[MLton-commit] r5857
Vesa Karvonen
vesak at mlton.org
Mon Aug 13 08:11:18 PDT 2007
First working draft of pickling/unpickling. Mostly untested. Does not
perform sharing, yet (easy to add). Should pickle/unpicke cyclic data
structures properly.
A notable problem would seem to be that the Basis Library does not (seem
to) make it possible to pickle/unpickle IntInf values in linear time!
A mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/hash-table.cm
U mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/unsealed.cm
U mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pickle.sml
U mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/lib.mlb
Added: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/hash-table.cm
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/hash-table.cm 2007-08-13 09:32:02 UTC (rev 5856)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/hash-table.cm 2007-08-13 15:11:17 UTC (rev 5857)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security, Helsinki, Finland
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+ structure HashTable
+ $/smlnj-lib.cm
Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/unsealed.cm
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/unsealed.cm 2007-08-13 09:32:02 UTC (rev 5856)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/unsealed.cm 2007-08-13 15:11:17 UTC (rev 5857)
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
- ../../join-generics.fun
@@ -54,3 +53,4 @@
+ hash-table.cm
Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pickle.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pickle.sml 2007-08-13 09:32:02 UTC (rev 5856)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pickle.sml 2007-08-13 15:11:17 UTC (rev 5857)
@@ -4,80 +4,170 @@
* See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
-structure Pos : INTEGER = Int
-structure Istream :> sig
+structure HashMap :> sig
+ type ('a, 'b) t
+ val new : {eq : 'a BinPr.t, hash : 'a -> Word.t} -> ('a, 'b) t
+ val insert : ('a, 'b) t -> ('a * 'b) Effect.t
+ val find : ('a, 'b) t -> 'a -> 'b Option.t
+ val numItems : ('a, 'b) t -> Int.t
+end = struct
+ open HashTable
+ type ('a, 'b) t = ('a, 'b) hash_table
+ fun new {eq, hash} = mkTable (hash, eq) (100, Subscript)
+signature HASH_UNIV = sig
type t
- val run : ('a, t) Reader.t -> (Char.t, 'b) Reader.t -> ('a, 'b) Reader.t
- val read : (Char.t, t) Reader.t
- val pos : t -> Pos.t
+ val new : {eq : 'a BinPr.t, hash : 'a -> Word.t} -> ('a, t) Iso.t
+ val eq : t BinPr.t
+ val hash : t -> Word.t
+structure HashUniv :> HASH_UNIV = struct
+ datatype t = T of {value : Univ.t,
+ methods : {eq : Univ.t BinPr.t, hash : Univ.t -> Word.t}}
+ fun new {eq, hash} = let
+ val (to, from) = Univ.Emb.new ()
+ val methods = {eq = fn (l, r) => case (from l, from r)
+ of (SOME l, SOME r) => eq (l, r)
+ | _ => false,
+ hash = hash o valOf o from}
+ in
+ (fn value => T {value = to value, methods = methods},
+ fn T r => valOf (from (#value r)))
+ end
+ fun eq (T l, T r) = #eq (#methods l) (#value l, #value r)
+ fun hash (T r) = #hash (#methods r) (#value r)
+functor MkIstream (State : T) :> sig
+ type 'a t
+ val Y : 'a t Tie.t
