[MLton-commit] r5849

Matthew Fluet fluet at mlton.org
Sun Aug 12 17:07:28 PDT 2007

Importing wiki tool from old cvs repository

A   tools/wiki/
A   tools/wiki/.ignore
A   tools/wiki/Makefile
A   tools/wiki/README
A   tools/wiki/TODO
A   tools/wiki/main.sml
A   tools/wiki/wiki.mlb


Added: tools/wiki/.ignore
--- tools/wiki/.ignore	2007-08-12 23:59:22 UTC (rev 5848)
+++ tools/wiki/.ignore	2007-08-13 00:07:28 UTC (rev 5849)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

Added: tools/wiki/Makefile
--- tools/wiki/Makefile	2007-08-12 23:59:22 UTC (rev 5848)
+++ tools/wiki/Makefile	2007-08-13 00:07:28 UTC (rev 5849)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+all: wiki
+wiki: $(shell mlton -stop f wiki.mlb)
+	mlton wiki.mlb

Added: tools/wiki/README
--- tools/wiki/README	2007-08-12 23:59:22 UTC (rev 5848)
+++ tools/wiki/README	2007-08-13 00:07:28 UTC (rev 5849)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+wiki login http://mlton.org StephenWeeks <my password>
+wiki checkout <file> ...                # checkout specific files
+wiki checkout -depth 1 <file>                # checkout all files reachable
+                                        # in 1 step
+... edit files ...
+wiki update <file> ...                        # update specific files
+wiki update                                # update all files
+... edit files ...
+wiki commit <file>                        # commit specific files 
+wiki commit                                # commit all changed files
+wiki logout

Added: tools/wiki/TODO
--- tools/wiki/TODO	2007-08-12 23:59:22 UTC (rev 5848)
+++ tools/wiki/TODO	2007-08-13 00:07:28 UTC (rev 5849)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+wiki attach ls <file>
+wiki diff
+use keepalives
+make work with SSL
+handle renames better
+should attach/detach change the "Last edited ..." footer? 
+Currently does not, which seems to be consistent with what happens
+when attach/detach through a browser.

