[MLton-commit] r5147

Wesley Terpstra wesley at mlton.org
Tue Feb 6 09:02:07 PST 2007

more sensible interface

A   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/debug.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sig
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sql.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sqlite.mlb


Added: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/debug.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/debug.sml	2007-02-06 16:20:02 UTC (rev 5146)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/debug.sml	2007-02-06 17:01:55 UTC (rev 5147)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+functor PrimDebug(P : PRIM) : PRIM =
+   struct
+      open P
+      fun wrap (f, s) x = (print (s ^ "\n"); f x)
+      fun openDB f = wrap (P.openDB,  "openDB: " ^ f) f
+      val closeDB  = wrap (P.closeDB, "closeDB")
+      val prepare = fn (d, q) => wrap (P.prepare, "prepare: " ^ q) (d, q)
+      val reset    = wrap (P.reset, "reset")
+      val finalize = wrap (P.finalize, "finalize")
+      val step     = wrap (P.step, "step") 
+      fun bindings q = 
+        let val () = print "bindings: "
+            val r = P.bindings q
+            val () = print (Int.toString r ^ "\n")
+        in r end
+      fun bindWrap (s, p, f) (q, i, x) = (
+         print (s ^ " " ^ Int.toString i ^ ": " ^ f x ^ "\n"); 
+         p (q, i, x))
+      val bindB = bindWrap ("bindB", P.bindB, Int.toString o Word8Vector.length)
+      val bindR = bindWrap ("bindR", P.bindR, Real.toString)
+      val bindI = bindWrap ("bindI", P.bindI, Int.toString)
+      val bindZ = bindWrap ("bindZ", P.bindZ, Int64.toString)
+      val bindS = bindWrap ("bindS", P.bindS, fn x => x)
+      fun bindN (q, i) = print ("bindN " ^ Int.toString i ^ ": NULL\n")
+      fun bindX (q, i, INTEGER z) = (print "bindX: "; bindZ (q, i, z))
+        | bindX (q, i, REAL r)    = (print "bindX: "; bindR (q, i, r))
+        | bindX (q, i, STRING s)  = (print "bindX: "; bindS (q, i, s))
+        | bindX (q, i, BLOB b)    = (print "bindX: "; bindB (q, i, b))
+        | bindX (q, i, NULL)      = (print "bindX: "; bindN (q, i))
+      fun cols q = 
+        let val () = print "cols: "
+            val r = P.cols q
+            val () = print (Int.toString r ^ "\n")
+        in r end
+      fun fetchWrap (s, p, f) (q, i) = 
+         let val () = print (s ^ " " ^ Int.toString i ^ ": ")
+             val r = p (q, i)
+             val () = print (f r ^ "\n")
+         in r end
+      val fetchB = fetchWrap ("fetchB", P.fetchB, Int.toString o Word8Vector.length)
+      val fetchR = fetchWrap ("fetchR", P.fetchR, Real.toString)
+      val fetchI = fetchWrap ("fetchI", P.fetchI, Int.toString)
+      val fetchZ = fetchWrap ("fetchZ", P.fetchZ, Int64.toString)
+      val fetchS = fetchWrap ("fetchS", P.fetchS, fn x => x)
+      fun fetchN (q, i) = print ("fetchN " ^ Int.toString i ^ ": NULL\n")
+      val fetchX = fetchWrap ("fetchX", P.fetchX, 
+                        fn (INTEGER z) => Int64.toString z
+                         | (REAL r)    => Real.toString r
+                         | (STRING s)  => s
+                         | (BLOB b)    => Int.toString (Word8Vector.length b)
+                         | NULL        => "(NULL)")
+      val meta = wrap (P.meta, "meta")
+   end
+structure Prim = PrimDebug(Prim)

