[MLton-commit] r5665

Matthew Fluet fluet at mlton.org
Thu Jun 21 13:12:39 PDT 2007

Better profiling of SSA and SSA2 ILs

U   mlton/trunk/mlton/ssa/ssa-tree.fun
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/ssa/ssa-tree2.fun


Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/ssa/ssa-tree.fun
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/ssa/ssa-tree.fun	2007-06-21 17:52:40 UTC (rev 5664)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/ssa/ssa-tree.fun	2007-06-21 20:12:36 UTC (rev 5665)
@@ -1700,26 +1700,100 @@
                    val {args, blocks, mayInline, name, raises, returns, start} =
                       Function.dest f
+                   val extraBlocks = ref []
+                   val siF =
+                      SourceInfo.function
+                      {name = [Func.toString name],
+                       region = Region.bogus}
+                   val enterF = ProfileExp.Enter siF
+                   val enterF = fn () => Statement.profile enterF
+                   val leaveF = ProfileExp.Leave siF
+                   val leaveF = fn () => Statement.profile leaveF
                    val blocks =
                       (blocks, fn Block.T {args, label, statements, transfer} =>
-                          val si =
-                             SourceInfo.function
-                             {name = [Label.toString label],
-                              region = Region.bogus}
-                          fun prof f = Vector.new1 (Statement.profile (f si))
+                          val (enterFL, enterL, leaveL, leaveLF) =
+                             if Vector.length statements = 0
+                                then (fn () => Vector.new1 (enterF ()),
+                                      fn () => Vector.new0 (),
+                                      fn () => Vector.new0 (),
+                                      fn () => Vector.new1 (leaveF ()))
+                             else let
+                                     val siL =
+                                        SourceInfo.function
+                                        {name = [Label.toString label],
+                                         region = Region.bogus}
+                                     val enterL = ProfileExp.Enter siL
+                                     val enterL = fn () => Statement.profile enterL
+                                     val leaveL = ProfileExp.Leave siL
+                                     val leaveL = fn () => Statement.profile leaveL
+                                  in
+                                     (fn () => Vector.new2 (enterF (), enterL ()),
+                                      fn () => Vector.new1 (enterL ()),
+                                      fn () => Vector.new1 (leaveL ()),
+                                      fn () => Vector.new2 (leaveL (), leaveF ()))
+                                  end
+                          val enterStmts =
+                             if Label.equals (label, start)
+                                then enterFL ()
+                             else enterL ()
+                          fun doitLF () = (leaveLF (), transfer)
+                          fun doitL () = (leaveL (), transfer)
+                          fun doit () = (Vector.new0 (), transfer)
+                          fun genHandler () =
+                             case raises of
+                                NONE => Handler.Caller
+                              | SOME ts => 
+                                   let
+                                      val xs = Vector.map (ts, fn _ => Var.newNoname ())
+                                      val l = Label.newNoname ()
+                                      val _ =
+                                         List.push
+                                         (extraBlocks,
+                                          Block.T
+                                          {args = Vector.zip (xs, ts),
+                                           label = l,
+                                           statements = Vector.new1 (leaveF ()),
+                                           transfer = Transfer.Raise xs})
+                                   in
+                                      Handler.Handle l
+                                   end
+                          val (leaveStmts, transfer) =
+                             case transfer of
+                                Transfer.Call {args, func, return} => 
+                                   (case return of
+                                       Return.Dead => doit ()
+                                     | Return.NonTail {cont, handler} => 
+                                          (case  handler of
+                                              Handler.Dead => doitL ()
+                                            | Handler.Caller =>
+                                                 let
+                                                    val handler = genHandler ()
+                                                    val return = 
+                                                       Return.NonTail {cont = cont,
+                                                                       handler = handler}
+                                                 in
+                                                    (leaveL (),
+                                                     Transfer.Call {args = args,
+                                                                    func = func,
+                                                                    return = return})
+                                                 end
+                                            | Handler.Handle _ => doitL ())
+                                     | Return.Tail => doitLF ())
+                              | Transfer.Raise _ => doitLF ()
+                              | Transfer.Return _ => doitLF ()
+                              | _ => doitL ()
                           val statements =
-                             [prof ProfileExp.Enter,
-                              statements,
-                              prof ProfileExp.Leave]
+                             [enterStmts, statements, leaveStmts]
                           Block.T {args = args,
                                    label = label,
                                    statements = statements,
                                    transfer = transfer}
+                   val blocks = Vector.concat [Vector.fromList (!extraBlocks), blocks]
                    Function.new {args = args,
                                  blocks = blocks,

