[MLton-commit] r5218

Wesley Terpstra wesley at mlton.org
Fri Feb 16 08:38:20 PST 2007

free space used by aggregates. use state in place

U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/buffer.sig
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/buffer.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/function.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sig
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sml


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/buffer.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/buffer.sig	2007-02-16 15:23:37 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/buffer.sig	2007-02-16 16:38:20 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -5,6 +5,5 @@
       val subOpt: 'a t * int -> 'a option
       val sub: 'a t * int -> 'a
       val push: 'a t * 'a -> int
-      val update: 'a t * int * 'a -> unit
       val free: 'a t * int -> unit

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/buffer.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/buffer.sml	2007-02-16 15:23:37 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/buffer.sml	2007-02-16 16:38:20 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -1,22 +1,50 @@
 structure Buffer :> BUFFER =
-      type 'a t = 'a option array ref * int ref
+      (* Use a smaller int type to allow representation optimization *)
+      structure IntX = Int30
+      type intx = IntX.int
-      fun empty () = (ref (Array.tabulate (32, fn _ => NONE)), ref 0)
+      datatype 'a free = FREE of intx | FULL of 'a
+      type 'a t = { buf: 'a free array ref, free: int ref }
-      fun subOpt ((a, s), i) = if i >= !s then NONE else Array.sub (!a, i)
-      fun sub (a, i) = valOf (subOpt (a, i))
+      fun empty () = {
+         buf = ref (Array.tabulate (32, fn i => FREE (IntX.fromInt (i-1)))), 
+         free = ref 31 }
-      fun double (a, s) =
-         a := Array.tabulate (!s * 2, fn i => subOpt ((a, s), i))
+      fun subOpt ({ buf, free=_ }, i) = 
+        if i >= Array.length (!buf) then NONE else
+        case Array.sub (!buf, i) of
+           FREE _ => NONE
+         | FULL x => SOME x
-      fun push ((a, s), v) = (
-         if !s = Array.length (!a) then double (a, s) else ();
-         Array.update (!a, !s, SOME v);
-         !s before s := !s + 1
-         )
+      fun sub (b, i) = valOf (subOpt (b, i))
-      fun update ((a, _), i, v) = Array.update (!a, i, SOME v)
+      fun double { buf, free } =
+         let
+            val oldlen = Array.length (!buf)
+            val newlen = oldlen  * 2
+            fun get i = if i = oldlen then FREE ~1 else
+                        if i > oldlen then FREE (IntX.fromInt (i-1)) else
+                        Array.sub (!buf, i)
+            val () = buf := Array.tabulate (newlen, get)
+         in
+            free := newlen-1
+         end
-      fun free ((a, _), i) = () (* !!! fixme !!! *)
+      fun push (b as { buf, free }, v) = (
+         if !free = ~1 then double b else ();
+         case Array.sub (!buf, !free) of
+            FULL _ => raise Fail "Buggy free list in Buffer.push"
+          | FREE n => (
+               Array.update (!buf, !free, FULL v);
+               !free before free := IntX.toInt n + 1))
+      fun free ({ buf, free }, i) = (
+         case Array.sub (!buf, i) of
+            FREE _ => raise "Free of unused space in Buffer.free"
+          | FULL _ =>
+         Array.update (!buf, i, FREE (IntX.fromInt (!free)));
+         free := i)

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/function.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/function.sml	2007-02-16 15:23:37 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/function.sml	2007-02-16 16:38:20 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 structure Function =
       type scalar = (Prim.context * Prim.value vector -> unit) * int
-      type aggregate = Prim.aggregate * int
+      type aggregate = (unit -> Prim.aggregate) * int
       type ('a, 'b, 'c) folder = {
          init: unit -> 'a,
@@ -39,22 +39,17 @@
       fun fnN z = fnMap Prim.resultN z
       fun aggrMap r = Fold.fold ((iI0, iF0, iN0),
-                               fn (iI, iF, _) => fn { init, step, finish } =>
-                               let
-                                  fun finish1 c = r (c, finish (init ()))
-                                  fun step1 x =
-                                     let
-                                        val acc = ref (init ())
-                                        fun stepX (_, v) = 
-                                           (acc := step (!acc, iF v); 
-                                            Prim.AGGREGATE (stepX, finishX))
-                                        and finishX c = r (c, finish (!acc))
-                                      in
-                                        stepX x
-                                      end
-                               in
-                                  (Prim.AGGREGATE (step1, finish1), iI)
-                               end)
+                               fn (iI, iF, _) => 
+                               fn { init, step, finish } =>
+                               (fn () =>
+                                let
+                                   val a = ref (init ())
+                                   fun finalX c = r (c, finish (!a))
+                                   fun stepX (_, v) = a := step (!a, iF v)
+                                in
+                                   { step = stepX, final = finalX }
+                                end, 
+                                iI))
       fun aggrB z = aggrMap Prim.resultB z
       fun aggrR z = aggrMap Prim.resultR z
       fun aggrI z = aggrMap Prim.resultI z