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sig	2007-02-06 16:20:02 UTC (rev 5146)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sig	2007-02-06 17:01:55 UTC (rev 5147)
@@ -7,14 +7,16 @@
       exception Abort of string (* transaction aborted *)
       exception Fail  of string (* database corrupt; close it *)
+      (* a side-benefit of this as a string is that it forces sqlite3 to be linked *)
       val version: string
-      (* All of these methods can raise an exception *)
+      (* All of these methods can raise an exception: *)
       val openDB: string -> db
       val closeDB: db -> unit
       val prepare:  db * string -> query
+      val reset:    query -> unit
       val finalize: query -> unit
       val step:     query -> bool
@@ -29,6 +31,7 @@
       val bindR: query * int * real -> unit
       val bindI: query * int * int -> unit
       val bindZ: query * int * Int64.int -> unit
+      val bindN: query * int -> unit
       val bindS: query * int * string -> unit
       val bindX: query * int * storage -> unit
@@ -37,12 +40,20 @@
       val fetchR: query * int -> real
       val fetchI: query * int -> int
       val fetchZ: query * int -> Int64.int
+      val fetchN: query * int -> unit
       val fetchS: query * int -> string
       val fetchX: query * int -> storage
-      val databases: query -> string option vector
-      val decltypes: query -> string option vector
-      val tables:    query -> string option vector
-      val origins:   query -> string option vector
-      val names:     query -> string vector
+      (* Every output column has a name.
+       * Depending on compile options of sqlite3, you might have more meta-data.
+       * We comment out the sections that must be enabled at sqlite3 compile-time.
+       *)
+      type column = { name: string }
+      (*
+                      origin: { table:  string,
+                                db:     string,
+                                decl:   string,
+                                schema: string }
+                              option } *)
+      val meta: query -> column vector

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sml	2007-02-06 16:20:02 UTC (rev 5146)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sml	2007-02-06 17:01:55 UTC (rev 5147)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
       val Pfinalize = _import "sqlite3_finalize" : MLton.Pointer.t -> int;
       val Pprepare  = _import "sqlite3_prepare_v2" : MLton.Pointer.t * string * int * MLton.Pointer.t ref * MLton.Pointer.t ref -> int;
       val Pstep     = _import "sqlite3_step" : MLton.Pointer.t -> int;
-(*    val Preset    = _import "sqlite3_reset" : MLton.Pointer.t -> int; *)
+      val Preset    = _import "sqlite3_reset" : MLton.Pointer.t -> int;
       val Pbind_blob   = _import "sqlite3_bind_blob"   : MLton.Pointer.t * int * Word8Vector.vector * int * word -> int;
       val Pbind_double = _import "sqlite3_bind_double" : MLton.Pointer.t * int * real -> int;
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
       (* expiry should just raise an exception... *)
-      (* we don't support extended result codes; that would break datatypes *)
+      (* we don't support extended result codes; that would break the case statement *)
       (* the exec & get_table methods are better reimplemented in SML *)
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
          code (Pdb_handle q, r)
       fun finalize q = wrap (q, Pfinalize q)
+      fun reset q = wrap (q, Preset q)
       fun step q = 
          case (Pstep q) of
             100 => true  (* #define SQLITE_ROW         100  /* sqlite_step() has another row ready */ *)
@@ -168,6 +169,7 @@
       fun fetchR (q, i) = Pcolumn_double (q, i)
       fun fetchI (q, i) = Pcolumn_int (q, i)
       fun fetchZ (q, i) = Pcolumn_int64 (q, i)
+      fun fetchN (q, i) = ()
       fun fetchS (q, i) = valOf (cstr (Pcolumn_text (q, i)))
       fun fetchX (q, i) =
@@ -179,10 +181,29 @@
           | 5 => NULL
           | _ => raise Fail "Invalid storage type"
-      fun fetch (q, f) = Vector.tabulate (cols q, fn i => cstr (f (q, i)))
-      fun databases q = fetch (q, Pcolumn_database_name)
-      fun decltypes q = fetch (q, Pcolumn_decltype)
-      fun tables    q = fetch (q, Pcolumn_table_name)
-      fun origins   q = fetch (q, Pcolumn_origin_name)
-      fun names     q = Vector.tabulate (cols q, fn i => valOf (cstr (Pcolumn_name (q, i))))
+      type column = { name: string }
+(*                    origin: { table:  string,
+                                db:     string,
+                                decl:   string,
+                                schema: string } 
+                              option }
+      fun fetch (q, i) = 
+         let
+            fun get f = valOf (cstr (f (q, i)))
+            val name = get Pcolumn_name
+         in
+            { name = name }
+(* usually not compiled into sqlite3:
+            case cstr (Pcolumn_decltype (q, i)) of
+               NONE => { name = name, origin = NONE }
+             | SOME decl =>
+              { name = name,
+                origin = SOME { table  = get Pcolumn_table_name,
+                                db     = get Pcolumn_database_name,
+                                decl   = decl,
+                                schema = get Pcolumn_origin_name } }
+         end
+      fun meta q = Vector.tabulate (cols q, fn i => fetch (q, i))

