[MLton-commit] r5751

Matthew Fluet fluet at mlton.org
Mon Jul 9 20:03:59 PDT 2007

Native amd64 implementations of Real_{abs,neg}

U   mlton/trunk/basis-library/real/real.sml
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-allocate-registers.fun
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-mlton.fun
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-pseudo.sig
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-validate.fun
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64.fun
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64.sig


Modified: mlton/trunk/basis-library/real/real.sml
--- mlton/trunk/basis-library/real/real.sml	2007-07-10 02:56:56 UTC (rev 5750)
+++ mlton/trunk/basis-library/real/real.sml	2007-07-10 03:03:56 UTC (rev 5751)
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
       val class = IEEEReal.mkClass R.class
       val abs =
-         if MLton.Codegen.isX86
+         if MLton.Codegen.isX86 orelse MLton.Codegen.isAmd64
             then abs
             fn x =>

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-allocate-registers.fun
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-allocate-registers.fun	2007-07-10 02:56:56 UTC (rev 5750)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-allocate-registers.fun	2007-07-10 03:03:56 UTC (rev 5751)
@@ -6710,14 +6710,15 @@
        *      xmm      X
        *  src imm
        *      lab
-       *      add      X
+       *      add      ?
-      fun allocateXmmSrcDst {src: Operand.t,
-                              dst: Operand.t,
-                              move_dst: bool,
-                              size: Size.t,
-                              info as {dead, remove, ...}: Liveness.t,
-                              registerAllocation: RegisterAllocation.t}
+      fun allocateXmmSrcDstAux {src: Operand.t,
+                                address_src: bool,
+                                dst: Operand.t,
+                                move_dst: bool,
+                                size: Size.t,
+                                info as {dead, remove, ...}: Liveness.t,
+                                registerAllocation: RegisterAllocation.t}
         = if Operand.eq(src, dst)
             then let
                    val {operand = final_src_dst, 
@@ -6772,7 +6773,7 @@
                                   = RA.allocateXmmOperand 
                                     {operand = src,
                                      options = {xmmregister = true,
-                                                address = true},
+                                                address = address_src},
                                      info = info,
                                      size = size,
                                      move = true,
@@ -6797,7 +6798,7 @@
                                   = RA.allocateXmmOperand 
                                     {operand = src,
                                      options = {xmmregister = true,
-                                                address = true},
+                                                address = address_src},
                                      info = info,
                                      size = size,
                                      move = true,
@@ -6909,8 +6910,58 @@
                           registerAllocation = registerAllocation}
-                    | _ => Error.bug "amd64AllocateRegisters.Instruction.allocateXmmSrcDst"
+                    | _ => Error.bug "amd64AllocateRegisters.Instruction.allocateXmmSrcDstAux"
+      (*
+       * Require src/dst operands as follows:
+       *
+       *              dst
+       *          reg xmm imm lab add 
+       *      reg
+       *      xmm      X
+       *  src imm
+       *      lab
+       *      add      X
+       *)
+      fun allocateXmmSrcDst {src: Operand.t,
+                             dst: Operand.t,
+                             move_dst: bool,
+                             size: Size.t,
+                             info: Liveness.t,
+                             registerAllocation: RegisterAllocation.t}
+         = allocateXmmSrcDstAux {src = src,
+                                 address_src = true,
+                                 dst = dst,
+                                 move_dst = move_dst,
+                                 size = size,
+                                 info = info,