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sig	2007-02-16 15:23:37 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sig	2007-02-16 16:38:20 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@
       val resultS: context * string -> unit
       val resultX: context * storage -> unit
-      datatype aggregate = 
-         AGGREGATE of (context * value vector -> aggregate) * (context -> unit)
+      type aggregate = { step:  context * value vector -> unit,
+                         final: context -> unit }
       val createFunction:  db * string * (context * value vector -> unit) * int -> unit
       val createCollation: db * string * (string * string -> order) -> unit
-      val createAggregate: db * string * aggregate * int -> unit
+      val createAggregate: db * string * (unit -> aggregate) * int -> unit

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sml	2007-02-16 15:23:37 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sml	2007-02-16 16:38:20 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -290,11 +290,11 @@
                                          fnCallbackPtr, FnPtr.null, FnPtr.null))
       (************************************************* Aggregate functions *)
-      datatype aggregate = 
-         AGGREGATE of (Context.t * Value.t vector -> aggregate) * 
-                      (Context.t -> unit)
-      val aginit = Buffer.empty ()
-      val agstep = Buffer.empty ()
+      type aggregate = {
+         step: Context.t * Value.t vector -> unit,
+         final: Context.t -> unit }
+      val aggen = Buffer.empty ()
+      val agtbl = Buffer.empty ()
       fun fetchAggr context =
             val magic = 0wxa72b (* new records are zero, we mark them magic *)
@@ -303,24 +303,24 @@
             if MLton.Pointer.getWord32 (ptr, 0) = magic
             then Word32.toInt (MLton.Pointer.getWord32 (ptr, 1)) else
-               val idi = Word.toInt (Puser_data context)
-               val aggr = Buffer.sub (aginit, idi)
-               val ids = Buffer.push (agstep, aggr)
+               val ig = Word.toInt (Puser_data context)
+               val ag = Buffer.sub (aggen, ig) ()
+               val it = Buffer.push (agtbl, ag)
                val () = MLton.Pointer.setWord32 (ptr, 0, magic)
-               val () = MLton.Pointer.setWord32 (ptr, 1, Word32.fromInt ids)
+               val () = MLton.Pointer.setWord32 (ptr, 1, Word32.fromInt it)
-               ids
+               it
       fun agStepCallback (context, numargs, args) =
-            val ids = fetchAggr context
+            val it = fetchAggr context
             fun get i = Value.fromPtr (MLton.Pointer.getPointer (args, i))
             val args = Vector.tabulate (numargs, get)
             fun error s = Presult_error (context, CStr.fromString s, String.size s)
-            val AGGREGATE (step, _) = Buffer.sub (agstep, ids)
+            val { step, final=_ } = Buffer.sub (agtbl, it)
-            Buffer.update (agstep, ids, step (context, args))
+            step (context, args)
             handle Error x => error ("fatal: " ^ x)
             handle Retry x => error ("retry: " ^ x)
             handle Abort x => error ("abort: " ^ x)
@@ -328,16 +328,16 @@
       fun agFinalCallback context =
-            val ids = fetchAggr context
+            val it = fetchAggr context
             fun error s = Presult_error (context, CStr.fromString s, String.size s)
-            val AGGREGATE (_, final) = Buffer.sub (agstep, ids)
+            val { step=_, final } = Buffer.sub (agtbl, it)
             final context
             handle Error x => error ("fatal: " ^ x)
             handle Retry x => error ("retry: " ^ x)
             handle Abort x => error ("abort: " ^ x)
             handle _ => error "unknown SML exception raised";
-            Buffer.free (agstep, ids)
+            Buffer.free (agtbl, it)
       val () = _export "mlton_sqlite3_uagstep" : (Context.t * int * MLton.Pointer.t -> unit) -> unit;
@@ -346,9 +346,9 @@
       val agStepCallbackPtr = _address "mlton_sqlite3_uagstep" : FnPtr.t;
       val agFinalCallbackPtr = _address "mlton_sqlite3_uagfinal" : FnPtr.t;
-      fun createAggregate (db, name, aggr, n) =
+      fun createAggregate (db, name, gen, n) =
              code (db, Pcreate_function (db, CStr.fromString name, n, 1, 
-                                         Word.fromInt (Buffer.push (aginit, aggr)),
+                                         Word.fromInt (Buffer.push (aggen, gen)),
                                          FnPtr.null, agStepCallbackPtr, agFinalCallbackPtr))
       (************************************************* Collation functions *)

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