+ val run : State.t -> 'a t -> (Char.t, 'b) Reader.t -> ('a, 'b) Reader.t
+ val read : Char.t t
+ structure State : T where type t = State.t
+ val getState : State.t t
+ val setState : State.t -> Unit.t t
+ include MONAD where type 'a monad = 'a t
end = struct
(* <-- SML/NJ workaround *)
open TopLevel
(* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
- datatype t = T of {st : Univ.t, rd : (Char.t, Univ.t) Reader.t, ps : Pos.t}
- fun run f cr = let
+ open Reader
+ datatype t = T of {st : Univ.t, rd : (Char.t, Univ.t) Reader.t, us : State.t}
+ type 'a t = ('a, t) Reader.t
+ val Y = Tie.function
+ fun run us f cr = let
val (to, from) = Univ.Iso.new ()
- Reader.mapState (fn s => T {st = to s,
- rd = Reader.mapState (from, to) cr,
- ps = 0},
- fn T {st, ...} => from st)
- f
+ mapState (fn s => T {st = to s, rd = mapState (from, to) cr, us = us},
+ fn T r => from (#st r))
+ f
- fun read (T {st, rd, ps}) =
- Option.map
- (Pair.map (id, fn st => T {st = st, rd = rd, ps = ps + 1}))
- (rd st)
- fun pos (T r) = #ps r
+ fun read (T {st, rd, us}) =
+ Option.map (Pair.map (id, fn st => T {st=st, rd=rd, us=us})) (rd st)
+ structure State = State
+ fun getState (s as T {us, ...}) = SOME (us, s)
+ fun setState us (T {st, rd, ...}) = SOME ((), T {st=st, rd=rd, us=us})
+ structure Monad =
+ MkMonad (type 'a monad = 'a t
+ fun return a s = SOME (a, s)
+ fun op >>= (rA, a2rB) s = case rA s
+ of NONE => NONE
+ | SOME (a, s) => a2rB a s)
+ open Monad
-structure Ostream :> sig
- type t
- val run : ('a, t) Writer.t -> (Char.t, 'b) Writer.t -> ('a, 'b) Writer.t
- val write : (Char.t, t) Writer.t
- val pos : t -> Pos.t
+functor MkOstream (State : T) :> sig
+ type 'a t
+ val Y : 'a t Tie.t
+ val run : State.t -> ('a -> Unit.t t) -> (Char.t, 'b) Writer.t -> ('a, 'b) Writer.t
+ val write : Char.t -> Unit.t t
+ structure State : T where type t = State.t
+ val getState : State.t t
+ val setState : State.t -> Unit.t t
+ include MONAD where type 'a monad = 'a t
end = struct
- datatype t = T of {st : Univ.t, wr : (Char.t, Univ.t) Writer.t, ps : Pos.t}
- fun run f cw = let
+ (* <-- SML/NJ workaround *)
+ open TopLevel
+ (* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
+ open Writer
+ datatype t = T of {st : Univ.t, wr : (Char.t, Univ.t) Writer.t, us : State.t}
+ type 'a t = t -> 'a * t
+ val Y = Tie.function
+ fun run us f cw (a, s) = let
val (to, from) = Univ.Iso.new ()
- Writer.mapState (fn s => T {st = to s,
- wr = Writer.mapState (from, to) cw,
- ps = 0},
- fn T {st, ...} => from st)
- f
+ case f a (T {st = to s, wr = mapState (from, to) cw, us = us})
+ of ((), T r) => from (#st r)
- fun write (c, T r) = T {st = #wr r (c, #st r), wr = #wr r, ps = #ps r + 1}
- fun pos (T r) = #ps r
+ fun write c (T r) = ((), T {st = #wr r (c, #st r), wr = #wr r, us = #us r})
+ structure State = State
+ fun getState (s as T {us, ...}) = (us, s)
+ fun setState us (T {st, wr, ...}) = ((), T {st=st, wr=wr, us=us})
+ structure Monad =
+ MkMonad (type 'a monad = 'a t
+ fun return x s = (x, s)
+ fun op >>= (mA, a2mB) s = uncurry a2mB (mA s))
+ open Monad
+functor WordWithOps (Arg : WORD) = struct
+ open Arg
