[MLton-commit] r5017

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Fri Jan 12 04:23:59 PST 2007

Initial commit of a lib of misc utils to be refactored.

A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/arbitrary.sml


Added: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/arbitrary.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/arbitrary.sml	2007-01-12 12:22:31 UTC (rev 5016)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/arbitrary.sml	2007-01-12 12:23:48 UTC (rev 5017)
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security, Helsinki, Finland
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+ * A type-indexed function for generating random values of any type.  The
+ * design is inspired by the QuickCheck library by Koen Claessen and John
+ * Hughes:
+ *
+ *   http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~rjmh/QuickCheck/ .
+ *)
+signature ARBITRARY = sig
+   type 'a arbitrary_t
+   val arbitrary : 'a arbitrary_t -> 'a RanQD1Gen.gen
+   (** Extracts the random value generator. *)
+   val withGen : 'a RanQD1Gen.gen -> 'a arbitrary_t UnOp.t
+   (** Functionally updates the random value generator. *)
+functor LiftArbitrary
+           (include ARBITRARY
+            type 'a t
+            val lift : ('a arbitrary_t, 'a t) Lift.t Thunk.t) : ARBITRARY =
+   type 'a arbitrary_t = 'a t
+   val arbitrary = fn ? => Lift.get lift arbitrary ?
+   val withGen = fn g => Lift.update lift (withGen g)
+structure Arbitrary :> sig
+   include ARBITRARY where type 'a arbitrary_t = 'a t
+end = struct
+   structure G = RanQD1Gen and I = Int and R = Real and W = Word
+         and Typ = TypeInfo
+   datatype 'a t =
+      IN of {gen : 'a G.gen,
+             cog : int -> 'a -> G.t UnOp.t,
+             typ : 'a Typ.t}
+   type 'a arbitrary_t = 'a t
+   val op >>= = G.>>=
+   fun arbitrary (IN {gen, ...}) = gen
+   fun withGen gen (IN {cog, typ, ...}) =
+       IN {gen = gen, cog = cog, typ = typ}
+   fun iso (IN {gen, cog, typ, ...}) (iso as (a2b, b2a)) =
+       IN {gen = G.prj gen b2a,
+           cog = fn n => cog n o a2b,
+           typ = Typ.iso typ iso}
+   val unit = IN {gen = const (const ()),
+                  cog = const (const (G.split 0w0)),
+                  typ = Typ.unit}
+   val bool = IN {gen = G.bool,
+                  cog = const (G.split o (fn false => 0w1 | true => 0w2)),
+                  typ = Typ.bool}
+   val int  = IN {gen = G.prj (G.lift G.value)
+                              (fn w => (* XXX result may not fit an Int.int *)
+                                  W.toIntX (w - G.maxValue div 0w2)),
+                  cog = const (G.split o W.fromInt),
+                  typ = Typ.int}
+   val word = IN {gen = G.lift G.value,
+                  cog = const G.split,
+                  typ = Typ.word}
+   val real = IN {gen = G.sized ((fn r => G.realInRange (~r, r)) o real),
+                  cog = const (G.split o W.fromLarge o
+                               PackWord32Little.subVec /> 0 o
+                               PackReal32Little.toBytes o
+                               Real32.fromLarge IEEEReal.TO_NEAREST o
+                               R.toLarge),
+                  typ = Typ.real}
+   fun Y ? = let open Tie in iso (function *` function *` Typ.Y) end
+                (fn IN {gen = a, cog = b, typ = c} => a & b & c,
+                 fn a & b & c => IN {gen = a, cog = b, typ = c}) ?
+   fun (IN {gen = aGen, cog = aCog, typ = aTyp, ...}) *`
+       (IN {gen = bGen, cog = bCog, typ = bTyp, ...}) =
+       IN {gen = aGen >>= (fn a => bGen >>= (fn b => G.return (a & b))),
+           cog = fn n => fn a & b => aCog n a o G.split 0w643 o bCog n b,
+           typ = Typ.*` (aTyp, bTyp)}
+   (* XXX Generation of recursive datatypes could probably be improved.
+    *
