[MLton-commit] r5563
Vesa Karvonen
vesak at mlton.org
Fri May 18 05:37:35 PDT 2007
Added numConsecutiveAlts and hasBaseCase.
U mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/type-info.sml
Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/type-info.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/type-info.sml 2007-05-18 12:35:00 UTC (rev 5562)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/type-info.sml 2007-05-18 12:37:35 UTC (rev 5563)
@@ -23,6 +23,17 @@
signature TYPE_INFO = sig
type 'a type_info_t
+ val canBeCyclic : 'a type_info_t UnPr.t
+ (**
+ * Returns true iff {'a} is of the form {'b ref} or {'b array} and
+ * it can not be ruled out that values of the type can form cycles.
+ *
+ * Note: Functions are not considered to form cycles.
+ *)
+ val hasBaseCase : 'a type_info_t UnPr.t
+ (** Returns true iff the type {'a} has a non-recursive variant. *)
val hasExn : 'a type_info_t UnPr.t
(** Returns true iff the type {'a} contains the type {exn}. *)
@@ -38,12 +49,9 @@
* the form {'b ref}.
- val canBeCyclic : 'a type_info_t UnPr.t
+ val numConsecutiveAlts : 'a type_info_t -> Int.t
- * Returns true iff {'a} is of the form {'b ref} or {'b array} and
- * it can not be ruled out that values of the type can form cycles.
- *
- * Note: Functions are not considered to form cycles.
+ * Number of consecutive alternatives.
@@ -52,40 +60,52 @@
type 'a t
val lift : ('a type_info_t, 'a t) Lift.t Thunk.t) : TYPE_INFO = struct
type 'a type_info_t = 'a t
- val hasExn = fn ? => Lift.get lift hasExn ?
- val hasRecData = fn ? => Lift.get lift hasRecData ?
- val isRefOrArray = fn ? => Lift.get lift isRefOrArray ?
- val canBeCyclic = fn ? => Lift.get lift canBeCyclic ?
+ fun mk f = Lift.get lift f
+ val canBeCyclic = fn ? => mk canBeCyclic ?
+ val hasBaseCase = fn ? => mk hasBaseCase ?
+ val hasExn = fn ? => mk hasExn ?
+ val hasRecData = fn ? => mk hasRecData ?
+ val isRefOrArray = fn ? => mk isRefOrArray ?
+ val numConsecutiveAlts = fn ? => mk numConsecutiveAlts ?
structure TypeInfo :> sig
- include TYPE_INFO where type 'a type_info_t = 'a t
+ sharing type type_info_t = t
end = struct
- datatype u = IN of {exn : Bool.t, pure : Bool.t, recs : Int.t List.t}
+ datatype u =
+ IN of {alts : Int.t,
+ base : Bool.t,
+ exn : Bool.t,
+ pure : Bool.t,
+ recs : Int.t List.t}
fun out (IN t) = t
type 'a t = u
type 'a type_info_t = 'a t
+ val hasBaseCase = #base o out
val hasExn = #exn o out
val hasRecData = not o null o #recs o out
val isRefOrArray = not o #pure o out
+ val numConsecutiveAlts = #alts o out
val canBeCyclic = isRefOrArray andAlso (hasExn orElse hasRecData)
- val base = IN {exn = false, pure = true, recs = []}
- fun pure (IN {exn, recs, ...}) = IN {exn = exn, pure = true, recs = recs}
- fun impure (IN {exn, recs, ...}) =
- IN {exn = exn, pure = false, recs = recs}
- fun combine (IN {exn = hl, recs = rl, ...},
- IN {exn = hr, recs = rr, ...}) =
- IN {exn = hl orelse hr, pure = true,
- recs = SortedList.merge#1 Int.compare (rl, rr)}
+ val base = IN {alts = 1, base = true, exn = false, pure = true, recs = []}
+ fun pure (IN {exn, recs, ...}) =
+ IN {alts = 1, base = true, exn = exn, pure = true, recs = recs}
val iso = const
- val op *` = combine
- val op +` = combine
+ fun (IN {base = bl, exn = hl, recs = rl, ...}) *`
+ (IN {base = br, exn = hr, recs = rr, ...}) =
+ IN {alts = 1, base = bl andalso br, exn = hl orelse hr, pure = true,
+ recs = SortedList.merge#1 Int.compare (rl, rr)}
+ fun (IN {alts = al, base = bl, exn = hl, recs = rl, ...}) +`
+ (IN {alts = ar, base = br, exn = hr, recs = rr, ...}) =
+ IN {alts = al + ar, base = bl orelse br, exn = hl orelse hr, pure = true,
+ recs = SortedList.merge#1 Int.compare (rl, rr)}
val unit = base
@@ -96,21 +116,22 @@
(fn () => let
val this = !id before id += 1
- (IN {exn = false, pure = true, recs = [this]},
- fn IN {exn, pure, recs} =>
- IN {exn = exn, pure = pure,
- recs = SortedList.remove
- #1 Int.compare this recs})
+ (IN {alts = 1, base = false, exn = false, pure = true, recs = [this]},
+ fn IN {alts, base, exn, pure, recs} =>
+ IN {alts = alts, base = base, exn = exn, pure = pure,
+ recs = SortedList.remove #1 Int.compare this recs})
end) ?
fun _ --> _ = base
- val exn = IN {exn = true, pure = true, recs = []}
+ val exn = IN {alts = 1, base = true, exn = true, pure = true, recs = []}
fun regExn _ _ = ()
- val array = impure
- val refc = impure
+ fun array (IN {exn, recs, ...}) =
+ IN {alts = 1, base = true, exn = exn, pure = false, recs = recs}
+ fun refc (IN {base, exn, recs, ...}) =
+ IN {alts = 1, base = base, exn = exn, pure = false, recs = recs}
val vector = pure
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