+ val ops = {wordSize = wordSize, orb = op orb, << = op <<, >> = op >>,
+ isoWord8 = isoWord8}
functor WithPickle (Arg : WITH_PICKLE_DOM) : PICKLE_CASES = struct
(* <-- SML/NJ workaround *)
open TopLevel
- infix 7 *`
- infix 6 +`
+ infix 8 * div >> << *` / mod ~>> /`
+ infix 7 + - ^ andb +` -` ^`
+ infix 6 xorb
+ infixr 6 :: @ ::` @`
+ infix 5 > >= = orb == =` < <= <>= ?=
infix 4 <\ \>
infixr 4 </ />
- infix 2 >| andAlso
+ infix 3 o <-->
+ infix 2 andAlso >|
infixr 2 |<
- infix 1 orElse >>=
- infix 0 &
+ infix 1 := orElse >>= >>& :=: += -= >>* >>@
+ infixr 1 =<<
+ infix 0 before <|> &` &
infixr 0 -->
(* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
- datatype 'a t =
- INT of {rd : ('a, {st : Istream.t}) Reader.t,
- wr : ('a, {st : Ostream.t}) Writer.t}
- type 'a s = Int.t -> 'a t
+ structure Word = WordWithOps (Word)
+ structure Word32 = WordWithOps (Word32)
+ structure Word64 = WordWithOps (Word64)
+ structure LargeWord = WordWithOps (LargeWord)
+ structure LargeRealWord = WordWithOps (CastLargeReal.Bits)
+ structure RealWord = WordWithOps (CastReal.Bits)
+ structure Dyn = HashUniv
+ structure I = MkIstream (type t = (Int.t, Dyn.t) HashMap.t)
+ structure O = MkOstream (type t = (Dyn.t, Int.t) HashMap.t)
+ datatype 'a t = INT of {rd : 'a I.t, wr : 'a -> Unit.t O.t}
+ type 'a s = Int.t -> {rd : Int.t -> 'a I.t, wr : 'a -> Unit.t O.t}
structure Pickle = LayerRep
(structure Outer = Arg.Rep
structure Closed = struct
- type 'a t = 'a t
- type 'a s = 'a s
- type ('a, 'k) p = 'a t
+ type 'a t = 'a t and 'a s = 'a s and ('a, 'k) p = 'a t
open Pickle.This
@@ -85,65 +175,232 @@
fun pickle t =
case getT t
of INT {wr, ...} =>
- Ostream.run (Writer.mapState (fn s => {st = s}, #st) wr)
+ O.run (HashMap.new {eq = Dyn.eq, hash = Dyn.hash}) wr
fun unpickle t =
case getT t
of INT {rd, ...} =>
- Istream.run (Reader.mapState (fn s => {st = s}, #st) rd)
+ I.run (HashMap.new {eq = op =, hash = Arg.hash (Arg.int ())}) rd
- val unsupported = INT {rd = fn _ => fail "Unsupported",
- wr = fn _ => fail "Unsupported"}
+ fun fake msg = INT {rd = I.thunk (failing msg), wr = failing msg}
+ val op <--> = Iso.<-->
+ val swap = Iso.swap
+ val word8Ichar = (Byte.byteToChar, Byte.charToByte)
+ fun bits {wordSize=n, orb, <<, >>, isoWord8} (toBits, fromBits) = let
+ val (toChar, fromChar) = word8Ichar <--> isoWord8
+ fun alts ` op + =
+ if n <= 8 then `0
+ else if n <= 16 then `0 + `8
+ else if n <= 32 then `0 + `8 + `16 + `24
+ else if n <= 64 then `0 + `8 + `16 + `24 + `32 + `40 + `48 + `56
+ else fail "Too many bits"
+ val rd = let
+ open I
+ fun ` n = read >>= (fn c => return (fromChar c << Word.fromInt n))
+ fun l + r = map op orb (l >>* r)
+ in
+ map fromBits (alts ` op +)
+ end
+ fun wr v = let
+ val bits = toBits v
+ in
+ alts (fn n => O.write (toChar (bits >> Word.fromInt n))) O.>>
+ end
+ in
+ INT {rd = rd, wr = wr}
+ end
+ val int as INT {rd=rdInt, wr=wrInt} = bits Word.ops (swap Word.isoIntX)
+ fun mutable {readProxy, readBody, writeWhole, hash} = let
+ val tagD = #"\000" and tagR = #"\001"
+ val (toDyn, fromDyn) = Dyn.new {eq = op =, hash = hash}
+ open I
+ val rd =
+ read >>& getState >>= (fn tag & mp =>
+ if tag = tagD then