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/ssa/ssa-tree2.fun
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/ssa/ssa-tree2.fun	2007-06-21 17:52:40 UTC (rev 5664)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/ssa/ssa-tree2.fun	2007-06-21 20:12:36 UTC (rev 5665)
@@ -2146,26 +2146,100 @@
                    val {args, blocks, mayInline, name, raises, returns, start} =
                       Function.dest f
+                   val extraBlocks = ref []
+                   val siF =
+                      SourceInfo.function
+                      {name = [Func.toString name],
+                       region = Region.bogus}
+                   val enterF = ProfileExp.Enter siF
+                   val enterF = fn () => Statement.profile enterF
+                   val leaveF = ProfileExp.Leave siF
+                   val leaveF = fn () => Statement.profile leaveF
                    val blocks =
                       (blocks, fn Block.T {args, label, statements, transfer} =>
-                          val si =
-                             SourceInfo.function
-                             {name = [Label.toString label],
-                              region = Region.bogus}
-                          fun prof f = Vector.new1 (Statement.profile (f si))
+                          val (enterFL, enterL, leaveL, leaveLF) =
+                             if Vector.length statements = 0
+                                then (fn () => Vector.new1 (enterF ()),
+                                      fn () => Vector.new0 (),
+                                      fn () => Vector.new0 (),
+                                      fn () => Vector.new1 (leaveF ()))
+                             else let
+                                     val siL =
+                                        SourceInfo.function
+                                        {name = [Label.toString label],
+                                         region = Region.bogus}
+                                     val enterL = ProfileExp.Enter siL
+                                     val enterL = fn () => Statement.profile enterL
+                                     val leaveL = ProfileExp.Leave siL
+                                     val leaveL = fn () => Statement.profile leaveL
+                                  in
+                                     (fn () => Vector.new2 (enterF (), enterL ()),
+                                      fn () => Vector.new1 (enterL ()),
+                                      fn () => Vector.new1 (leaveL ()),
+                                      fn () => Vector.new2 (leaveL (), leaveF ()))
+                                  end
+                          val enterStmts =
+                             if Label.equals (label, start)
+                                then enterFL ()
+                             else enterL ()
+                          fun doitLF () = (leaveLF (), transfer)
+                          fun doitL () = (leaveL (), transfer)
+                          fun doit () = (Vector.new0 (), transfer)
+                          fun genHandler () =
+                             case raises of
+                                NONE => Handler.Caller
+                              | SOME ts => 
+                                   let
+                                      val xs = Vector.map (ts, fn _ => Var.newNoname ())
+                                      val l = Label.newNoname ()
+                                      val _ =
+                                         List.push
+                                         (extraBlocks,
+                                          Block.T
+                                          {args = Vector.zip (xs, ts),
+                                           label = l,
+                                           statements = Vector.new1 (leaveF ()),
+                                           transfer = Transfer.Raise xs})
+                                   in
+                                      Handler.Handle l
+                                   end
+                          val (leaveStmts, transfer) =
+                             case transfer of
+                                Transfer.Call {args, func, return} => 
+                                   (case return of
+                                       Return.Dead => doit ()
+                                     | Return.NonTail {cont, handler} => 
+                                          (case  handler of
+                                              Handler.Dead => doitL ()
+                                            | Handler.Caller =>
+                                                 let
+                                                    val handler = genHandler ()
+                                                    val return = 
+                                                       Return.NonTail {cont = cont,
+                                                                       handler = handler}
+                                                 in
+                                                    (leaveL (),
+                                                     Transfer.Call {args = args,
+                                                                    func = func,
+                                                                    return = return})
+                                                 end
+                                            | Handler.Handle _ => doitL ())
+                                     | Return.Tail => doitLF ())
+                              | Transfer.Raise _ => doitLF ()
+                              | Transfer.Return _ => doitLF ()
+                              | _ => doitL ()
                           val statements =
-                             [prof ProfileExp.Enter,
-                              statements,
-                              prof ProfileExp.Leave]
+                             [enterStmts, statements, leaveStmts]
                           Block.T {args = args,
                                    label = label,
                                    statements = statements,
                                    transfer = transfer}
+                   val blocks = Vector.concat [Vector.fromList (!extraBlocks), blocks]
                    Function.new {args = args,
                                  blocks = blocks,

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