[MLton-commit] r6129

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Wed Nov 7 06:05:36 PST 2007

Added a new command-line switch:

  -mlb-path-var '<name> <value>'

It allows one to specify MLB path variables directly on the command-line.

The main design point is that variables given through the -mlb-path-map
and -mlb-path-var switches are processed in the order in which they are
specified on the command-line.  Neither switch has higher precedence than
the other.


U   mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control-flags.sig
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control-flags.sml
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/main/main.fun


Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control-flags.sig
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control-flags.sig	2007-11-06 20:20:12 UTC (rev 6128)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control-flags.sig	2007-11-07 14:05:35 UTC (rev 6129)
@@ -202,7 +202,8 @@
       val maxFunctionSize: int ref
-      val mlbPathMaps: string list ref
+      val mlbPathVars: {var: string,
+                        path: string} list ref
       val mlbPathMap: unit -> {var: string,
                                path: string} list

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control-flags.sml
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control-flags.sml	2007-11-06 20:20:12 UTC (rev 6128)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control-flags.sml	2007-11-07 14:05:35 UTC (rev 6129)
@@ -736,9 +736,13 @@
                                default = 10000,
                                toString = Int.toString}
-val mlbPathMaps = control {name = "mlb path maps",
-                           default = [],
-                           toString = List.toString (fn s => s)}
+val mlbPathVars =
+   control
+   {name = "mlb path vars",
+    default = [],
+    toString = List.toString
+               (fn {var, path} =>
+                   concat ["{var = ", var, ", path = ", path, "}"])}
 structure Native =
@@ -1019,59 +1023,43 @@
           ; Size.set_seqIndex seqIndex)
-   fun make (file: File.t) =
-      if not (File.canRead file) then
-         Error.bug (concat ["can't read MLB path map file: ", file])
-      else
-         List.keepAllMap
-         (File.lines file, fn line =>
-          if String.forall (line, Char.isSpace)
-             then NONE
-          else
-             case String.tokens (line, Char.isSpace) of
-                [var, path] => SOME {var = var, path = path}
-              | _ => Error.bug (concat ["strange mlb path mapping: ",
-                                        file, ":: ", line]))
-   fun mlbPathMap () =
-      List.rev
-         (List.concat
-             [[{var = "LIB_MLTON_DIR",
-                path = !libDir},
-               {var = "TARGET_ARCH",
-                path = String.toLower (MLton.Platform.Arch.toString
-                                       (!Target.arch))},
-               {var = "TARGET_OS",
-                path = String.toLower (MLton.Platform.OS.toString
-                                       (!Target.os))},
-               {var = "OBJPTR_REP",
-                path = (case Bits.toInt (Target.Size.objptr ()) of
-                           32 => "objptr-rep32.sml"
-                         | 64 => "objptr-rep64.sml"
-                         | _ => Error.bug "Control.mlbPathMap")},
-               {var = "HEADER_WORD",
-                path = (case Bits.toInt (Target.Size.header ()) of
-                           32 => "header-word32.sml"
-                         | 64 => "header-word64.sml"
-                         | _ => Error.bug "Control.mlbPathMap")},
-               {var = "SEQINDEX_INT",
-                path = (case Bits.toInt (Target.Size.seqIndex ()) of
-                           32 => "seqindex-int32.sml"
-                         | 64 => "seqindex-int64.sml"
-                         | _ => Error.bug "Control.mlbPathMap")},
-               {var = "DEFAULT_CHAR",
-                path = concat ["default-", !defaultChar, ".sml"]},
-               {var = "DEFAULT_WIDECHAR",
-                path = concat ["default-", !defaultWideChar, ".sml"]},
-               {var = "DEFAULT_INT",
-                path = concat ["default-", !defaultInt, ".sml"]},
-               {var = "DEFAULT_REAL",
-                path = concat ["default-", !defaultReal, ".sml"]},
-               {var = "DEFAULT_WORD",
-                path = concat ["default-", !defaultWord, ".sml"]}],
-              List.concat (List.map (!mlbPathMaps, make))])
+fun mlbPathMap () =
+   List.rev
+      (List.concat
+          [[{var = "LIB_MLTON_DIR",
+             path = !libDir},
+            {var = "TARGET_ARCH",
+             path = String.toLower (MLton.Platform.Arch.toString
+                                    (!Target.arch))},
+            {var = "TARGET_OS",
+             path = String.toLower (MLton.Platform.OS.toString
+                                    (!Target.os))},
+            {var = "OBJPTR_REP",
+             path = (case Bits.toInt (Target.Size.objptr ()) of
+                        32 => "objptr-rep32.sml"
+                      | 64 => "objptr-rep64.sml"
+                      | _ => Error.bug "Control.mlbPathMap")},
+            {var = "HEADER_WORD",
+             path = (case Bits.toInt (Target.Size.header ()) of
+                        32 => "header-word32.sml"
+                      | 64 => "header-word64.sml"
+                      | _ => Error.bug "Control.mlbPathMap")},
+            {var = "SEQINDEX_INT",
+             path = (case Bits.toInt (Target.Size.seqIndex ()) of
+                        32 => "seqindex-int32.sml"
+                      | 64 => "seqindex-int64.sml"
+                      | _ => Error.bug "Control.mlbPathMap")},
+            {var = "DEFAULT_CHAR",
+             path = concat ["default-", !defaultChar, ".sml"]},
+            {var = "DEFAULT_WIDECHAR",
+             path = concat ["default-", !defaultWideChar, ".sml"]},
+            {var = "DEFAULT_INT",
+             path = concat ["default-", !defaultInt, ".sml"]},
+            {var = "DEFAULT_REAL",
+             path = concat ["default-", !defaultReal, ".sml"]},
+            {var = "DEFAULT_WORD",
+             path = concat ["default-", !defaultWord, ".sml"]}],
+           !mlbPathVars])
 val typeCheck = control {name = "type check",
                          default = false,

