[MLton-commit] r5067

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Fri Jan 12 04:41:02 PST 2007

Initial commit of a lib of misc utils to be refactored.

A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/unit-test.sml


Added: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/unit-test.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/unit-test.sml	2007-01-12 12:40:39 UTC (rev 5066)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/unit-test.sml	2007-01-12 12:40:56 UTC (rev 5067)
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security, Helsinki, Finland
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+ * A simple unit testing framework.
+ *)
+structure UnitTest :> sig
+   type t
+   (** Type of unit test fold state. *)
+   type 'a s = (t, t, t, Unit.t, 'a) Fold.step0
+   (** Type of a unit test fold step. *)
+   val unitTests : (t, t, Unit.t, 'a) Fold.t
+   (** Begins test specification. *)
+   val title : String.t -> 'a s
+   (** {title string} specifies the title for subsequent tests. *)
+   val test : Unit.t Effect.t -> 'a s
+   (**
+    * Registers an ad hoc test.  An ad hoc test should indicate failure
+    * by raising an exception.
+    *)
+   val testEq : 'a Type.t -> {actual : 'a, expect : 'a} Thunk.t -> 'b s
+   (** Tests that the expected and actual values are equal. *)
+   val testTrue  : Bool.t Thunk.t -> 'a s
+   (** Tests that the thunk evaluates to {true}. *)
+   val testFalse : Bool.t Thunk.t -> 'a s
+   (** Tests that the thunk evaluates to {false}. *)
+   val testFailsWith : Exn.t UnPr.t -> 'a Thunk.t -> 'b s
+   (**
+    * Tests that the thunk raises an exception satisfying the
+    * predicate.
+    *)
+   val testFails : 'a Thunk.t -> 'b s
+   (** Tests that the thunk raises an exception. *)
+   val testRaises : Exn.t -> 'a Thunk.t -> 'b s
+   (**
+    * Tests that the thunk raises an exception equal to the given one.
+    * The exception constructor must be registered with {Type.regExn}.
+    *)
+   val sizeFn : Int.t UnOp.t -> 'a s
+   (**
+    * Sets the function to determine the "size" of generated random
+    * test data.  The argument to the function is the number of tests
+    * passed.  The default function is {fn n => n div 2 + 3}.
+    *)
+   val maxPass : Int.t -> 'a s
+   (**
+    * Sets the max number of passed random test cases to try per test.
+    * The default is 100.
+    *)
+   val maxSkip : Int.t -> 'a s
+   (**
+    * Sets the max number of skipped random test cases to accept per
+    * test.  The default is 200.  If a lot of tests are being skipped,
+    * you should implement a better test data generator or a more
+    * comprehensive law.
+    *)
+   type law
+   (** The type of testable laws or properties. *)
+   val chk : law -> 'b s
+   (**
+    * Tries to find counter examples to a given law by testing the law
+    * with randomly generated cases.
+    *)
+   val all : 'a Type.t -> ('a -> law) -> law
+   (**
+    * Specifies that a law must hold for all values of type {'a}.  For
+    * example,
+    *
+    *> all int (fn x => that (x = x))
+    *
+    * specifies that all integers must be equal to themselves.
+    *)
+   val that : Bool.t -> law
+   (**
+    * Specifies a primitive boolean law.  For example,
+    *
+    *> that (1 <= 2)
+    *
+    * specifies that {1} is less than or equal to {2}.
+    *)
+   val skip : law
+   (**
+    * Specifies that the premises of a conditional law aren't satisfied
+    * so the specific test case of the law should be ignored.  For
+    * example,
+    *
+    *> all (sq int)
+    *>     (fn (x, y) =>
+    *>         if x <= y then
+    *>            that (Int.max (x, y) = y)
+    *>         else
+    *>            skip)
+    *
+    * specifies that if {x <= y} then {Int.max (x, y) = y}.
+    *)
+   val classify : String.t Option.t -> law UnOp.t
+   (**
+    * Classifies cases of a law.  The distribution of classified cases
+    * will be logged.
+    *)
+   val trivial : Bool.t -> law UnOp.t
+   (** Convenience function to classify cases of a law as "trivial". *)
+   val collect : 'a Type.t -> 'a -> law UnOp.t
+   (**
+    * Classifies test cases by value of type {'a}.  The distribution as
+    * well as the (pretty printed) values will be logged.
+    *)
+   (** == AD HOC TESTING HELPERS == *)
+   exception Failure of Prettier.t
+   (** Exception for reporting prettier errors. *)
+   val verifyEq : 'a Type.t -> {actual : 'a, expect : 'a} Effect.t
+   (** Verifies that the expected and actual values are equal. *)
+   val verifyTrue : Bool.t Effect.t
+   (** Verifies that the given value is {true}. *)
+   val verifyFalse : Bool.t Effect.t
+   (** Verifies that the given value is {false}. *)
+   val verifyFailsWith : Exn.t UnPr.t -> 'a Thunk.t Effect.t
+   (**
+    * Verifies that the thunk fails with an exception satisfying the
+    * predicate.
+    *)
+   val verifyFails : 'a Thunk.t Effect.t
+   (** Verifies that the given thunk fails with an exception. *)
+   val verifyRaises : Exn.t -> 'a Thunk.t Effect.t
+   (**
+    * Verifies that the thunk raises an exception equal to the given
+    * one.  The exception constructor must be registered with
+    * {Type.regExn}.
+    *)
+end = struct
