[MLton-commit] r5025
Vesa Karvonen
vesak at mlton.org
Fri Jan 12 04:25:47 PST 2007
Initial commit of a lib of misc utils to be refactored.
A mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/eq.sml
Added: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/eq.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/eq.sml 2007-01-12 12:25:32 UTC (rev 5024)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/eq.sml 2007-01-12 12:25:43 UTC (rev 5025)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security, Helsinki, Finland
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+ * An implementation of a type-indexed equality relation. For equality
+ * types the semantics is the same as SML's built-in equality. User
+ * defined types, exceptions, and reals are given a natural, structural,
+ * semantics of equality. Functions, obviously, can't be supported.
+ *)
+signature EQ = sig
+ type 'a eq_t
+ val eq : 'a eq_t -> 'a BinPr.t
+ (**
+ * Extracs the equality relation. Note that the type parameter {'a}
+ * isn't an equality type variable.
+ *)
+ val notEq : 'a eq_t -> 'a BinPr.t
+ (** {notEq t = not o eq t} *)
+functor LiftEq
+ (include EQ
+ type 'a t
+ val lift : ('a eq_t, 'a t) Lift.t Thunk.t) : EQ = struct
+ type 'a eq_t = 'a t
+ val eq = fn ? => Lift.get lift eq ?
+ val notEq = fn ? => Lift.get lift notEq ?
+structure Eq :> sig
+ include EQ where type 'a eq_t = 'a t
+end = struct
+ type 'a t = 'a BinPr.t
+ type 'a eq_t = 'a t
+ val eq = id
+ val notEq = negate
+ fun iso b (a2b, _) = b o Pair.map (Sq.mk a2b)
+ val op *` = Product.equal
+ val op +` = Sum.equal
+ val Y = Tie.function
+ local
+ val e = Fail "Eq.--> not supported"
+ in
+ fun _ --> _ = failing e
+ end
+ val exn : exn t ref = ref TypeUtil.failExnSq
+ fun regExn t (_, prj) =
+ Ref.modify (fn exn =>
+ fn (l, r) =>
+ case prj l & prj r of
+ SOME l & SOME r => t (l, r)
+ | SOME _ & NONE => false
+ | NONE & SOME _ => false
+ | NONE & NONE => exn (l, r)) exn
+ val exn = fn ? => !exn ?
+ fun array _ = op =
+ fun refc _ = op =
+ val list = ListPair.allEq
+ fun vector eq = iso (list eq) Vector.isoList (* XXX can be optimized *)
+ val bool = op =
+ val char = op =
+ val int = op =
+ val real = Real.==
+ val string = op =
+ val unit = op =
+ val word = op =
+ val largeInt = op =
+ val largeReal = LargeReal.==
+ val largeWord = op =
+ val word8 = op =
+ val word16 = op =
+ val word32 = op =
+ val word64 = op =
Property changes on: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/eq.sml
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
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