+                                 registerAllocation = registerAllocation}
+      (*
+       * Require src/dst operands as follows:
+       *
+       *              dst
+       *          reg xmm imm lab add 
+       *      reg
+       *      xmm      X
+       *  src imm
+       *      lab
+       *      add
+       *)
+      fun allocateXmmSrcDstReg {src: Operand.t,
+                                dst: Operand.t,
+                                move_dst: bool,
+                                size: Size.t,
+                                info: Liveness.t,
+                                registerAllocation: RegisterAllocation.t}
+         = allocateXmmSrcDstAux {src = src,
+                                 address_src = false,
+                                 dst = dst,
+                                 move_dst = move_dst,
+                                 size = size,
+                                 info = info,
+                                 registerAllocation = registerAllocation}
        * Require src1/src2 operands as follows:
@@ -9229,6 +9280,78 @@
                   default ()
+             | SSE_BinLP {oper, src, dst, size}
+               (* Packed SSE binary logical instructions (used as scalar).
+                * Require src/dst operands as follows:
+                *
+                *              dst
+                *          reg xmm imm lab add 
+                *      reg
+                *      xmm      X
+                *  src imm
+                *      lab
+                *      add     (x)
+                *
+                * Disallow address for src, since it would be a 128-bit load.
+                *)
+             => let
+                  val {uses,defs,kills} 
+                    = Instruction.uses_defs_kills instruction
+                  val {assembly = assembly_pre,
+                       registerAllocation}
+                    = RA.pre {uses = uses,
+                              defs = defs,
+                              kills = kills,
+                              info = info,
+                              registerAllocation = registerAllocation}
+                  fun default ()
+                    = let
+                        val {final_src,
+                             final_dst,
+                             assembly_src_dst,
+                             registerAllocation}
+                          = allocateXmmSrcDstReg {src = src,
+                                                  dst = dst,
+                                                  move_dst = true,
+                                                  size = size,
+                                                  info = info,
+                                                  registerAllocation = registerAllocation}
+                        val instruction 
+                          = Instruction.SSE_BinLP
+                            {oper = oper,
+                             src = final_src,
+                             dst = final_dst,
+                             size = size}
+                        val {uses = final_uses,
+                             defs = final_defs,
+                             ...}
+                          = Instruction.uses_defs_kills instruction
+                        val {assembly = assembly_post,
+                             registerAllocation}
+                          = RA.post {uses = uses,
+                                     final_uses = final_uses,
+                                     defs = defs,
+                                     final_defs = final_defs,
+                                     kills = kills,
+                                     info = info,
+                                     registerAllocation = registerAllocation}
+                      in
+                        {assembly
+                         = AppendList.appends 
+                           [assembly_pre,
+                            assembly_src_dst,
+                            AppendList.single
+                            (Assembly.instruction instruction),
+                            assembly_post],
+                           registerAllocation = registerAllocation}
+                      end
+                in
+                  default ()
+                end
              | SSE_MOVS {src, dst, size}
                (* Scalar SSE move instruction.
                 * Require src/dst operands as follows:

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-mlton.fun
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-mlton.fun	2007-07-10 02:56:56 UTC (rev 5750)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-mlton.fun	2007-07-10 03:03:56 UTC (rev 5751)
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
          | Real_Math_sin _ => false
          | Real_Math_sqrt _ => true
          | Real_Math_tan _ => false
-         | Real_abs _ => false (* !! *)
+         | Real_abs _ => true
          | Real_add _ => true
          | Real_castToWord _ => true
          | Real_div _ => true
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
          | Real_mul _ => true
          | Real_muladd _ => true
          | Real_mulsub _ => true
-         | Real_neg _ => false (* !! *)
+         | Real_neg _ => true
          | Real_qequal _ => true
          | Real_rndToReal _ => true
          | Real_rndToWord (_, _, {signed}) => signed
@@ -675,6 +675,42 @@
                      transfer = NONE}]
              | Real_Math_sqrt _ => sse_unas Instruction.SSE_SQRTS
+             | Real_abs s =>
+                let
+                   val (dst,dstsize) = getDst1 ()
+                   val (src,srcsize) = getSrc1 ()
+                   val _ 
+                     = Assert.assert
+                       ("amd64MLton.prim: Real_abs, dstsize/srcsize",
+                        fn () => srcsize = dstsize)
+                   fun mkConst wordSize
+                     = WordX.rshift
+                       (WordX.allOnes wordSize,
+                        WordX.one wordSize,
+                        {signed = false})
+                   val (const,constsize) 
+                     = case s of
+                         R32 => (mkConst WordSize.word32, Size.LONG)
+                       | R64 => (mkConst WordSize.word64, Size.QUAD)
+                in
+                   AppendList.fromList
+                   [Block.mkBlock'
+                    {entry = NONE,
+                     statements 
+                     = [Assembly.instruction_sse_movd
+                        {dst = dst,
+                         dstsize = dstsize,
+                         src = Operand.immediate_word const,
+                         srcsize = constsize},
+                        Assembly.instruction_sse_binlp
+                        {oper = Instruction.SSE_ANDP,
+                         src = src,
+                         dst = dst,
+                         size = dstsize}],
+                     transfer = NONE}]
+                end
              | Real_add _ => sse_binas Instruction.SSE_ADDS
              | Real_castToWord _ => sse_movd ()
              | Real_div _ => sse_binas Instruction.SSE_DIVS
@@ -789,6 +825,42 @@
              | Real_mul _ => sse_binas Instruction.SSE_MULS
              | Real_muladd _ => sse_binas_mul Instruction.SSE_ADDS
              | Real_mulsub _ => sse_binas_mul Instruction.SSE_SUBS
+             | Real_neg s =>
+                let
+                   val (dst,dstsize) = getDst1 ()
+                   val (src,srcsize) = getSrc1 ()
+                   val _ 
+                     = Assert.assert
+                       ("amd64MLton.prim: Real_neg, dstsize/srcsize",
+                        fn () => srcsize = dstsize)
+                   fun mkConst wordSize
+                     = (WordX.notb o WordX.rshift)
+                       (WordX.allOnes wordSize,
+                        WordX.one wordSize,
+                        {signed = false})
+                   val (const,constsize) 
+                     = case s of
+                         R32 => (mkConst WordSize.word32, Size.LONG)
+                       | R64 => (mkConst WordSize.word64, Size.QUAD)
+                in
+                   AppendList.fromList
+                   [Block.mkBlock'
+                    {entry = NONE,
+                     statements 
+                     = [Assembly.instruction_sse_movd
+                        {dst = dst,
+                         dstsize = dstsize,
+                         src = Operand.immediate_word const,
+                         srcsize = constsize},
+                        Assembly.instruction_sse_binlp
+                        {oper = Instruction.SSE_XORP,
+                         src = src,
+                         dst = dst,
+                         size = dstsize}],
+                     transfer = NONE}]
+                end
              | Real_qequal _ =>
                    val (dst,dstsize) = getDst1 ()

