[MLton-commit] r5227

Wesley Terpstra wesley at mlton.org
Fri Feb 16 18:48:05 PST 2007

keep track of all queries in a doubly-linked list that also includes the database handle

U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sig
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/query.sml
A   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/ring.sig
A   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/ring.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sql.sig
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sql.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sqlite.mlb


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sig	2007-02-16 22:36:46 UTC (rev 5226)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/prim.sig	2007-02-17 02:48:05 UTC (rev 5227)
@@ -115,5 +115,5 @@
        | CREATE_VTABLE of { table: string, module: string, db: string }
        | DROP_VTABLE of { table: string, module: string, db: string  }
        | FUNCTION of { function: string }
-      val setAuthorizer: (request -> access) option -> unit
+      val setAuthorizer: db * (request -> access) option -> unit

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/query.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/query.sml	2007-02-16 22:36:46 UTC (rev 5226)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/query.sml	2007-02-17 02:48:05 UTC (rev 5227)
@@ -21,71 +21,88 @@
        * outstanding queries there are (-1 means closed). The pool saves
        * previously allocated prepared statements for quick re-use.
-      type ('i, 'o) t = { db:    Prim.db,
-                          query: string,
-                          pool:  Prim.query list ref,
-                          used:  int ref,
+      type pool = { db:         Prim.db,
+                    query:      string,
+                    available:  Prim.query list ref,
+                    used:       int ref }
+      type ('i, 'o) t = { pool:  pool Ring.t,
                           iF:    Prim.query * 'i -> unit,
                           oF:    Prim.query -> 'o }
-      fun peek { db, query, pool, used, iF, oF } =
-          case !pool of
+      fun peek { pool, iF=_, oF=_ } =
+         case Ring.get pool of { db, query, available, used } =>
+         if !used = ~1 then raise Prim.Error "Query.t is closed" else
+          case !available of
              x :: r => x
            | [] => 
                    val pq = Prim.prepare (db, query)
-                   val () = pool := pq :: !pool
+                   val () = available := pq :: !available
-      fun alloc ({ db, query, pool, used, iF, oF }, i) =
+      fun alloc ({ pool, iF, oF}, i) =
+         case Ring.get pool of { db, query, available, used } =>
+         if !used = ~1 then raise Prim.Error "Query.t is closed" else
-            val () = if !used = ~1 then raise Prim.Error "Query.t is closed" else ()
-            val pq = case !pool of
+            val pq = case !available of
                         [] => Prim.prepare (db, query)
-                      | x :: r => (pool := r; x)
+                      | x :: r => (available := r; x)
             val () = used := !used + 1
             val () = iF (pq, i)
             (pq, oF)
-      fun release ({ db, query, pool, used, iF, oF }, pq) = (
+      fun release ({ pool, iF=_, oF=_ }, pq) =
+         case Ring.get pool of { db=_, query=_, available, used } => (
          if !used = 0 then raise Prim.Error "wrapper bug: too many released statements" else
          Prim.reset pq;
          Prim.clearbindings pq;
          used := !used - 1;
-         pool := pq :: !pool)
+         available := pq :: !available)
+      (* We will rewrite this to closeAll soon *)
+      fun close { pool, iF=_, oF=_ } =
+         case Ring.get pool of { db=_, query=_, available, used } =>
+         if !used = 0
+         then (List.app Prim.finalize (!available); 
+               available := [];
+               used := ~1)
+         else raise Prim.Error "Query is being processed; cannot close"
       fun oF0 _ = ()
       fun oN0 (q, n) = n ()
       val oI0 = 0
       fun iF0 (q, ()) = ()
       fun iN0 (q, x) = (1, x)
-      fun prepare db qs = Fold.fold (([qs], oF0, oN0, oI0, iF0, iN0),
-                                     fn (ql, oF, _, oI, iF, _) => 
-                                     let val qs = concat (rev ql)
-                                         val q = Prim.prepare (db, qs)
-                                     in  if Prim.cols q < oI
-                                         then (Prim.finalize q;
-                                               raise Prim.Error "insufficient output columns")
-                                         else { db = db, 
-                                                query = qs, 
-                                                pool = ref [q], 
-                                                used = ref 0, 
-                                                iF = iF, 
-                                                oF = oF }
-                                     end)
+      fun prepare dbl qt =
+         case Ring.get dbl of { db, query=_, available=_, used=_ } =>
+         Fold.fold (([qt], oF0, oN0, oI0, iF0, iN0),
+                    fn (ql, oF, _, oI, iF, _) => 
+                    let
+                        val qs = concat (rev ql)
+                        val q = Prim.prepare (db, qs)
+                    in 
+                        if Prim.cols q < oI
+                        then (Prim.finalize q;
+                              raise Prim.Error "insufficient output columns \
+                                               \to satisfy prototype")
+                        else { pool = Ring.add ({ db = db, 
+                                                  query = qs, 
+                                                  available = ref [q], 
+                                                  used = ref 0 }, dbl), 
+                               iF = iF, 
+                               oF = oF }
+                    end)
       (* terminate an expression with this: *)
       val $ = $
-      fun close { db, query, pool, used, iF, oF } =
-         if !used = 0 
-         then (List.app Prim.finalize (!pool); pool := [] ; used := ~1)
-         else raise Prim.Error "Query is being processed; cannot close"
       fun iFx f iN (q, a) = case iN (q, a) of (i, x) => f (q, i, x)
       fun iNx f iN (q, a & y) = case iN (q, a) of (i, x) => (f (q, i, x); (i+1, y))
       fun iMap f = Fold.step1 (fn (qs, (ql, oF, oN, oI, iF, iN)) => 