+   structure CL = CommandLine and G = RanQD1Gen and I = Int and S = String
+   local
+      open Type
+   in
+      val arbitrary = arbitrary
+      val bool = bool
+      val eq = eq
+      val exn = exn
+      val layout = layout
+      val notEq = notEq
+   end
+   local
+      open Prettier
+   in
+      val indent = nest 2 o sep
+      fun named t n v = str n <^> nest 2 (line <^> layout t v)
+      val comma = comma
+      val dot = dot
+      val group = group
+      val op <^> = op <^>
+      val pretty = pretty
+      local
+         (* XXX move to lib *)
+         fun l <+> r = if isSome l then l else r ()
+         val mapPartial = Option.mapPartial
+         val s2i = I.fromString
+         val getEnv = OS.Process.getEnv
+         fun getArg fromString short long = let
+            val short =
+                case short of
+                   NONE => const NONE
+                 | SOME s =>
+                   fn (a, b) =>
+                      if a <> "-"^s then
+                         NONE
+                      else
+                         SOME b
+            val long =
+                case long of
+                   NONE => const NONE
+                 | SOME s =>
+                   fn a =>
+                      if not |< S.isPrefix ("--"^s^"=") a then
+                         NONE
+                      else
+                         SOME (S.extract (a, 3 + size s, NONE))
+            fun lp [] = NONE
+              | lp [a] = long a <+> (fn () => NONE)
+              | lp (a::b::xs) =
+                long a       <+> (fn () =>
+                short (a, b) <+> (fn () =>
+                lp (b::xs)))
+         in
+            mapPartial fromString (lp (CL.arguments ()))
+         end
+         val cols =
+             valOf (getArg s2i (SOME "w") (SOME "width") <+> (fn () =>
+                    mapPartial s2i (getEnv "COLUMNS")    <+> (fn () =>
+                    SOME 70)))
+      in
+         val println = println TextIO.stdOut (SOME cols)
+      end
+      val punctuate = punctuate
+      val str = str
+   end
+   datatype t =
+      IN of {title : String.t Option.t,
+             idx : Int.t,
+             size : Int.t UnOp.t,
+             passM : Int.t,
+             skipM : Int.t}
+   type 'a s = (t, t, t, Unit.t, 'a) Fold.step0
+   exception Failure of Prettier.t
+   val defaultCfg =
+       IN {title = NONE,
+           idx   = 1,
+           size  = fn n => n div 2 + 3,
+           passM = 100,
+           skipM = 200}
+   local
+      val ~ = (fn {title=a, idx=b, size=c, passM=d, skipM=e} => a&b&c&d&e,
+               fn a&b&c&d&e => {title=a, idx=b, size=c, passM=d, skipM=e})
+      open FRU
+   in
+      fun updCfg ? = fruData (fn IN ? => ?, IN) A5 $ ~ ~ ?
+   end
+   val succeeded = ref 0
+   val failed = ref 0
+   val i2s = I.toString
+   fun runTest safeTest =
+       Fold.step0
+          (fn cfg as IN {idx, ...} =>
+              (if safeTest cfg then
+                  succeeded += 1
+               else
+                  failed += 1
+             ; updCfg (U#idx (idx + 1)) $ cfg))
+   fun header (IN {title, idx, ...}) =
+       if isSome title then
+          concat [i2s idx, ". ", valOf title, " test"]
+       else
+          "An untitled test"
+   (* We assume here that we're the first call to atExit so that it
+    * is (relatively) safe to call terminate in our atExit effect.
+    *)
+   val printlnStrs = println o group o str o concat
+   val () =
+       OS.Process.atExit
+          (fn () =>
+              if 0 = !failed then
+                 printlnStrs
+                    ["All ", i2s (!succeeded), " tests succeeded."]
+              else
+                 (printlnStrs
+                     [i2s (!succeeded + !failed), " tests of which\n",
+                      i2s (!succeeded), " succeeded and\n",
+                      i2s (!failed), " failed."]
+                ; OS.Process.terminate OS.Process.failure))
+   fun unitTests ? =
+       Fold.fold (defaultCfg, ignore) ?
+   fun title title =
+       Fold.step0 (updCfg (U #idx 1) (U #title (SOME title)) $)
+   fun verifyEq t {actual, expect} =
+       if notEq t (actual, expect) then
+          raise Failure (indent [str "Equality test failed:",
+                                 named t "expected" expect <^> comma,
+                                 named t "but got" actual])
+       else
+          ()
+   fun verifyTrue  b = verifyEq bool {expect = true,  actual = b}
+   fun verifyFalse b = verifyEq bool {expect = false, actual = b}
+   fun verifyFailsWith ePr th =
+       try (th,
+            fn _ =>
+               raise Failure (str "Test didn't raise an\
+                                  \ exception as expected"),
+            fn e =>
+               if ePr e then
+                  ()
+               else
+                  raise Failure (group (named exn
+                                              "Test raised an\
+                                              \ unexpected exception"
+                                              e)))
+   fun verifyFails ? = verifyFailsWith (const true) ?
+   fun verifyRaises e = verifyFailsWith (e <\ eq exn)
+   fun test body =
+       runTest
+          (fn cfg =>
