : Bool.t, recs : recs, pure : Bool.t}
-   datatype s = INS of {base : Bool.t, exn : Bool.t, recs : recs, alts : Int.t}
-   datatype p = INP of {base : Bool.t, exn : Bool.t, recs : recs, elems : Int.t}
    structure TypeInfo =
         (structure Outer = Arg.Rep
@@ -40,15 +27,9 @@
    open TypeInfo.This
-   fun outT (INT r) = r
    fun outS (INS r) = r
    fun outP (INP r) = r
-   fun hasExn       ? = (#exn o outT o getT) ?
-   fun hasRecData   ? = (not o null o #recs o outT o getT) ?
-   fun isRefOrArray ? = (not o #pure o outT o getT) ?
-   fun canBeCyclic  ? = (isRefOrArray andAlso (hasExn orElse hasRecData)) ?
    fun hasBaseCase  ? = (#base o outS o getS) ?
    fun numAlts      ? = (#alts o outS o getS) ?
@@ -57,57 +38,33 @@
    structure Layered = LayerGeneric
      (structure Outer = Arg and Result = TypeInfo and Rep = TypeInfo.Closed
-      val base = INT {base = true, exn = false, pure = true, recs = []}
-      fun pure (INT {exn, recs, ...}) =
-          INT {base = true, exn = exn, pure = true, recs = recs}
       val iso        = const
       val isoProduct = const
       val isoSum     = const
       fun op *` (INP l, INP r) =
-          INP {base  = #base l andalso #base r,
-               elems = #elems l + #elems r,
-               exn   = #exn l orelse #exn r,
-               recs  = merge (#recs l, #recs r)}
-      fun T (INT {base, exn, recs, ...}) =
-          INP {base = base, elems = 1, exn = exn, recs = recs}
+          INP {base  = #base l andalso #base r, elems = #elems l + #elems r}
+      fun T (INT {base, ...}) = INP {base = base, elems = 1}
       fun R _ = T
-      fun tuple (INP {base, exn, recs, ...}) =
-          INT {base = base, exn = exn, pure = true, recs = recs}
+      fun tuple (INP {base, ...}) = INT {base = base}
       val record = tuple
       fun op +` (INS l, INS r) =
-          INS {alts = #alts l + #alts r,
-               base = #base l orelse #base r,
-               exn  = #exn l orelse #exn r,
-               recs = merge (#recs l, #recs r)}
+          INS {alts = #alts l + #alts r, base = #base l orelse #base r}
       val unit = base
-      fun C0 _ = INS {alts = 1, base = true, exn = false, recs = []}
-      fun C1 _ (INT {base, exn, recs, ...}) =
-          INS {alts = 1, base = base, exn = exn, recs = recs}
-      fun data (INS {base, exn, recs, ...}) =
-          INT {base = base, exn = exn, pure = true, recs = recs}
+      fun C0 _ = INS {alts = 1, base = true}
+      fun C1 _ (INT {base, ...}) = INS {alts = 1, base = base}
+      fun data (INS {base, ...}) = INT {base = base}
-      fun Y ? =
-          Tie.pure
-             (fn () => let
-                    val me = ref ()
-                 in
-                    (INT {base=false, exn=false, pure=true, recs=[me]},
-                     fn INT {base, exn, pure, recs} =>
-                        INT {base=base, exn=exn, pure=pure, recs=rem me recs})
-                 end) ?
+      fun Y ? = Tie.pure (fn () => (INT {base = false}, id)) ?
       fun op --> _ = base
-      val exn = INT {base = true, exn = true, pure = true, recs = []}
+      val exn = INT {base = true}
       fun regExn _ _ = ()
-      fun array (INT {exn, recs, ...}) =
-          INT {base = true, exn = exn, pure = false, recs = recs}
-      fun refc (INT {base, exn, recs, ...}) =
-          INT {base = base, exn = exn, pure = false, recs = recs}
+      fun array (INT {...}) = INT {base = true}
+      fun refc (INT {base, ...}) = INT {base = base}
       val vector = pure
       val list   = pure

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/lib.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/lib.mlb	2007-08-05 09:21:33 UTC (rev 5819)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/lib.mlb	2007-08-05 09:25:07 UTC (rev 5820)
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@
+         public/value/data-rec-info.sig
+         detail/value/data-rec-info.sml

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/export.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/export.sml	2007-08-05 09:21:33 UTC (rev 5819)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/export.sml	2007-08-05 09:25:07 UTC (rev 5820)
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
 signature DYNAMIC = DYNAMIC
@@ -137,6 +140,9 @@
 functor WithArbitrary (Arg : WITH_ARBITRARY_DOM) : ARBITRARY_GENERIC =
    WithArbitrary (Arg)
+functor WithDataRecInfo (Arg : OPEN_GENERIC) : DATA_REC_INFO_GENERIC =
+   WithDataRecInfo (Arg)
 functor WithDynamic (Arg : OPEN_GENERIC) : DYNAMIC_GENERIC = WithDynamic (Arg)
 functor WithEq (Arg : OPEN_GENERIC) : EQ_GENERIC = WithEq (Arg)