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-pseudo.sig
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-pseudo.sig	2007-07-10 02:56:56 UTC (rev 5750)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-pseudo.sig	2007-07-10 03:03:56 UTC (rev 5751)
@@ -217,6 +217,12 @@
         (* Scalar SSE unary arithmetic instructions. *)
         datatype sse_unas
           = SSE_SQRTS (* square root; p. 360,362 *)
+        (* Packed SSE binary logical instructions (used as scalar). *)
+        datatype sse_binlp
+          = SSE_ANDNP (* and-not; p. 17,19 *)
+          | SSE_ANDP (* and; p. 21,23 *)
+          | SSE_ORP (* or; p. 206,208 *)
+          | SSE_XORP (* xor; p. 391,393 *)
         type t
@@ -326,6 +332,10 @@
                                     src: Operand.t,
                                     dst: Operand.t,
                                     size: Size.t} -> t
+        val instruction_sse_binlp : {oper: Instruction.sse_binlp,
+                                     src: Operand.t,
+                                     dst: Operand.t,
+                                     size: Size.t} -> t
         val instruction_sse_movs : {src: Operand.t,
                                     dst: Operand.t,
                                     size: Size.t} -> t

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-validate.fun
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-validate.fun	2007-07-10 02:56:56 UTC (rev 5750)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64-validate.fun	2007-07-10 03:03:56 UTC (rev 5751)
@@ -988,6 +988,62 @@
                      | _ => (Operand.validate {operand = src}) andalso
                             (Operand.validate {operand = dst})
+             | SSE_BinLP {src, dst, size, ...}
+               (* Packed SSE binary logical instructions (used as scalar).
+                * Require src/dst operands as follows:
+                *
+                *              dst
+                *          reg xmm imm lab add 
+                *      reg
+                *      xmm      X
+                *  src imm
+                *      lab
+                *      add     (x)
+                *
+                * Require size modifier class as follows: FLT
+                * Disallow address for src, since it would be a 128-bit load.
+                *)
+             => let
+                  val _ = if Size.class size = Size.FLT
+                            then ()
+                            else Error.bug "amd64Validate.Instruction.validate: SSE_BinLP, size"
+                  val _ = case Operand.size src
+                            of NONE => ()
+                             | SOME srcsize 
+                             => if srcsize = size
+                                  then ()
+                                  else Error.bug "amd64Validate.Instruction.validate: SSE_BinLP, srcsize"
+                  val _ = case Operand.size dst
+                            of NONE => ()
+                             | SOME dstsize 
+                             => if dstsize = size
+                                  then ()
+                                  else Error.bug "amd64Validate.Instruction.validate: SSE_BinLP, dstsize"
+                in
+                  case (src,dst)
+                    of (Operand.MemLoc _, _)
+                     => Error.bug "amd64Validate.Instruction.validate: SSE_BinLP, src:MemLoc"
+                     | (_, Operand.MemLoc _)
+                     => Error.bug "amd64Validate.Instruction.validate: SSE_BinLP, dst:MemLoc"
+                     | (Operand.Register _, _)
+                     => Error.bug "amd64Validate.Instruction.validate: SSE_BinLP, src:Register"
+                     | (Operand.Immediate _, _)
+                     => Error.bug "amd64Validate.Instruction.validate: SSE_BinLP, src:Immediate"
+                     | (Operand.Label _, _)
+                     => Error.bug "amd64Validate.Instruction.validate: SSE_BinLP, src:Label"
+                     | (Operand.Address _, _)
+                     => Error.bug "amd64Validate.Instruction.validate: SSE_BinLP, src:Address"
+                     | (_, Operand.Register _)
+                     => Error.bug "amd64Validate.Instruction.validate: SSE_BinLP, dst:Register"
+                     | (_, Operand.Immediate _)
+                     => Error.bug "amd64Validate.Instruction.validate: SSE_BinLP, dst:Immediate"
+                     | (_, Operand.Label _)
+                     => Error.bug "amd64Validate.Instruction.validate: SSE_BinLP, dst:Label"
+                     | (_, Operand.Address _)
+                     => Error.bug "amd64Validate.Instruction.validate: SSE_BinLP, dst:Address"
+                     | _ => (Operand.validate {operand = src}) andalso
+                            (Operand.validate {operand = dst})
+                end
              | SSE_MOVS {src, dst, size, ...}
                (* Scalar SSE move instruction.
                 * Require src/dst operands as follows:

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64.fun
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64.fun	2007-07-10 02:56:56 UTC (rev 5750)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64.fun	2007-07-10 03:03:56 UTC (rev 5751)
@@ -1601,8 +1601,22 @@
             fn SSE_SQRTS => str "sqrts"
+      (* Packed SSE binary logical instructions (used as scalar). *)
+      datatype sse_binlp
+        = SSE_ANDNP (* and-not; p. 17,19 *)
+        | SSE_ANDP (* and; p. 21,23 *)
+        | SSE_ORP (* or; p. 206,208 *)
+        | SSE_XORP (* xor; p. 391,393 *)
+      val sse_binlp_layout
+        = let
+             open Layout
+          in
+             fn SSE_ANDNP => str "andnp"
+              | SSE_ANDP => str "andp"
+              | SSE_ORP => str "orp"
+              | SSE_XORP => str "xorp"
+          end
       (* amd64 Instructions.
        * src operands are not changed by the instruction.
        * dst operands are changed by the instruction.
@@ -1742,6 +1756,12 @@
                        src: Operand.t,
                        dst: Operand.t,
                        size: Size.t}
+        (* Packed SSE binary logical instructions (used as scalar). 
+         *)
+        | SSE_BinLP of {oper: sse_binlp,
+                        src: Operand.t,
+                        dst: Operand.t,
+                        size: Size.t}
         (* Scalar SSE move instruction.
         | SSE_MOVS of {src: Operand.t,
@@ -1961,6 +1981,11 @@
                      Size.layout size,
                      Operand.layout src,
                      Operand.layout dst)
+             | SSE_BinLP {oper, src, dst, size}
+             => bin (sse_binlp_layout oper,
+                     Size.layout size,
+                     Operand.layout src,
+                     Operand.layout dst)
              | SSE_MOVS {src, dst, size}
              => bin (str "movs", 
                      Size.layout size,
@@ -2163,6 +2188,8 @@
            => {uses = [src, dst], defs = [dst], kills = []}
            | SSE_UnAS {src, dst, ...}
            => {uses = [src], defs = [dst], kills = []}
+           | SSE_BinLP {src, dst, ...}
+           => {uses = [src, dst], defs = [dst], kills = []}
            | SSE_MOVS {src, dst, ...}
            => {uses = [src], defs = [dst], kills = []}
            | SSE_COMIS {src1, src2, ...}
@@ -2402,6 +2429,8 @@
            => {srcs = SOME [src, dst], dsts = SOME [dst]}
            | SSE_UnAS {src, dst, ...}
            => {srcs = SOME [src], dsts = SOME [dst]}
+           | SSE_BinLP {src, dst, ...}
+           => {srcs = SOME [src, dst], dsts = SOME [dst]}
            | SSE_MOVS {src, dst, ...}
            => {srcs = SOME [src], dsts = SOME [dst]}
            | SSE_COMIS {src1, src2, ...}
@@ -2529,6 +2558,11 @@
                         src = replacer {use = true, def = false} src,
                         dst = replacer {use = false, def = true} dst,
                         size = size}
+           | SSE_BinLP {oper, src, dst, size}
+           => SSE_BinLP {oper = oper,
+                         src = replacer {use = true, def = false} src,
+                         dst = replacer {use = true, def = true} dst,
+                         size = size}
            | SSE_MOVS {src, dst, size}
            => SSE_MOVS {src = replacer {use = true, def = false} src,
                         dst = replacer {use = false, def = true} dst,
@@ -2590,6 +2624,7 @@
       val lea = LEA
       val sse_binas = SSE_BinAS
       val sse_unas = SSE_UnAS
+      val sse_binlp = SSE_BinLP
       val sse_movs = SSE_MOVS
       val sse_comis = SSE_COMIS
       val sse_ucomis = SSE_UCOMIS
@@ -3291,6 +3326,7 @@
       val instruction_lea = Instruction o Instruction.lea
       val instruction_sse_binas = Instruction o Instruction.sse_binas
       val instruction_sse_unas = Instruction o Instruction.sse_unas
+      val instruction_sse_binlp = Instruction o Instruction.sse_binlp
       val instruction_sse_movs = Instruction o Instruction.sse_movs
       val instruction_sse_comis = Instruction o Instruction.sse_comis
       val instruction_sse_ucomis = Instruction o Instruction.sse_ucomis

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64.sig
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64.sig	2007-07-10 02:56:56 UTC (rev 5750)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/amd64-codegen/amd64.sig	2007-07-10 03:03:56 UTC (rev 5751)
@@ -432,6 +432,12 @@
         (* Scalar SSE unary arithmetic instructions. *)
         datatype sse_unas
           = SSE_SQRTS (* square root; p. 360,362 *)
+        (* Packed SSE binary logical instructions (used as scalar). *)
+        datatype sse_binlp
+          = SSE_ANDNP (* and-not; p. 17,19 *)
+          | SSE_ANDP (* and; p. 21,23 *)
+          | SSE_ORP (* or; p. 206,208 *)
+          | SSE_XORP (* xor; p. 391,393 *)
         (* amd64 Instructions.
          * src operands are not changed by the instruction.
@@ -572,6 +578,12 @@
                          src: Operand.t,
                          dst: Operand.t,
                          size: Size.t}
+          (* Packed SSE binary logic instructions (used as scalar). 
+           *)
+          | SSE_BinLP of {oper: sse_binlp,
+                          src: Operand.t,
+                          dst: Operand.t,
+                          size: Size.t}
           (* Scalar SSE move instruction.
           | SSE_MOVS of {src: Operand.t,
@@ -938,6 +950,10 @@
                                     src: Operand.t,
                                     dst: Operand.t,
                                     size: Size.t} -> t
+        val instruction_sse_binlp : {oper: Instruction.sse_binlp,
+                                     src: Operand.t,
+                                     dst: Operand.t,
+                                     size: Size.t} -> t
         val instruction_sse_movs : {src: Operand.t,
                                     dst: Operand.t,
                                     size: Size.t} -> t

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