+              try (body,
+                   fn _ =>
+                      (printlnStrs [header cfg, " succeeded."]
+                     ; true),
+                   fn e =>
+                      (println
+                          (indent
+                              [str (header cfg ^ " failed."),
+                               case e of
+                                  Failure doc => doc <^> dot
+                                | _ =>
+                                  indent [str "Unhandled exception",
+                                          str (Exn.message e) <^> dot],
+                               case Exn.history e of
+                                  [] =>
+                                  str "No exception history available."
+                                | hs => (indent o map str)
+                                           ("Exception history:"::hs)])
+                     ; false)))
+   fun testEq t th = test (verifyEq t o th)
+   fun testTrue  th = test (verifyTrue  o th)
+   fun testFalse th = test (verifyFalse o th)
+   fun testFailsWith ep th = test (fn () => verifyFailsWith ep th)
+   fun testFails th = test (fn () => verifyFails th)
+   fun testRaises e th = test (fn () => verifyRaises e th)
+   type law = (Bool.t Option.t * String.t List.t * Prettier.t List.t) G.gen
+   local
+      fun mk field value = Fold.step0 (updCfg (U field value) $)
+   in
+      fun sizeFn  ? = mk #size  ?
+      fun maxPass ? = mk #passM ?
+      fun maxSkip ? = mk #skipM ?
+   end
+   val rng = ref (G.make (Word32.fromWord (getOpt (RandomDev.seed (), 0w0))))
+   fun chk prop =
+       runTest
+          (fn cfg as IN {size, passM, skipM, ...} => let
+              fun sort ? = SortedList.stableSort #n ?
+              fun group xs = let
+                 fun lp (gs, xs) x =
+                     fn y::ys =>
+                        lp (if x = y then
+                               (gs, x::xs)
+                            else
+                               ((x::xs)::gs, []))
+                           y ys
+                      | [] => (x::xs)::gs
+              in
+                 case sort S.compare xs of
+                    [] => []
+                  | x::xs => lp ([], []) x xs
+              end
+              fun table n allTags =
+                  punctuate comma o
+                  map (fn (n, m) => str (concat [i2s n, "% ", m])) o
+                  sort (I.compare o Pair.swap o Pair.map (Sq.mk Pair.fst)) o
+                  map (Pair.map (fn l => 100 * length l div n, hd) o Sq.mk) o
+                  group |< sort S.compare allTags
+              fun done msg passN tags =
+                  ((println o indent)
+                      ((str o concat)
+                          [header cfg, ":\n", msg, " ", i2s passN,
+                           " random cases passed."]::
+                       (if null tags then
+                           []
+                        else
+                           [indent (str "Statistics:" ::
+                                    table passN tags) <^> dot]))
+                 ; true)
+              fun lp passN skipN allTags =
+                  if passM <= passN then
+                     done "OK," passN allTags
+                  else if skipM <= skipN then
+                     done "Arguments exhausted after" passN allTags
+                  else
+                     case prop (size passN)
+                               (!rng before Ref.modify G.next rng) of
+                        (NONE, _, _) =>
+                        lp passN (skipN + 1) allTags
+                      | (SOME true, tags, _) =>
+                        lp (passN + 1) skipN (List.revAppend (tags, allTags))
+                      | (SOME false, _, msgs) =>
+                        (println
+                            (indent
+                                [str (header cfg ^ " failed."),
+                                 indent (str "Falsifiable:"::msgs)] <^>
+                             dot)
+                       ; false)
+           in
+              lp 0 0 []
+           end)
+   fun all t toProp =
+       G.>>= (arbitrary t,
+              fn v => fn n => fn g =>
+                 try (fn () => toProp v n g,
+                      fn (r as SOME false, ts, msgs) =>
+                         (r, ts, named t "with" v :: msgs)
+                       | p => p,
+                      fn e => (SOME false, [],
+                               [named t "with" v,
+                                named exn "raised" e])))
+   fun that b = G.return (SOME b, [], [])
+   fun skip _ _ = (NONE, [], [])
+   fun classify tOpt p =
+       G.prj p (fn p as (r, ts, msg) =>
+                   case tOpt & r of
+                      NONE & _ => p
+                    | _ & NONE => p
+                    | SOME t & _ => (r, t::ts, msg))
+   fun trivial b = classify (if b then SOME "trivial" else NONE)
+   fun collect t v p =
+       G.prj p (fn (r, ts, msg) => (r, pretty NONE (layout t v)::ts, msg))

Property changes on: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/unit-test.sml
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

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