Copied: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/data-rec-info.sig (from rev 5753, mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/type-info.sig)
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/type-info.sig	2007-07-10 07:39:05 UTC (rev 5753)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/data-rec-info.sig	2007-08-05 09:25:07 UTC (rev 5820)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security, Helsinki, Finland
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+ * Signature for a generic datatype recursion analysis.
+ *
+ * In Standard ML, cyclic data structures, ignoring closures, can only be
+ * implemented through mutable types, references and arrays.  Furthermore,
+ * a mutable type can only be used to form cycles if it is a part of a
+ * strongly connected component containing a recursive datatype or
+ * contains an exception.  This makes it possible to compute a simple
+ * conservative approximation as to whether a given mutable type can be
+ * part of cycle.
+ *
+ * These type properties can be useful for both optimizations and for
+ * ensuring correctness.  As an optimization one could, for example,
+ * determine whether one needs to handle cyclic values (which can be
+ * costly) or not.
+ *
+ * This generic value is unlikely to be directly useful in application
+ * programs and is more likely to be used internally in the implementation
+ * of some other generics (e.g. pickling).
+ *)
+signature DATA_REC_INFO = sig
+   structure DataRecInfo : OPEN_GENERIC_REP
+   val mayBeCyclic : ('a, 'x) DataRecInfo.t UnPr.t
+   (**
+    * Returns true if {'a} is a mutable type and may be part of a
+    * recursive datatype or contain exceptions.  This means that values of
+    * the type can form cycles.
+    *)
+   val mayContainExn : ('a, 'x) DataRecInfo.t UnPr.t
+   (**
+    * Returns true if a value of the type {'a} may contain exception
+    * values.  Arrow types are not considered to contain exception values.
+    *)
+   val mayBeRecData : ('a, 'x) DataRecInfo.t UnPr.t
+   (**
+    * Returns true if a value of type {'a} may be part of a recursive
+    * datatype.  Exceptions are not considered to be a recursive datatype
+    * and arrow types are not considered to be part of recursive
+    * datatypes.
+    *)
+   val isMutableType : ('a, 'x) DataRecInfo.t UnPr.t
+   (**
+    * Returns true iff the type {'a} is of the form {'b Array.t} or of the
+    * form {'b Ref.t}.
+    *)
+signature DATA_REC_INFO_GENERIC = sig
+   sharing Rep = DataRecInfo

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/type-info.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/type-info.sig	2007-08-05 09:21:33 UTC (rev 5819)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/type-info.sig	2007-08-05 09:25:07 UTC (rev 5820)
@@ -8,44 +8,18 @@
  * Signature for generic type properties.
  * These type properties can be useful for both optimizations and for
- * ensuring correctness.  As an optimization one could, for example,
- * determine whether one needs to handle cyclic values (which can be
- * costly) or not.  As a correctness issue, one can avoid generating
- * infinite data structures or avoid performing non-terminating operations
- * on infinite data structures.
+ * ensuring correctness.  Using {numAlts} and {numElems} one can balance
+ * resources across sums and products.  Using {hasBaseCase}, one can avoid
+ * generating infinite data structures or avoid performing non-terminating
+ * operations on infinite data structures.
  * This generic value is unlikely to be directly useful in application
  * programs and is more likely to be used internally in the implementation
- * of some other generics (e.g. pickling).
+ * of some other generics (e.g. hashing).
 signature TYPE_INFO = sig
    structure TypeInfo : OPEN_GENERIC_REP
-   (** == Types == *)
-   val canBeCyclic : ('a, 'x) TypeInfo.t UnPr.t
-   (**
-    * Returns true iff {'a} is of the form {'b ref} or {'b array} and
-    * it can not be ruled out that values of the type can form cycles.
-    *
-    * Note: Functions are not considered to form cycles.
-    *)
-   val hasExn : ('a, 'x) TypeInfo.t UnPr.t
-   (** Returns true iff the type {'a} contains the type {exn}. *)
-   val hasRecData : ('a, 'x) TypeInfo.t UnPr.t
-   (**
-    * Returns true iff the type {'a} contains recursive references to
-    * datatypes.
-    *)
-   val isRefOrArray : ('a, 'x) TypeInfo.t UnPr.t
-   (**
-    * Returns true iff the type {'a} is of the form {'b array} or of
-    * the form {'b ref}.
-    *)
    (** == Sums == *)
    val hasBaseCase : ('a, 'x) TypeInfo.s UnPr.t

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