[MLton-commit] r5069

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Fri Jan 12 04:41:29 PST 2007

Initial commit of a lib of misc utils to be refactored.

A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/word-table.sml


Added: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/word-table.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/word-table.sml	2007-01-12 12:41:10 UTC (rev 5068)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/word-table.sml	2007-01-12 12:41:21 UTC (rev 5069)
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security, Helsinki, Finland
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+ * An implementation of the {WORD_TABLE} signature.  The table capacities
+ * are primes.  The primes used are the largest primes less than 2^i for i
+ * in {4, ..., 30}.  The table capacity is roughly doubled when the size
+ * of the table is the capacity and roughly halved when the size of the
+ * table is one quarter of the capacity.  This ensures that any sequence
+ * of insertions and deletions is linear modulo collisions.
+ *)
+structure WordTable :> WORD_TABLE where type Key.t = Word32.t = struct
+   structure Key = Word32 and W = Word32 and N = Node and V = Vector
+   datatype 'a t = IN of {table : (W.t * 'a) N.t Vector.t Ref.t,
+                          size : Int.t Ref.t}
+   val caps = V.fromList
+                 [3, 7, 13, 31, 61, 127, 251, 509, 1021, 2039, 4093, 8191,
+                  16381, 32749, 65521, 131071, 262139, 524287, 1048573,
+                  2097143, 4194301, 8388593, 16777213, 33554393, 67108859,
+                  134217689, 268435399, 536870909, 1073741789]
+   val minCap = V.sub (caps, 0)
+   val maxCap = V.sub (caps, V.length caps - 1)
+   fun table (IN {table, ...}) = !table
+   fun size (IN {size, ...}) = !size
+   fun keyToIdx t key = W.toIntX (key mod W.fromInt (V.length (table t)))
+   fun putAt t idx entry = N.push (V.sub (table t, idx)) entry
+   fun newTable cap = V.tabulate (cap, N.new o ignore)
+   fun findKey t idx key = N.find (key <\ op = o #1) (V.sub (table t, idx))
+   fun maybeRealloc (t as IN {table, ...}) = let
+      val cap = V.length (!table)
+      fun findIdx cap = #1 (valOf (V.findi (cap <\ op = o #2) caps))
+      fun realloc offs = let
+         val newCap = V.sub (caps, findIdx cap + offs)
+         val oldTable = !table
+      in
+         table := newTable newCap
+         (* Theoretically speaking, it should be possible to
+          * execute the following code in constant space.
+          *)
+       ; V.app (N.clearWith
+                   (fn entry as (key, _) => putAt t (keyToIdx t key) entry))
+               oldTable
+      end
+   in
+      if size t <= cap div 4 andalso minCap < cap then
+         realloc ~1
+      else if cap <= size t andalso cap < maxCap then
+         realloc 1
+      else
+         ()
+   end
+   fun new () = IN {table = ref (newTable minCap),
+                    size = ref 0}
+   fun == (IN {table = l, ...}, IN {table = r, ...}) = l = r
+   structure Action = struct
+      type ('v, 'r) t = ((W.t * 'v) N.t,
+                         (W.t * 'v) N.t) Sum.t * W.t * 'v t -> 'r
+      type ('v, 'r, 's) m = ('v, 'r) t
+      type none = unit
+      type some = unit
+      fun get {some, none} =
+          fn s as (INL _, _, _) => none () s
+           | s as (INR n, _, _) => some (Pair.snd (N.hd n)) s
+      fun peek {some, none} =
+          fn s as (INL _, _, _) => none () s
+           | s as (INR _, _, _) => some () s
+      fun insert value result =
+          fn (INL n, key, t as IN {size, ...}) =>
+             (size := !size + 1
+            ; N.push n (key, value)
+            ; maybeRealloc t
+            ; result)
+           | (INR _, _, _) =>
+             undefined ()
+      fun update value result =
+          fn (INL _, _, _) =>
+             undefined ()
+           | (INR n, key, _) =>
+             (N.<- (n, SOME ((key, value), N.tl n))
+            ; result)
+      fun remove result =
+          fn (INL _, _, _) =>
+             undefined ()
+           | (INR n, _, t as IN {size, ...}) =>
+             (size := !size - 1
+            ; N.drop n
+            ; maybeRealloc t
+            ; result)
+      val return = const
+   end
+   fun access t key action =
+       action (findKey t (keyToIdx t key) key, key, t)

Property changes on: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/word-table.sml
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

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