Added: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/ring.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/ring.sig	2007-02-16 22:36:46 UTC (rev 5226)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/ring.sig	2007-02-17 02:48:05 UTC (rev 5227)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+signature RING =
+   sig
+      (* handle to a link in the ring *)
+      type 'a t
+      (* Create a new ring with just this one element *)
+      val new: 'a -> 'a t
+      (* Add a value to the ring, get a handle to the link *)
+      val add: 'a * 'a t -> 'a t
+      (* Remove a link from the ring, it is in a new ring *)
+      val remove: 'a t -> unit
+      (* Run the method over all links in the ring *)
+      val fold: ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a t -> 'b
+      (* Retrieve the value in this link *)
+      val get: 'a t -> 'a
+   end

Added: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/ring.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/ring.sml	2007-02-16 22:36:46 UTC (rev 5226)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/ring.sml	2007-02-17 02:48:05 UTC (rev 5227)
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+structure Ring :> RING =
+   struct
+      datatype 'a t = LINK of { prev: 'a t option ref,
+                                next: 'a t option ref,
+                                value: 'a }
+      fun new x = 
+         let
+            (* Grrr! Why can't I use val rec??? *)
+            val prev = ref NONE
+            val next = ref NONE
+            val self = LINK { value = x, prev = prev, next = next }
+            val () = prev := SOME self
+            val () = next := SOME self
+         in
+            self
+         end
+      fun add (x, pred as LINK { prev=_, next=pn, value=_ }) =
+         let
+            val succ as LINK { prev=sp, next=_, value=_ } = valOf (!pn)
+            val self = LINK { value = x, prev = ref (SOME pred), 
+                                         next = ref (SOME succ) }
+            val () = pn := SOME self
+            val () = sp := SOME self
+         in
+            self
+         end
+      fun remove (self as LINK { prev, next, value=_ }) =
+         let
+            val pred as LINK { prev=_, next=pn, value=_ } = valOf (!prev)
+            val succ as LINK { prev=sp, next=_, value=_ } = valOf (!next)
+            val () = pn := SOME succ
+            val () = sp := SOME pred
+            val () = prev := SOME self
+            val () = next := SOME self
+         in
+            ()
+         end
+      fun fold f a0 (self as LINK { prev, next, value }) =
+         let
+            val LINK { prev=_, next=eor, value=_ } = valOf (!prev)
+            fun loop (l, a) =
+               if l = eor then a else
+               case valOf (!l) of LINK { prev=_, next=nl, value=x } =>
+               loop (nl, f (x, a))
+         in
+            loop (next, f (value, a0))
+         end
+      fun get (self as LINK { prev=_, next=_, value }) = value
+      fun test (self as LINK { prev, next, value }) =
+         let
+            val LINK { prev=_, next=pn, value=_ } = valOf (!prev)
+            val LINK { prev=sp, next=_, value=_ } = valOf (!next)
+         in
+           valOf (!pn) = self andalso valOf (!sp) = self andalso pn <> sp
+         end
+   end
+fun check l = List.foldl (fn (l, a) => Ring.test l andalso a) true l
+val sum = Ring.fold (fn (x, a) => a + x) 0 
+val a = Ring.new 6
+val b = Ring.add (2, a)
+val c = Ring.add (5, b)
+val d = Ring.add (1, a)
+val e = Ring.add (3, d)
+val f = Ring.add (4, c)
+val all = [ a, b, c, d, e, f ]
+val () = print ("Sum: " ^ Int.toString (sum f) ^ "\n")
+val true = check all
+val 21 = sum a
+val 21 = sum e
+val () = Ring.remove e
+val true = check all
+val 18 = sum a
+val 3 = sum e
+val () = Ring.remove e
+val true = check all
+val () = Ring.remove c
+val true = check all
+val 13 = sum a
+val 3 = sum e
+val () = print "Ring works!\n"