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sql.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sql.sml	2007-02-06 16:20:02 UTC (rev 5146)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sql.sml	2007-02-06 17:01:55 UTC (rev 5147)
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 structure SQL =
       type db = Prim.db
+      type ('a, 'b) query = Prim.query * ('a -> 'b)
+      type column = Prim.column
       exception Retry = Prim.Retry
       exception Abort = Prim.Abort
@@ -9,43 +11,21 @@
       val openDB  = Prim.openDB
       val closeDB = Prim.closeDB
-      fun outputEnds (_, _, f) = f ()
-      fun inputEnds ((oF, db, q), _, b) () =
+      fun outputEnds (_, _, r) = r
+      fun inputEnds ((oF, db, q), _, b) =
             val q = Prim.prepare (db, q)
             val () = b q
-            fun cancel () = 
-              Prim.finalize q
-            fun step f =
-               if Prim.step q 
-               then SOME (oF (q, 0, f)) 
-               else (Prim.finalize q; NONE)
-            fun app f =
-               if Prim.step q
-               then (oF (q, 0, f); app f)
-               else Prim.finalize q
-            fun map l f =
-               if Prim.step q
-               then map (oF (q, 0, f) :: l) f
-               else (Prim.finalize q; Vector.fromList (List.rev l))
-            fun meta () = {
-               names = Prim.names q,
-               databases = Prim.databases q,
-               decltypes = Prim.decltypes q,
-               tables = Prim.tables q,
-               origins = Prim.origins q }
+            fun exec f = oF (q, 0, f)
-            { step = step, app = app, map = map [], cancel = cancel, meta = meta }
+            (q, exec)
-      fun execute db q =
+      fun query q =
          Foldr.foldr (([], outputEnds, inputEnds), 
-                      fn (ql, oF, iF) => iF ((oF, db, concat (q::ql)), 1, fn _ => ()))
+                      fn (ql, oF, iF) => fn db =>
+                      iF ((oF, db, concat (q::ql)), 1, fn _ => ()))
       (* terminate an execution with this: *)
       val $ = $
@@ -80,23 +60,31 @@
       fun iS z = iMap Prim.bindS z
       fun iX z = iMap Prim.bindX z
-      fun i0 f () = f ()
-      fun i1 f (a) = f a ()
-      fun i2 f (a, b) = f a b ()
-      fun i3 f (a, b, c) = f a b c ()
-      fun i4 f (a, b, c, d) = f a b c d ()
-      fun i5 f (a, b, c, d, e) = f a b c d e ()
+      val tuple0 = ()
+      fun tuple1 a = a
+      fun tuple2 a b = (a, b)
+      fun tuple3 a b c = (a, b, c)
+      fun tuple4 a b c d = (a, b, c, d)
+      fun tuple5 a b c d e = (a, b, c, d, e)
+      fun tuple6 a b c d e f = (a, b, c, d, e, f)
+      fun tuple7 a b c d e f g = (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
+      fun tuple8 a b c d e f g h = (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
-      fun o0 f = f (fn () => ())
-      fun o1 f = f (fn a => fn () => (a))
-      fun o2 f = f (fn a => fn b => fn () => (a, b))
-      fun o3 f = f (fn a => fn b => fn c => fn () => (a, b, c))
-      fun o4 f = f (fn a => fn b => fn c => fn d => fn () => (a, b, c, d))
-      fun o5 f = f (fn a => fn b => fn c => fn d => fn e => fn () => (a, b, c, d, e))
+      fun close (q, _) = Prim.finalize q
+      fun meta  (q, _) = Prim.meta q
+      fun step f (q, exec) =
+         if Prim.step q 
+         then SOME (exec f)
+         else (Prim.reset q; NONE)
+      fun map f (q, exec) =
+         let
+            fun helper l =
+               if Prim.step q
+               then helper (exec f :: l)
+               else (Prim.reset q; Vector.fromList (List.rev l))
+         in
+            helper []
+         end
-open SQL
-val db = Prim.openDB "test.db"
-val Q : real * string * int -> unit -> (string * string) option =
-   o2 (i3 (execute db "select (a"oS", b"oS") from table where x="iR" and y="iS" and z="iI";" $))

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sqlite.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sqlite.mlb	2007-02-06 16:20:02 UTC (rev 5146)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sqlite.mlb	2007-02-06 17:01:55 UTC (rev 5147)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+(* debug.sml *)

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