[MLton-commit] r5873

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Tue Aug 14 06:19:29 PDT 2007

Implemented sharing.

Sharing is done pragmatically only at (complete) isos, sequences (list,
vector, string), largeInts and acyclic mutable values (array, refc).
Sharing atomic values (bools, chars, ints, words, ...) would (usually)
inefficient.  Sharing at the arguments to an isomorphism would be silly.


U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pickle.sml


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pickle.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pickle.sml	2007-08-14 11:47:16 UTC (rev 5872)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pickle.sml	2007-08-14 13:19:29 UTC (rev 5873)
@@ -210,48 +210,78 @@
        INT {rd = rd, wr = wr}
+   fun iso' get bT (a2b, b2a) = let
+      val INT {rd, wr} = get bT
+   in
+      INT {rd = I.map b2a rd, wr = wr o a2b}
+   end
+   val char = INT {rd = I.read, wr = O.write}
    val int as INT {rd=rdInt, wr=wrInt} = bits Word.ops (swap Word.isoIntX)
+   val bool as INT {rd=rdBool, wr=wrBool} =
+       iso' id char (swap Char.isoInt <--> Bool.isoInt)
-   fun mutable {readProxy, readBody, writeWhole, self} = let
-      val cyclic = Arg.mayBeCyclic self
-      val tagD = #"\000" and tagR = #"\001"
+   fun cyclic {readProxy, readBody, writeWhole, self} = let
       val (toDyn, fromDyn) = Dyn.new {eq = op =, hash = Arg.hash self}
       open I
       val rd =
-          read >>& getState >>= (fn tag & mp =>
-          if tag = tagD then
-             readProxy >>= (fn proxy =>
-             if cyclic
-             then (HashMap.insert mp (HashMap.numItems mp, toDyn proxy)
-                 ; readBody proxy >> return proxy)
-             else (readBody proxy >>= (fn () =>
-                   (HashMap.insert mp (HashMap.numItems mp, toDyn proxy)
-                  ; return proxy))))
-          else if tag = tagR then
-             rdInt >>= (fn i =>
-             case HashMap.find mp i
-              of NONE   => fail "Corrupted pickle"
-               | SOME d => return (fromDyn d))
-          else fail "Corrupted pickle")
+          rdBool >>& getState >>= (fn def & mp =>
+          if def
+          then readProxy >>= (fn proxy =>
+               (HashMap.insert mp (HashMap.numItems mp, toDyn proxy)
+              ; readBody proxy >> return proxy))
+          else rdInt >>= (fn i =>
+               case HashMap.find mp i
+                of NONE   => fail "Corrupted pickle"
+                 | SOME d => return (fromDyn d)))
       fun wr v = let
          val d = toDyn v
          open O
          getState >>= (fn mp =>
          case HashMap.find mp d
-          of SOME i => write tagR >> wrInt i
-           | NONE   => 
-                if cyclic
-                then (HashMap.insert mp (d, HashMap.numItems mp)
-                    ; write tagD >> writeWhole v)
-                else write tagD >> writeWhole v >>= (fn () =>
-                     (HashMap.insert mp (d, HashMap.numItems mp)
-                    ; return ())))
+          of SOME i => wrBool false >> wrInt i
+           | NONE   => (HashMap.insert mp (d, HashMap.numItems mp)
+                      ; wrBool true >> writeWhole v))
       INT {rd = rd, wr = wr}
+   fun share t (INT {rd=rdE, wr=wrE}) = let
+      val (toDyn, fromDyn) = Dyn.new {eq = Arg.eq t, hash = Arg.hash t}
+      open I
+      val rd = rdBool >>& getState >>= (fn def & mp =>
+               if def
+               then rdE >>= (fn v =>
+                    (HashMap.insert mp (HashMap.numItems mp, toDyn v)
+                   ; return v))
+               else rdInt >>= (fn i =>
+                    case HashMap.find mp i
+                     of NONE   => fail "Corrupted pickle"
+                      | SOME d => return (fromDyn d)))
+      fun wr v = let
+         val d = toDyn v
+         open O
+      in
+         getState >>= (fn mp =>
+         case HashMap.find mp d
+          of SOME i => wrBool false >> wrInt i