Added: tools/wiki/main.sml
--- tools/wiki/main.sml	2007-08-12 23:59:22 UTC (rev 5848)
+++ tools/wiki/main.sml	2007-08-13 00:07:28 UTC (rev 5849)
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+   open Http
+   structure Header = Header
+   structure Post = Post
+   structure Response = Response
+   structure Status = Status
+   open Regexp
+   structure Match = Match
+   open Url
+   structure Scheme = Scheme
+fun makeOptions {usage = _} =
+   []
+val {parse, usage} =
+   Popt.makeUsage
+   {mainUsage = "wiki <action> <arg> ...\n\
+    \\tadd <file>+\n\
+    \\tattach <file> <attachment>+\n\
+    \\tcheckout <file>+\n\
+    \\tcommit <file>*\n\
+    \\tdetach <file> <attachment>+\n\
+    \\tlogin <url> <username> <password>\n\
+    \\tlogout\n\
+    \\trename <file> <file>\n\
+    \\tremove <file>+\n\
+    \\tupdate <file>*",
+    makeOptions = makeOptions,
+    showExpert = fn () => false}
+val usage = fn m => (usage m; raise Fail "bug")
+fun printl ss = (print (concat ss); print "\n")
+val debug = false
+fun debugMessage ss = if debug then printl ss else ()
+val wasError = ref false
+fun error ss = (printl ss; wasError := true)
+fun warn ss = printl ss
+val wikiDir = ".wiki/"
+val origDir = concat [wikiDir, "orig/"]
+val () = List.foreach ([wikiDir, origDir], fn d =>
+                       if Dir.doesExist d then () else Dir.make d)
+val cookieFile = concat [wikiDir, "cookie"]
+val urlFile = concat [wikiDir, "url"]
+val amLoggedIn = File.doesExist cookieFile
+val url =
+   Promise.lazy (fn () =>
+                 if File.doesExist urlFile
+                    then File.contents urlFile
+                 else Error.bug "not logged in")
+fun origFile f = concat [origDir, f]
+   val reg =
+      Promise.lazy
+      (fn () =>
+       let
+          open Regexp
+          val msg = Save.new ()
+          val r =
+             compileDFA
+             (seq [string "<div id=\"message\">",
+                   spaces,
+                   string "<p>", save (anys, msg), string "</p>",
+                   anys, string "Clear message"])
+       in
+          (msg, r)
+       end)
+   fun extractMessageOpt (s: string): string option =
+      let
+         val (msg, r) = reg ()
+      in
+         Option.map
+         (Regexp.Compiled.findShort (r, s, 0), fn m =>
+          Substring.toString (Match.lookup (m, msg)))
+      end
+   fun extractMessage s =
+      case extractMessageOpt s of
+         NONE => (print s
+                  ; Error.bug "unable to extract message")
+       | SOME m => m
+fun fetch (url, post): {headers: Header.t list,
+                        result: string} =
+   let
+      val () = debugMessage ["fetch: ", Url.toString url]
+      val headers = [Header.UserAgent "wiki sweeks at sweeks.com"]
+      val headers =
+         if amLoggedIn
+            then Header.Cookie (File.contents cookieFile) :: headers
+         else headers
+      val ins =
+         Http.fetch {head = false,
+                     headers = headers,
+                     post = post,
+                     proxy = NONE,
+                     url = url}
+   in
+      case Response.input ins of
+         Result.No msg =>
+            Error.bug (concat ["invalid http response: ", msg])
+       | Result.Yes (Response.T {headers, status, ...}) =>
+            case status of
+               Status.OK =>
+                  let
+                     val () =
+                        if debug
+                           then List.foreach (headers, fn h =>
+                                              printl [Header.toString h])
+                        else ()
+                     val result = In.withClose (ins, In.inputAll)
+                  in
+                     {headers = headers,
+                      result = result}
+                  end
+             | _ => Error.bug (concat ["http response: ", Status.reason status])
+   end
+fun fileUrl (file: string): Url.t =
+   case Url.fromString (concat [url (), file]) of
+      NONE => usage "invalid url"
+    | SOME url => url
+fun fetchRaw (file: string): string =
+   #result (fetch (Url.addQuery (fileUrl file, "action=raw"), NONE))
+val fetchRaw = String.memoize fetchRaw
+fun origExists file = File.doesExist (origFile file)
+fun remoteExists file = "" <> fetchRaw file
+fun locallyModified file =
+   not (File.sameContents (file, origFile file))
+fun remotelyModified file =
+   fetchRaw file <> File.contents (origFile file)
+structure Condition =
+   struct
+      datatype t =
+         Exists
+       | NotModified
+       | OrigExists
+       | RemoteExists
+      fun disprove (c: t, file: string): string option =
+         let
+            val (test, expl) =
+               case c of
+                  Exists => (File.doesExist file, "does not exist.")
+                | NotModified =>
+                     (File.sameContents (file, origFile file),
+                      "has been modified.")
+                | OrigExists => (origExists file, "is not locally in the wiki.")
+                | RemoteExists =>
+                     (remoteExists file, "does not exist on server.")
+         in
+            if test then NONE else SOME (concat [file, " ", expl])
+         end
+   end
+datatype z = datatype Condition.t
+fun ensure (f: string, c: Condition.t list, continue: unit -> unit): unit =
+   case List.peekMap (c, fn c => Condition.disprove (c, f)) of
+      NONE => continue ()
+    | SOME s => printl [s]
+   val reg =
+      Promise.lazy
+      (fn () =>
+       let
+          open Regexp
+          val page = Save.new ()
+          val r =
+             compileDFA (seq [string "<a href=", dquote, string "/",
+                              save (star (isChar
+                                          (fn c =>
+                                           case c of
