[MLton-commit] r5301

Wesley Terpstra wesley at mlton.org
Thu Feb 22 17:41:56 PST 2007

ensure finalize is used from the same thread and never inside an authorizer callback

U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/demo.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/query.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/ring.sig
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/ring.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/sql.sml


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/demo.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/demo.sml	2007-02-23 00:16:44 UTC (rev 5300)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/demo.sml	2007-02-23 01:41:53 UTC (rev 5301)
@@ -52,19 +52,14 @@
            handle SQL.Error x => die x
-(* Authorization functions at the moment are not safe to use.
- * A future SQLite3 library may resolve this problem.
- *)
    open SQL.SQLite
-   fun auth (INSERT { table, db }) = 
-          (print (db ^ ":" ^ table ^ ": insert denied\n"); DENY)
+   fun auth (UPDATE { table, db, column }) = 
+          (print (db ^ ":" ^ table ^ ":" ^ column ^ ": update denied\n"); DENY)
      | auth _ = ALLOW
    val () = setAuthorizer (db, SOME auth)
 fun dumpP (s & i) = print (s ^ " " ^ Int.toString i ^ "\n")
 fun dumpV v = (Vector.app (fn s => print (s ^ " ")) v; print "\n")

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/query.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/query.sml	2007-02-23 00:16:44 UTC (rev 5300)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/query.sml	2007-02-23 01:41:53 UTC (rev 5301)
@@ -84,6 +84,16 @@
            used := !used - 1;
            available := pq :: !available))
+      (* Close unused queries, one at a time *)
+      fun cleanup free =
+         let
+            (* Carefully tidy the list up in case of exception *)
+            fun helper [] = ()
+              | helper (x :: r) = (Prim.finalize x; free := r; helper r)
+         in
+            MLton.Thread.atomically (fn () => helper (!free))
+         end
       fun oF0 _ = ()
       fun oN0 (_, n) = n ()
       val oI0 = 0
@@ -92,29 +102,28 @@
       val iI0 = 1
-         fun error s = 
-            TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, "Finalization exception " ^ s ^ "\n")
-         fun forceClose q = 
-            Prim.finalize q 
-            handle Prim.Error x => error ("Error: " ^ x)
-                 | Prim.Retry x => error ("Retry: " ^ x)
-                 | Prim.Abort x => error ("Abort: " ^ x)
-                 | _ => error ("unknown SML")
-         fun close l =
+         fun close free l =
             case Ring.get l of { db=_, query=_, available, used } =>
             if !used <> 0 then raise Prim.Error "SQLite wrapper bug: finalizing in-use query" else
-            ( Ring.remove l;
-              List.app forceClose (!available);
-              available := [];
-              used := ~1
-              )
+            (* We don't need to lock the free-list or pool-ring:
+             * Operations on them (adds/removes) are in a critical section;
+             * this method is only run from a distinct GC thread.
+             * Also, the available list is never accessed except by the 
+             * methods above which operate on a query. This is a finalizer
+             * for the query so there can be no further references.
+             *)
+            (Ring.remove l; free := !available @ !free)
+            (* This is unneeded as the link is no longer referenced anywhere:
+             *   (available := []; used := ~1)
+             *)
-         fun prepare { ring, hooks=_, auth=_ } qt =
+         fun prepare { ring, free, hooks=_, auth=_ } qt =
             case Ring.get ring of { db, query=_, available=_, used=_ } =>
             Fold.fold (([qt], oF0, oN0, oI0, iF0, iN0, iI0),
                        fn (ql, oF, _, oI, iF, _, iI) => 
                            val qs = concat (rev ql)
+                           val () = cleanup free
                            val q = Prim.prepare (db, qs)
                            if Prim.cols q < oI
@@ -128,14 +137,13 @@
                                                   \ for specified prototype")
-                              val atom = MLton.Thread.atomically
-                              val new = MLton.Finalizable.new
                               val i = { db = db, query = qs, 
                                         available = ref [q], used = ref 0 }
-                              fun closeA pool = atom (fn () => close pool)
-                              val pool = atom (fn () => new (Ring.add (i, ring)))
+                              val pool = MLton.Thread.atomically 
+                                            (fn () => MLton.Finalizable.new 
+                                                         (Ring.add (ring, i)))
-                              MLton.Finalizable.addFinalizer (pool, closeA);
+                              MLton.Finalizable.addFinalizer (pool, close free);
                               { pool = pool, iF = iF, oF = oF }

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/ring.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/ring.sig	2007-02-23 00:16:44 UTC (rev 5300)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/ring.sig	2007-02-23 01:41:53 UTC (rev 5301)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
       val new: 'a -> 'a t
       (* Add a value to the ring, get a handle to the link *)
-      val add: 'a * 'a t -> 'a t
+      val add: 'a t * 'a -> 'a t
       (* Remove a link from the ring, it is in a new ring *)
       val remove: 'a t -> unit