+ readProxy >>= (fn proxy =>
+ (HashMap.insert mp (HashMap.numItems mp, toDyn proxy)
+ ; readBody proxy >> return proxy))
+ else if tag = tagR then
+ rdInt >>= (fn i =>
+ case HashMap.find mp i
+ of NONE => fail "Corrupted pickle"
+ | SOME d => return (fromDyn d))
+ else fail "Corrupted pickle")
+ fun wr v = let
+ val d = toDyn v
+ open O
+ in
+ getState >>= (fn mp =>
+ case HashMap.find mp d
+ of SOME i => write tagR >> wrInt i
+ | NONE => let
+ val i = HashMap.numItems mp
+ in
+ HashMap.insert mp (d, i)
+ ; write tagD >> writeWhole v
+ end)
+ end
+ in
+ INT {rd = rd, wr = wr}
+ end
+ fun seq {length, toSlice, getItem, fromList} (INT {rd=rdE, wr=wrE}) = let
+ open O
+ fun wr seq = let
+ fun lp sl =
+ case getItem sl
+ of NONE => return ()
+ | SOME (e, sl) => wrE e >>= (fn () => lp sl)
+ in
+ wrInt (length seq) >>= (fn () => lp (toSlice seq))
+ end
+ open I
+ val rd = rdInt >>= (fn n => let
+ fun lp (0, es) = return (fromList (rev es))
+ | lp (n, es) = rdE >>= (fn e => lp (n-1, e::es))
+ in
+ if n < 0 then fail "Corrupted pickle" else lp (n, [])
+ end)
+ in
+ INT {rd = rd, wr = wr}
+ end
+ fun iso' get bT (a2b, b2a) = let
+ val INT {rd, wr} = get bT
+ in
+ INT {rd = I.map b2a rd, wr = wr o a2b}
+ end
structure Layered = LayerDepCases
(structure Outer = Arg and Result = Pickle
- fun iso _ _ = unsupported
- fun isoProduct _ _ = unsupported
- fun isoSum _ _ _ = unsupported
+ fun iso ? = iso' getT ?
+ fun isoProduct ? = iso' getP ?
- fun op *` _ = unsupported
- val T = getT
- fun R _ = getT
- fun tuple _ = unsupported
- fun record _ = unsupported
+ fun isoSum bS (a2b, b2a) i = let
+ val {rd, wr} = getS bS i
+ in
+ {rd = I.map b2a o rd, wr = wr o a2b}
+ end
- fun op +` _ _ = unsupported
- val unit = unsupported
- fun C0 _ _ = unsupported
- fun C1 _ _ _ = unsupported
- fun data _ = unsupported
+ fun op *` (lT, rT) = let
+ val INT {rd=rL, wr=wL} = getP lT
+ val INT {rd=rR, wr=wR} = getP rT
+ in
+ INT {rd = let open I in rL >>& rR end,
+ wr = let open O in fn l & r => wL l >> wR r end}
+ end
- fun Y ? = let open Tie in iso (function *` function) end
- (fn INT {rd, wr} => rd & wr, fn r & w => INT {rd=r, wr=w}) ?
+ val T = getT
+ fun R _ = getT
+ val tuple = getP
+ val record = getP
- fun op --> _ = unsupported
+ fun op +` (lT, rT) = let
+ val lN = Arg.numAlts lT
+ val lS = getS lT
+ val rS = getS rT
+ in
+ fn i => let
+ val j = i+lN
+ val {rd=rL, wr=wL} = lS i
+ val {rd=rR, wr=wR} = rS j
+ in
+ {rd = fn i => if i < j
+ then I.map INL (rL i)
+ else I.map INR (rR i),
+ wr = Sum.sum (wL, wR)}
+ end
+ end
+ val unit = INT {rd = I.return (), wr = fn () => O.return ()}
+ fun C0 _ i = {rd = const (I.return ()),
+ wr = fn () => O.write (chr i)}
+ fun C1 _ t = let
+ val INT {rd, wr} = getT t
+ in
+ fn i => {rd = const rd,
+ wr = fn v => let open O in write (chr i) >> wr v end}
+ end
+ fun data s = let
+ val n = Arg.numAlts s
+ val {rd, wr} = getS s 0
+ open I
+ in
+ INT {rd = map ord read >>= (fn i => if n <= i
+ then fail "Corrupted pickle"
+ else rd i),
+ wr = wr}
+ end
- fun refc _ = unsupported
+ fun Y ? = let open Tie in iso (I.Y *` function) end
+ (fn INT {rd=r, wr=w} => r&w, fn r&w => INT {rd=r, wr=w}) ?