+                                              #"?" => false
+                                            | #"\"" => false
+                                            | _ => true)),
+                                    page),
+                              dquote])
+       in
+          (page, r)
+       end)
+   fun links (file: string): string list =
+      let
+         val html = #result (fetch (fileUrl file, NONE))
+         val (page, r) = reg ()
+         fun loop (start, ac) =
+            case Regexp.Compiled.findShort (r, html, start) of
+               NONE => rev ac
+             | SOME m =>
+                  let
+                     val ss = Match.lookup (m, page)
+                     val link = Substring.toString ss
+                     val ac =
+                        if String.hasSubstring (link,
+                                                {substring = "attachments"})
+                           then ac
+                        else link :: ac
+                  in
+                     loop (Substring.endOf ss, ac)
+                  end
+      in
+         case String.findSubstring (html, {substring = "<body"}) of
+            NONE => Error.bug "couldn't find body"
+          | SOME i => loop (i, [])
+      end
+fun updateOne (file: string): unit =
+   let
+      fun doit () =
+         (printl ["U ", file]
+          ; File.withOut (file, fn out => Out.output (out, fetchRaw file))
+          ; File.copy (file, origFile file))
+   in
+      case (File.doesExist file, origExists file, remoteExists file) of
+         (false, false, false) => error ["I know nothing about ", file, "."]
+       | (false, false, true) => doit ()
+       | (false, true, false) => (File.copy (origFile file, file)
+                                  ; printl ["A ", file])
+       | (false, true, true) => doit ()
+       | (true, false, _) => printl ["? ", file]
+       | (true, true, false) => printl ["A ", file]
+       | (true, true, true) =>
+            case (locallyModified file, remotelyModified file) of
+               (false, false) => ()
+             | (false, true) => doit ()
+             | (true, false) => printl ["M ", file]
+             | (true, true) =>
+                  if fetchRaw file = File.contents file
+                     then File.copy (file, origFile file)
+                  else
+                     (File.withOut (concat [file, ".remote"], fn out =>
+                                    Out.output (out, fetchRaw file))
+                      ; printl ["C ", file])
+   end
+fun commitOne file =
+   ensure
+   (file, [Exists, OrigExists], fn () =>
+    if not (locallyModified file)
+       then warn ["Skipped ", file, " because it is unchanged."]
+    else
+       let
+          val url = fileUrl file
+          val {result = edit, ...} =
+             fetch (Url.addQuery (url, "action=edit"), NONE)
+          fun doit () =
+             if remoteExists file andalso remotelyModified file
+                then error ["Skipped ", file, " because it is in conflict."]
+             else
+                let
+                   val datestamp =
+                      let
+                         open Regexp
+                         val ds = Save.new ()
+                         val mo =
+                            Compiled.findShort
+                            (compileNFA
+                             (seq [string "name=\"datestamp\" value=\"",
+                                   save (digits, ds),
+                                   dquote]),
+                             edit, 0)
+                      in
+                         case mo of
+                            NONE => Error.bug "no datestamp"
+                          | SOME m => Substring.toString (Match.lookup (m, ds))
+                      end
+                   val () = debugMessage ["datestamp is ", datestamp]
+                   val post =
+                      Post.T
+                      {encoding = Post.Encoding.Url,
+                       fields =
+                       let
+                          val string = Post.Value.string
+                       in
+                          [{name = "action", value = string "savepage"},
+                           {name = "button_save", value = string "Save Changes"},
+                           {name = "datestamp", value = string datestamp},
+                           {name = "savetext", value = Post.Value.file file}]
+                       end}
+                   val {result, ...} = fetch (url, SOME post)
+                   val message = extractMessage result
+                in
+                   if String.hasPrefix
+                      (message, {prefix = "Thank you for your changes."})
+                      then (File.copy (file, origFile file)
+                            ; warn ["Committed ", file, "."])
+                   else (error ["Skipped ", file, ".  ", message])
+                end
+       in
+          case extractMessageOpt edit of
+             NONE => doit ()
+           | SOME m =>
+                if String.hasSubstring (m, {substring = "not allowed"})
+                   then error [m]
+                else doit ()
+       end)
+fun foreachWikiFile (command: string -> unit): unit =
+   List.foreach
+   (Dir.lsFiles (Dir.current ()), fn f =>
+    if origExists f
+       then command f
+    else ())
+fun addOne file =
+   ensure
+   (file, [Exists], fn () =>
+    if origExists file
+       then warn ["Skipping ", file, " because it has already been added."]
+    else File.withOut (origFile file, fn _ => ()))
+fun add args =
+   if List.isEmpty args
+      then usage "wiki add <file> ..."
+   else List.foreach (args, addOne)
+fun attach args =
+   let
+      fun bad () = usage "wiki attach <file> <attachment> ..."
+   in
+      case args of
+         [] => bad ()