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/ring.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/ring.sml	2007-02-23 00:16:44 UTC (rev 5300)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/ring.sml	2007-02-23 01:41:53 UTC (rev 5301)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-      fun add (x, pred as LINK { prev=_, next=pn, value=_ }) =
+      fun add (pred as LINK { prev=_, next=pn, value=_ }, x) =
             val succ as LINK { prev=sp, next=_, value=_ } = valOf (!pn)
             val self = LINK { value = x, prev = ref (SOME pred), 

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/sql.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/sql.sml	2007-02-23 00:16:44 UTC (rev 5300)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/sqlite3-sml/sql.sml	2007-02-23 01:41:53 UTC (rev 5301)
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
 structure SQL :> SQL =
       type column = Prim.column
-      type db = { ring: Query.pool Ring.t, 
+      type db = { ring: Query.pool Ring.t,
+                  free: Prim.query list ref,
                   hooks: Prim.hook list ref,
                   auth: Prim.hook option ref }
       datatype storage = datatype Prim.storage
@@ -28,21 +29,25 @@
       val version = Prim.version
-      fun getDB { ring, hooks=_, auth=_ } = 
+      fun getDB { free, ring, hooks=_, auth=_ } = 
          case Ring.get ring of { db, query=_, available=_, used } => 
-         if !used = ~1 then raise Error "Database closed" else db
+         if !used = ~1 then raise Error "Database closed" else 
+         ( Query.cleanup free; db)
       fun openDB file = {
          ring = Ring.new { db = Prim.openDB file,
                            query = "database", 
                            available = ref [],
                            used = ref 0 },
+         free = ref [],
          hooks = ref [],
          auth = ref NONE }
-      fun closeDB (dbh as { ring, hooks, auth }) = 
+      fun closeDB { ring, free, hooks, auth } = 
-            val db = getDB dbh (* raises if closed *)
+            val { db, query=_, available=_, used } = Ring.get ring 
+            val () = if !used = ~1 then raise Error "Database closed" else ()
             fun notInUse { db=_, query=_, available=_, used } = !used = 0
             val exn = ref NONE
@@ -51,19 +56,17 @@
             fun forceClose q = Prim.finalize q handle x => exn := SOME x
             fun close { db=_, query=_, available, used } = (
-               List.app forceClose (!available);
-               available := [];
+               List.app forceClose (!available before available := []);
                used := ~1)
             fun main () =
                if Ring.fold (fn (l, a) => notInUse l andalso a) true ring
                then (Ring.app close ring; 
+                     List.app forceClose (!free before free := []);
                      reraise (!exn); 
                      Prim.closeDB db;
-                     List.app Prim.unhook (!hooks);
-                     hooks := [];
-                     Option.app Prim.unhook (!auth);
-                     auth := NONE)
+                     List.app Prim.unhook (!hooks before hooks := []);
+                     Option.app Prim.unhook (!auth before auth := NONE))
                else raise Error "Database in use"
             MLton.Thread.atomically (fn () => main ())
@@ -152,13 +155,13 @@
-      fun registerFunction (db as { ring=_, hooks, auth=_ }, s, (f, i)) = 
+      fun registerFunction (db as { ring=_, free=_, hooks, auth=_ }, s, (f, i)) = 
          hooks := Prim.createFunction (getDB db, s, f, i) :: !hooks
-      fun registerAggregate (db as { ring=_, hooks, auth=_ }, s, (a, i)) = 
+      fun registerAggregate (db as { ring=_, free=_, hooks, auth=_ }, s, (a, i)) = 
          hooks := Prim.createAggregate (getDB db, s, a, i) :: !hooks
-      fun registerCollation (db as { ring=_, hooks, auth=_ }, s, c) = 
+      fun registerCollation (db as { ring=_, free=_, hooks, auth=_ }, s, c) = 
          hooks := Prim.createCollation (getDB db, s, c) :: !hooks
       structure SQLite = 
@@ -168,16 +171,16 @@
             val totalChanges = Prim.totalChanges o getDB
             val transactionActive = not o Prim.getAutocommit o getDB
-            fun preparedQueries { ring, hooks=_, auth=_ } =
+            fun preparedQueries { free=_, ring, hooks=_, auth=_ } =
                   (fn () => Ring.fold (fn (_, x) => x + 1) ~1 ring)
-            fun registeredFunctions { ring=_, hooks, auth=_ } =
+            fun registeredFunctions { free=_, ring=_, hooks, auth=_ } =
                List.length (!hooks)
             datatype access = datatype Prim.access
             datatype request = datatype Prim.request
-            fun setAuthorizer (dbh as { ring=_, hooks=_, auth }, f) = 
+            fun setAuthorizer (dbh as { ring=_, free=_, hooks=_, auth }, f) = 
                   val db = getDB dbh
                   fun unset h = (Prim.unsetAuthorizer db; Prim.unhook h; auth := NONE)

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