+    * We are somewhat more ambitious here than what is done in the
+    * original QuickCheck library.  As noted in the QuickCheck paper,
+    * naive generation of recursive datatypes may not terminate (for one
+    * thing).  The simplistic heuristic used below is to reduce the size
+    * whenever the recursive branch is chosen.  This guarantees
+    * termination in many cases, but not all.  However, it is probably
+    * possible to devise a much smarter algorithm.  Namely, one could
+    * compute a "probability of recursion" of some kind and then use that
+    * while choosing which branch to generate.  Consider the following
+    * datatype:
+    *
+    *>  datatype foo = ALWAYS of foo * foo | SOMETIMES of foo option
+    *
+    * Intuitively the "recursion probabilities" of the ALWAYS and
+    * SOMETIMES branches are different.  It seems plausible that this
+    * could be exploited to guarantee termination.
+    *
+    * Actually, it would probably be more fruitful to use an estimate of
+    * the expected "size" of the complete generated data structure to
+    * guide the generation process.
+    *)
+   fun (IN {gen = aGen, cog = aCog, typ = aTyp, ...}) +`
+       (IN {gen = bGen, cog = bCog, typ = bTyp, ...}) = let
+      val aGen = G.prj aGen INL
+      val bGen = G.prj bGen INR
+      val halve = G.resize (op div /> 2)
+      val aGenHalf = G.frequency [(2, halve aGen), (1, bGen)]
+      val bGenHalf = G.frequency [(1, aGen), (2, halve bGen)]
+   in
+      IN {gen = case Typ.hasRecData aTyp & Typ.hasRecData bTyp of
+                   true  & false => G.sized (fn 0 => bGen | _ => aGenHalf)
+                 | false & true  => G.sized (fn 0 => aGen | _ => bGenHalf)
+                 | _     & _     =>
+                   G.bool >>= (fn false => aGen | true  => bGen),
+          cog = fn n => fn INL a => G.split 0w423 o aCog n a
+                         | INR b => G.split 0w324 o bCog n b,
+          typ = Typ.+` (aTyp, bTyp)}
+   end
+   fun (IN {gen = aGen, cog = aCog, typ = aTyp, ...}) -->
+       (IN {gen = bGen, cog = bCog, typ = bTyp, ...}) =
+       IN {gen = G.promote (fn a => fn n => bGen n o aCog n a),
+           cog = fn n => fn a2b => fn r =>
+                    bCog n (a2b (aGen n (G.split 0w3 r))) (G.split 0w4 r),
+           typ = Typ.--> (aTyp, bTyp)}
+   val exn = let val e = Fail "Arbitrary.exn not supported yet"
+             in IN {gen = failing e, cog = failing e, typ = Typ.exn}
+             end
+   fun regExn _ _ = ()
+   fun list (IN {gen = xGen, cog = xCog, typ = xTyp, ...}) = let
+      val xsGen = G.sized (0 <\ G.intInRange) >>= G.list xGen
+      fun xsCog _ []      t = G.split 0w5 t
+        | xsCog n (x::xs) t = xsCog n xs (xCog n x t)
+   in
+      IN {gen = xsGen, cog = xsCog, typ = Typ.list xTyp}
+   end
+   fun array a = iso (list a) Array.isoList (* XXX not quite right with Typ *)
+   fun refc a = iso a (!, ref)              (* XXX not quite right with Typ *)
+   fun vector a = iso (list a) Vector.isoList
+   val char = IN {gen = G.prj (G.intInRange (0, Char.maxOrd)) chr,
+                  cog = const (G.split o W.fromInt o ord),
+                  typ = Typ.char}
+   val string = iso (list char) String.isoList
+   val largeInt  = iso int  (Iso.swap I.isoLarge)
+   val largeWord = iso word (Iso.swap W.isoLarge)
+   val largeReal = iso real (Iso.swap (R.isoLarge IEEEReal.TO_NEAREST))
+   local
+      fun mk large = iso word (Iso.<--> (Iso.swap W.isoLarge, large))
+   in
+      val word8  = mk Word8.isoLarge
+      val word16 = mk Word16.isoLarge
+      val word32 = mk Word32.isoLarge
+      val word64 = mk Word64.isoLarge
+   end

Property changes on: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/arbitrary.sml
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

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