- val int = unsupported
+ fun op --> _ = fake "Pickle.--> unsupported"
- fun list _ = unsupported
+ fun refc t = let
+ val INT {rd, wr} = getT t
+ in
+ mutable {readProxy = I.thunk (ref o const (Arg.some t)),
+ readBody = fn proxy => I.map (fn v => proxy := v) rd,
+ writeWhole = wr o !,
+ hash = Arg.hash (Arg.refc ignore t)}
+ end
- fun array _ = unsupported
- fun vector _ = unsupported
+ fun array t = let
+ val INT {rd, wr} = getT t
+ fun readBody a = let
+ open I
+ fun lp i = if i = Array.length a
+ then return ()
+ else rd >>= (fn e => (Array.update (a, i, e) ; lp (i+1)))
+ in
+ lp 0
+ end
+ fun writeWhole a = let
+ open O
+ fun lp i = if i = Array.length a
+ then return ()
+ else wr (Array.sub (a, i)) >>= (fn () => lp (i+1))
+ in
+ wrInt (Array.length a) >>= (fn () => lp 0)
+ end
+ in
+ mutable {readProxy = I.map (Array.array /> Arg.some t) rdInt,
+ readBody = readBody,
+ writeWhole = writeWhole,
+ hash = Arg.hash (Arg.array ignore t)}
+ end
- val char = unsupported
- val string = unsupported
+ fun list t = seq {length = List.length, toSlice = id,
+ getItem = List.getItem, fromList = id} (getT t)
- val exn = unsupported
+ fun vector t = seq {length = Vector.length, toSlice = VectorSlice.full,
+ getItem = VectorSlice.getItem,
+ fromList = Vector.fromList} (getT t)
+ val exn : Exn.t t = fake "Pickle.exn unimplemented"
fun regExn _ _ = ()
- val bool = unsupported
- val real = unsupported
- val word = unsupported
+ val char = INT {rd = I.read, wr = O.write}
+ val bool = iso' id char (swap Char.isoInt <--> Bool.isoInt)
+ val int = int
+ val real = bits RealWord.ops CastReal.isoBits
+ val string = seq {length = String.length, toSlice = Substring.full,
+ getItem = Substring.getc, fromList = String.fromList}
+ char
+ val word = bits Word.ops Iso.id
- val largeInt = unsupported
- val largeReal = unsupported
- val largeWord = unsupported
+ val largeInt : LargeInt.t t = fake "Pickle.largeInt unimplemented"
+ val largeReal = bits LargeRealWord.ops CastLargeReal.isoBits
+ val largeWord = bits LargeWord.ops Iso.id
- val word8 = unsupported
- val word32 = unsupported
- val word64 = unsupported)
+ val word8 = iso' id char word8Ichar
+ val word32 = bits Word32.ops Iso.id
+ val word64 = bits Word64.ops Iso.id)
open Layered
Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/lib.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/lib.mlb 2007-08-13 09:32:02 UTC (rev 5856)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/lib.mlb 2007-08-13 15:11:17 UTC (rev 5857)
@@ -86,7 +86,15 @@
- detail/value/pickle.sml
+ local
+ local
+ $(SML_LIB)/smlnj-lib/Util/smlnj-lib.mlb
+ in
+ structure HashTable
+ end
+ in
+ detail/value/pickle.sml
+ end
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