+       | file :: attachments =>
+            if List.isEmpty attachments
+               then bad ()
+            else
+               ensure
+               (file, [RemoteExists], fn () =>
+                let
+                   val url = fileUrl file
+                in
+                   List.foreach
+                   (attachments, fn attachment =>
+                    let
+                       val string = Post.Value.string
+                       val fields =
+                          [{name = "action", value = string "AttachFile"},
+                           {name = "file", value = Post.Value.file attachment},
+                           {name = "do", value = string "upload"}]
+                       val {result, ...} =
+                          fetch (url,
+                                 SOME (Post.T {encoding = Post.Encoding.Multipart,
+                                               fields = fields}))
+                       val message = extractMessage result
+                    in
+                       if String.hasSuffix (message, {suffix = "saved."})
+                          then (warn ["Attached ", attachment, " to ", file, "."])
+                       else error [message]
+                    end)
+                end)
+   end
+fun detach args =
+   let
+      fun bad () = usage "wiki detach <file> <attachment> ..."
+   in
+      case args of
+         [] => bad ()
+       | file :: attachments =>
+            if List.isEmpty attachments
+               then bad ()
+            else
+               ensure
+               (file, [RemoteExists], fn () =>
+                let
+                   val url = fileUrl file
+                in
+                   List.foreach
+                   (attachments, fn attachment =>
+                    let
+                       val string = Post.Value.string
+                       val fields =
+                          [{name = "action", value = string "AttachFile"},
+                           {name = "do", value = string "del"},
+                           {name = "target", value = string attachment}]
+                       val {result, ...} =
+                          fetch (url,
+                                 SOME (Post.T {encoding = Post.Encoding.Multipart,
+                                               fields = fields}))
+                       val message = extractMessage result
+                    in
+                       if String.hasSuffix (message, {suffix = "deleted."})
+                          then (warn ["Detached ", attachment, " from ", file, "."])
+                       else error [message]
+                    end)
+                end)
+   end
+fun checkout args =
+   let
+      val depth = ref 0
+      open Popt
+      fun makeOptions {usage = _} =
+         List.map
+         ([(Normal, "depth", " <n>", " recursion depth",
+            Int (fn i => depth := i))],
+          fn (style, name, arg, desc, opt) =>
+          {arg = arg, desc = desc, name = name, opt = opt, style = style})
+      val {parse, usage} =
+         makeUsage {mainUsage = "wiki checkout [options] <file> ...",
+                    makeOptions = makeOptions,
+                    showExpert = fn () => false}
+   in
+      case parse args of
+         Result.No msg => usage msg
+       | Result.Yes rest => 
+            if List.isEmpty rest
+               then usage "must supply a file"
+            else
+               let
+                  val depth = !depth
+                  val seen = String.memoize (fn _ => ref false)
+                  fun maybeAdd (q, files, depth) =
+                     List.fold
+                     (files, q, fn (f, q) =>
+                      let
+                         val r = seen f
+                      in
+                         if !r
+                            then q
+                         else (r := true; Queue.enque (q, (f, depth)))
+                      end)
+                  fun loop todo =
+                     case Queue.deque todo of
+                        NONE => ()
+                      | SOME (todo, (file, depth)) =>
+                           let
+                              val () = updateOne file
+                           in
+                              loop (if 0 = depth
+                                       then todo
+                                    else maybeAdd (todo, links file, depth - 1))
+                           end
+               in
+                  loop (maybeAdd (Queue.empty (), rest, depth))
+               end
+   end
+fun ensureLoggedIn (f: unit -> unit): unit =
+   if amLoggedIn
+      then f ()
+   else error ["You are not logged in."]
+fun commit args =
+   ensureLoggedIn
+   (fn () =>
+    if List.isEmpty args
+       then foreachWikiFile commitOne
+    else List.foreach (args, commitOne))
+fun login (args: string list): unit =
+   case args of
+      [url, user, password] =>
+         let
+            val url =
+               if #"/" = String.last url then url else String.concat [url, "/"]
+         in
+            case Url.fromString url of
+               NONE => usage "invalid url"
+             | SOME url =>
+                  let
+                     val () =
+                        if amLoggedIn
+                           then Error.bug "You are already logged in."
+                        else ()
+                     val post =
+                        Post.T
+                        {encoding = Post.Encoding.Url,
+                         fields =
+                         let
+                            val string = Post.Value.string
+                         in
+                            [{name = "action", value = string "userform"},
+                             {name = "login", value = string "Login"},
