[MLton-commit] r5946
Vesa Karvonen
vesak at mlton.org
Fri Aug 24 16:02:09 PDT 2007
Something to read.
A mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/README
Added: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/README
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/README 2007-08-24 22:20:50 UTC (rev 5945)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/README 2007-08-24 23:02:08 UTC (rev 5946)
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+Generic Programming Library
+ This library implements a framework for generic, or polytypic, or
+ closed type-indexed, values and also implements several generics,
+ including
+ - equality (Eq, Seq),
+ - linear ordering (Ord),
+ - hashing (Hash),
+ - pretty printing (Pretty),
+ - pickling (Pickle),
+ - random value generation (Arbitrary),
+ - reductions (Reduce), and
+ - transforms (Transform).
+ The underlying techniques are discussed in [8], but the basic approach
+ is similar to [6] with a twist of [2] to attack the problem of
+ combining type-indexed values discussed in [15]. The ability to
+ combine generics is largely what makes it meaningful to create a
+ library of them.
+ License: MLton license (a BSD-style license)
+ Portability: portable (MLton and SML/NJ are supported)
+ Stability: experimental
+ Maintainer: Vesa Karvonen <vesa.a.j.k at gmail.com>
+About Library Organization
+ public/
+ This directory contains the documented signature definitions (*.sig)
+ and listings of all top-level bindings exported by this library
+ (export.sml). The contents of this directory should ideally provide
+ sufficient documentation to use the library.
+ lib.{cm,mlb}
+ These build files define the framework.
+ lib-with-default.{cm,mlb}
+ These build files include the framework and a default combination of
+ probably the most useful generics for convenience.
+ detail/
+ This directory contains the implementation details of the library.
+ detail/ml/$(SML_COMPILER)/
+ These directories (e.g. detail/ml/mlton/) contain compiler specific
+ implementation details.
+ Standard ML supports neither generics nor ad-hoc polymorphism. This
+ presents a challenge to programmers. The problem is that at first
+ glance there seems to be no practical way to implement something like a
+ function for converting a value of any type to a string or a function
+ for computing a hash of a value of any type. Implementing and
+ maintaining a collection of such utility functions by hand for each
+ type is tedious and boring work. Fortunately, there are ways to
+ implement type-indexed values in SML as discussed in [15]. Various
+ articles such as [13], [5], [9], and [1] also contain examples of
+ type-indexed values in ML.
+ Unfortunately, the popular value-dependent encodings suffer from the
+ lack of composability, which makes the implementation of complex
+ generics difficult (requiring manual tupling) and the simultaneous use
+ of multiple generics tedious (need to provide multiple type
+ representations). On the other hand, the directly composable
+ value-independent encodings [14, 15] seem to preclude customizing the
+ behaviour of a generic at specific types or type constructors, require
+ potentially expensive coercions, and, in some forms, essentially
+ preclude defining generic functions on mutable types.
+ While the approach used in this library is by no means a panacea, it
+ does address all of the above issues. Complex generics can be built
+ from multiple simpler generics. Independently developed generics can
+ be combined for convenient use. The behaviour of generics can be
+ customized at particular types. No coercion to a monomorphic universal
+ type is required. Mutable types can be supported.
+ The approach used in this library still suffers from the need to
+ explicitly define a combination of generics for use. This somewhat
+ restricts program organization. Also, combining a large number of
+ generics together is likely to have costs -- potentially prohibitive
+ costs -- depending heavily on the compiler's ability to eliminate the
+ construction of unused elements of products.
+ The signatures and structures defined by this library are not meant to
+ be cast in stone! We welcome contributions including new generics,
+ bug fixes, and ports to new compilers. The recommended submit method
+ for small contributions to this library is to send a message with a
+ brief description of the proposed contribution as well as a patch
+ containing full code and documentation (signature comments) to either
+ the MLton-user list
+ mlton-user at mlton.org
+ or the MLton list
+ mlton at mlton.org .
+ For larger extensions or changes we recommend that you first contact
+ the active maintainer(s) of this library. The preferred contact method
+ is through the above mailing lists.
+ [1] Embedded Interpreters.
+ Nick Benton.
+ Journal of Functional Programming, 15(4):503--542, 2005.
+ [2] OO Programming styles in ML.
+ Bernard Berthomieu.
+ Technical Report 2000111, LAAS, March 2000.
+ [3] A Lightweight Implementation of Generics and Dynamics.
+ James Cheney and Ralf Hinze.
+ In Haskell '02: Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on
+ Haskell, pages 90--104, New York, NY, USA, 2002. ACM Press.
+ [4] QuickCheck: A Lightweight Tool for Random Testing of Haskell.
+ Programs.
+ Koen Claessen and John Hughes.
+ ACM SIG-PLAN Notices, 35(9):268--279, 2000.
+ [5] Type-specialized serialization with sharing.
+ Martin Elsman.
+ In Sixth Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP'05),
+ September 2005.
+ [6] Generics for the Masses.
+ Ralf Hinze.
+ In ICFP '04: Proceedings of the ninth ACM SIGPLAN international
+ conference on Functional programming, pages 236--243, New York, NY,
+ USA, 2004. ACM Press.
+ [7] Comparing Approaches to Generic Programming in Haskell.
+ Ralf Hinze, Johan Jeuring, and Andres Löh.
+ In Spring School on Datatype-Generic Programming, 2006.
+ [8] Generics for the Working ML'er.
+ Vesa Karvonen.
+ In Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on ML.
+ [9] Pickler Combinators.
+ Andrew Kennedy.
+ Journal of Functional Programming, 14(6):727--739, 2004.
+ [10] Scrap your boilerplate: A practical design pattern for generic
+ programming.
+ Ralf Lämmel and Simon Peyton Jones.
+ ACM SIG-PLAN Notices, 38(3):26--37, March 2003.
+ [11] TypeCase: A Design Pattern for Type-Indexed Functions.
+ Bruno C.d.S. Oliveira and Jeremy Gibbons.
+ In Haskell '05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on
+ Haskell, pages 98--109, New York, NY, USA, 2005. ACM Press.
+ [12] Generics as a Library.
+ Bruno C.d.S. Oliveira, Ralf Hinze, and Andres Löh.
+ In Henrik Nilsson and Marko van Eekelen, editors, Seventh Symposium
+ on Trends in Functional Programming 2006.
+ [13] Embedding an Interpreted Language Using Higher-Order Functions and
+ Types.
+ Norman Ramsey.
+ In IVME '03: Proceedings of the 2003 workshop on Interpreters,
+ virtual machines and emulators, pages 6--14, New York, NY, USA,
+ 2003. ACM Press.
+ [14] A new approach to type-indexed values in SML.
+ Stephen Weeks.
+ [http://mlton.org/pipermail/mlton-user/2006-September/000917.html]
+ [15] Encoding Types in ML-like Languages.
+ Zhe Yang.
+ In International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP'98),
+ September 1998.
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