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sql.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sql.sig	2007-02-16 22:36:46 UTC (rev 5226)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sql.sig	2007-02-17 02:48:05 UTC (rev 5227)
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
              | CREATE_VTABLE of { table: string, module: string, db: string }
              | DROP_VTABLE of { table: string, module: string, db: string  }
              | FUNCTION of { function: string }
-            val setAuthorizer: (request -> access) option -> unit
+            val setAuthorizer: db * (request -> access) option -> unit
             (* All of these are omitted from the SML binding: *)
             (* fun interrupt: db -> unit *) (* too dangerous to expose IMO *)

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sql.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sql.sml	2007-02-16 22:36:46 UTC (rev 5226)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sql.sml	2007-02-17 02:48:05 UTC (rev 5227)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 structure SQL :> SQL =
       type column = Prim.column
-      type db = Prim.db
+      type db = Query.pool Ring.t
       datatype storage = datatype Prim.storage
       exception Retry = Prim.Retry
@@ -16,9 +16,18 @@
       fun columns q = Prim.columns (Query.peek q)
       fun columnsMeta q = Prim.meta (Query.peek q)
-      val openDB  = Prim.openDB
-      val closeDB = Prim.closeDB
+      fun getDB dbl = 
+         case Ring.get dbl of { db, query=_, available=_, used=_ } => 
+         db
+      fun openDB file = 
+         Ring.new { db = Prim.openDB file,
+                    query = "database",
+                    available = ref [],
+                    used = ref 0 }
+      val closeDB = Prim.closeDB o getDB
       datatype 'v stop = STOP | CONTINUE of 'v
       fun iterStop q i =
@@ -97,19 +106,24 @@
-      fun registerFunction  (db, s, (f, i)) = Prim.createFunction (db, s, f, i)
-      fun registerAggregate (db, s, (a, i)) = Prim.createAggregate(db, s, a, i)
-      val registerCollation = Prim.createCollation
+      fun registerFunction (db, s, (f, i)) = 
+         Prim.createFunction (getDB db, s, f, i)
+      fun registerAggregate (db, s, (a, i)) = 
+         Prim.createAggregate (getDB db, s, a, i)
+      fun registerCollation (db, s, c) = 
+         Prim.createCollation (getDB db, s, c)
       structure SQLite = 
-            val lastInsertRowId = Prim.lastInsertRowid
-            val changes = Prim.changes
-            val totalChanges = Prim.totalChanges
-            val transactionActive = not o Prim.getAutocommit
+            val lastInsertRowId = Prim.lastInsertRowid o getDB
+            val changes = Prim.changes o getDB
+            val totalChanges = Prim.totalChanges o getDB
+            val transactionActive = not o Prim.getAutocommit o getDB
             datatype access = datatype Prim.access
             datatype request = datatype Prim.request
-            val setAuthorizer = Prim.setAuthorizer
+            fun setAuthorizer (db, f) = Prim.setAuthorizer (getDB db, f)

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sqlite.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sqlite.mlb	2007-02-16 22:36:46 UTC (rev 5226)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3/sqlite.mlb	2007-02-17 02:48:05 UTC (rev 5227)
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
+     ring.sig
+     ring.sml

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