+                             {name = "password", value = string password},
+                             {name = "username", value = string user}]
+                         end}
+                     val {headers, result} = fetch (url, SOME post)
+                  in
+                     case List.peek (headers, fn h =>
+                                     case h of
+                                        Header.Extension {name, ...} =>
+                                           name = "set-cookie"
+                                      | _ => false) of
+                        SOME (Header.Extension {value, ...}) =>
+                           (case String.fields (value, fn c => c = #";") of
+                               [cookie, _, _] =>
+                                  (File.withOut (cookieFile, fn out =>
+                                                 Out.output (out, cookie))
+                                   ; File.withOut (urlFile, fn out =>
+                                                   Out.output (out, Url.toString url)))
+                             | _ => Error.bug "server returned strange cookie")
+                      | _ => error [extractMessage result]
+                  end
+         end
+    | _ => usage "login <url> <user> <password>"
+fun logout args =
+   case args of
+      [] => ensureLoggedIn (fn () => File.remove cookieFile)
+    | _ => usage "logout"
+   val reg =
+      Promise.lazy
+      (fn () =>
+       let
+          open Regexp
+          val ticket = Save.new ()
+          val r =
+             Regexp.compileDFA
+             (seq [string "name=\"ticket\" value=\"",
+                   save (anys, ticket),
+                   dquote])
+       in
+          (ticket, r)
+       end)
+   fun ticketedAction {action: string,
+                       button: string,
+                       doit: unit -> unit,
+                       extra: string,
+                       file: string} =
+      let
+         val {result, ...} =
+            fetch (Url.addQuery (fileUrl file, concat ["action=", action]), NONE)
+         val message = extractMessage result
+         val (ticket, r) = reg ()
+      in
+         case Regexp.Compiled.findShort (r, message, 0) of
+            NONE => error [message]
+          | SOME m =>
+               let
+                  val query =
+                     concat
+                     ["action=", action, "&button=", button, "&ticket=",
+                      Substring.toString (Match.lookup (m, ticket)),
+                      extra]
+                  val {result, ...} =
+                     fetch (Url.addQuery (fileUrl file, query), NONE)
+                  val message = extractMessage result
+               in
+                  if String.hasSubstring (message, {substring = "successfully"})
+                     then doit ()
+                  else error [message]
+               end
+      end
+fun remove args =
+   if List.isEmpty args
+      then usage "remove <file> ..."
+   else
+      ensureLoggedIn
+      (fn () =>
+       List.foreach
+       (args, fn f =>
+        ensure
+        (f, [Exists, OrigExists], fn () =>
+         let
+            fun doit () = (File.remove f; File.remove (origFile f))
+         in
+            if not (remoteExists f)
+               then doit ()
+            else
+               ticketedAction
+               {action = "DeletePage",
+                button = "Delete",
+                doit = doit,
+                extra = "",
+                file = f}
+         end)))
+fun rename (args: string list): unit =
+   case args of
+      [old, new] =>
+         ensureLoggedIn
+         (fn () =>
+          if File.doesExist new
+             then error [new, " already exists."]
+          else
+             let
+                fun doit () =
+                   (File.move {from = old, to = new}
+                    ; Dir.inDir (origDir, fn () =>
+                                 File.move {from = old, to = new}))
+             in
+                ticketedAction 
+                {action = "RenamePage",
+                 button = "Rename",
+                 doit = doit,
+                 extra = concat ["&newpagename=", new],
+                 file = old}
+             end)
+    | _ => usage "rename <old> <new>"
+fun update args =
+   if List.isEmpty args
+      then List.foreach (Dir.lsFiles origDir, updateOne)
+   else List.foreach (args, updateOne)
+val commands =
+   [("add", add),
+    ("attach", attach),
+    ("checkout", checkout),
+    ("commit", commit),
+    ("detach", detach),
+    ("login", login),
+    ("logout", logout),
+    ("rename", rename),
+    ("remove", remove),
+    ("update", update)]
+fun main args =
+   case parse args of
+      Result.No msg => usage msg
+    | Result.Yes rest =>
+         case rest of
+            [] => usage "missing action"
+          | action :: args =>
+               let
+                  val possible =
+                     List.keepAll (commands, fn (a, _) =>
+                                   String.hasPrefix (a, {prefix = action}))
+               in
+                  case possible of
+                     [] => usage (concat ["unknown action: ", action])
+                   | [(_, command)] => command args
+                   | _ => usage (concat ["ambiguous action: ", action])
+               end
+val status = Process.makeCommandLine main (CommandLine.arguments ())
+val status = if !wasError then OS.Process.failure else status
+val () = OS.Process.exit status

Added: tools/wiki/wiki.mlb
--- tools/wiki/wiki.mlb	2007-08-12 23:59:22 UTC (rev 5848)
+++ tools/wiki/wiki.mlb	2007-08-13 00:07:28 UTC (rev 5849)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+   "sequenceUnit true"
+   "warnUnused true"
+   main.sml

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