[MLton-commit] r5174

Wesley Terpstra wesley at mlton.org
Sun Feb 11 17:13:25 PST 2007

we'll need this for character classes over unicode

A   mlton/trunk/basis-library/util/heap.sml


Added: mlton/trunk/basis-library/util/heap.sml
--- mlton/trunk/basis-library/util/heap.sml	2007-02-12 01:07:32 UTC (rev 5173)
+++ mlton/trunk/basis-library/util/heap.sml	2007-02-12 01:13:24 UTC (rev 5174)
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007-2007 Wesley W. Terpstra
+ *
+ * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
+ * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
+ *)
+structure Heap:
+   sig
+      (* Sorts the provided array relative to the lessthan argument*)
+      val heapSort: 'a array * ('a * 'a -> bool) -> unit
+      (* Precondition: array is 0+ true values followed by 0+ false values *)
+      (* Finds the index of the first array entry where: f x = false *)
+      val binarySearch: 'a array * ('a -> bool) -> int
+   end =
+   struct
+      fun heapSort (a : 'a array, lessthan : 'a * 'a -> bool) =
+         let 
+            open Array
+            (* Push the hole down until value > both children *)
+            fun pushHoleDown ( hole, end_of_heap, value ) =
+               let
+                  val left_child = Int.+ (Int.* (hole, 2), 1)
+                  val right_child = Int.+ (left_child, 1)
+               in
+                  (* Recursion: two children *)
+                  if Int.< (right_child, end_of_heap)
+                  then let val left_value = sub (a, left_child)
+                           val right_value = sub (a, right_child)
+                           val (bigger_child, bigger_value) =
+                               if lessthan (left_value, right_value)
+                               then (right_child, right_value)
+                               else (left_child, left_value)
+                       in  if lessthan (bigger_value, value)
+                           then update (a, hole, value)
+                           else (update (a, hole, bigger_value);
+                                 pushHoleDown (bigger_child, end_of_heap, value))
+                       end
+                  (* Base case: one child *)
+                  else if right_child = end_of_heap
+                  then let val left_value = sub (a, left_child)
+                       in  if lessthan (left_value, value)
+                           then update (a, hole, value)
+                           else (update (a, hole, left_value);
+                                 update (a, left_child, value))
+                       end
+                  (* Base case: no children *)
+                  else update (a, hole, value)
+               end
+            (* Move largest element to end_of_table, then restore invariant *)
+            fun sortHeap end_of_heap =
+               let val end_of_heap = Int.- (end_of_heap, 1)
+               in  if end_of_heap = 0 then () else
+                   let val value = sub (a, end_of_heap)
+                   in  update (a, end_of_heap, sub (a, 0));
+                       pushHoleDown (0, end_of_heap, value);
+                       sortHeap end_of_heap
+               end end
+            (* Start at last node w/ parent, loop till 0: push down *)
+            val heapSize = Array.length a
+            fun heapify i =
+               if i = 0 then () else
+               let val i = Int.- (i, 1)
+               in  pushHoleDown (i, heapSize, sub (a, i));
+                   heapify i
+               end
+         in
+            if Int.<= (heapSize, 1) then () else
+            (heapify (Int.div (heapSize, 2)); sortHeap heapSize)
+         end
+      fun binarySearch (a : 'a array, f : 'a -> bool) =
+         let
+            fun loop (lower, upper) = 
+               (* Base case: one element left *)
+               if Int.- (upper, lower) = 1
+               then if f (Array.sub (a, lower)) then upper else lower
+               (* Recursive case: check middle *)
+               else let val mid = Int.div (Int.+ (lower, upper), 2)
+                    in  if f (Array.sub (a, mid))
+                        then loop (mid, upper)
+                        else loop (lower, mid)
+                    end
+            val size = Array.length a
+         in
+            if size = 0 then 0 else loop (0, size)
+         end
+   end

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