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/main/main.fun
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/main/main.fun	2007-11-06 20:20:12 UTC (rev 6128)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/main/main.fun	2007-11-07 14:05:35 UTC (rev 6129)
@@ -74,6 +74,25 @@
 val show: Show.t option ref = ref NONE
 val stop = ref Place.OUT
+fun parseMlbPathVar (line: String.t) =
+   case String.tokens (line, Char.isSpace) of
+      [var, path] => SOME {var = var, path = path}
+    | _ => NONE
+fun readMlbPathMap (file: File.t) =
+   if not (File.canRead file) then
+      Error.bug (concat ["can't read MLB path map file: ", file])
+   else
+      List.keepAllMap
+      (File.lines file, fn line =>
+       if String.forall (line, Char.isSpace)
+          then NONE
+       else
+          case parseMlbPathVar line of
+             NONE => Error.bug (concat ["strange mlb path mapping: ",
+                                        file, ":: ", line])
+           | SOME v => SOME v)
 val targetMap: unit -> {arch: MLton.Platform.Arch.t,
                         os: MLton.Platform.OS.t,
                         target: string} list =
@@ -443,7 +462,13 @@
        (Expert, "max-function-size", " <n>", "max function size (blocks)",
         intRef maxFunctionSize),
        (Normal, "mlb-path-map", " <file>", "additional MLB path map",
-        SpaceString (fn s => mlbPathMaps := !mlbPathMaps @ [s])),
+        SpaceString (fn s => mlbPathVars := !mlbPathVars @ readMlbPathMap s)),
+       (Normal, "mlb-path-var", " '<name> <value>'", "additional MLB path var",
+        SpaceString
+        (fn s => mlbPathVars := !mlbPathVars @
+                                [case parseMlbPathVar s of
+                                    NONE => Error.bug ("strange mlb path var: " ^ s)
+                                  | SOME v => v])),
        (Expert, "native-commented", " <n>", "level of comments  (0)",
         intRef Native.commented),
        (Expert, "native-copy-prop", " {true|false}", 

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