+           | NONE   => wrBool true >> wrE v >>= (fn () =>
+                       (HashMap.insert mp (d, HashMap.numItems mp)
+                      ; return ())))
+      end
+   in
+      INT {rd=rd, wr=wr}
+   end
+   fun mutable (methods as {readProxy, readBody, writeWhole, self}) =
+       if Arg.mayBeCyclic self
+       then cyclic methods
+       else share self (INT {rd = let open I in readProxy >>= (fn p =>
+                                                readBody p >> return p) end,
+                             wr = writeWhole})
    fun seq {length, toSlice, getItem, fromList} (INT {rd=rdE, wr=wrE}) = let
       open O
       fun wr seq = let
@@ -273,16 +303,15 @@
       INT {rd = rd, wr = wr}
-   fun iso' get bT (a2b, b2a) = let
-      val INT {rd, wr} = get bT
-   in
-      INT {rd = I.map b2a rd, wr = wr o a2b}
-   end
+   val string' = seq {length = String.length, toSlice = Substring.full,
+                      getItem = Substring.getc, fromList = String.fromList}
+                     char
    structure Layered = LayerDepCases
      (structure Outer = Arg and Result = Pickle
-      fun iso        ? = iso' getT ?
+      fun iso b aIb = share (Arg.iso (fn _ => fn _ => ()) b aIb) (iso' getT b aIb)
       fun isoProduct ? = iso' getP ?
       fun isoSum bS (a2b, b2a) i = let
@@ -322,21 +351,22 @@
       val unit = INT {rd = I.return (), wr = fn () => O.return ()}
       fun C0 _ i = {rd = const (I.return ()),
-                    wr = fn () => O.write (chr i)}
+                    wr = fn () => wrInt i}
       fun C1 _ t = let
          val INT {rd, wr} = getT t
          fn i => {rd = const rd,
-                  wr = fn v => let open O in write (chr i) >> wr v end}
+                  wr = fn v => let open O in wrInt i >> wr v end}
       fun data s = let
          val n = Arg.numAlts s
          val {rd, wr} = getS s 0
          open I
-         INT {rd = map ord read >>= (fn i => if n <= i
-                                             then fail "Corrupted pickle"
-                                             else rd i),
+         INT {rd = rdInt >>= (fn i =>
+                   if n <= i
+                   then fail "Corrupted pickle"
+                   else rd i),
               wr = wr}
@@ -379,23 +409,25 @@
                    self = Arg.array ignore t}
-      fun list t = seq {length = List.length, toSlice = id,
-                        getItem = List.getItem, fromList = id} (getT t)
+      fun list t =
+          share (Arg.list ignore t)
+                (seq {length = List.length, toSlice = id,
+                      getItem = List.getItem, fromList = id} (getT t))
-      fun vector t = seq {length = Vector.length, toSlice = VectorSlice.full,
-                          getItem = VectorSlice.getItem,
-                          fromList = Vector.fromList} (getT t)
+      fun vector t =
+          share (Arg.vector ignore t)
+                (seq {length = Vector.length, toSlice = VectorSlice.full,
+                      getItem = VectorSlice.getItem,
+                      fromList = Vector.fromList} (getT t))
       val exn : Exn.t t = fake "Pickle.exn unimplemented"
       fun regExn _ _ = ()
-      val char = INT {rd = I.read, wr = O.write}
-      val bool = iso' id char (swap Char.isoInt <--> Bool.isoInt)
+      val char = char
+      val bool = bool
       val int = int
       val real = bits RealWord.ops CastReal.isoBits
-      val string = seq {length = String.length, toSlice = Substring.full,
-                        getItem = Substring.getc, fromList = String.fromList}
-                       char
+      val string = share (Arg.string ()) string'
       val word = bits Word.ops Iso.id
       val largeInt = let
@@ -445,7 +477,7 @@
               | SOME (i, _) => i
-         iso' id string (to, from)
+         share (Arg.largeInt ()) (iso' id string' (to, from))
       val largeReal = bits LargeRealWord.ops CastLargeReal.isoBits
       val largeWord = bits LargeWord.ops Iso.id

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