[MLton-commit] r6063

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Sat Oct 6 14:29:36 PDT 2007

Simple shrinking of non-IntInf integers and words.


U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/unsealed.cm
A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ops.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pickle.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/shrink.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/lib.mlb


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/unsealed.cm
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/unsealed.cm	2007-10-06 21:27:10 UTC (rev 6062)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ml/smlnj/unsealed.cm	2007-10-06 21:29:35 UTC (rev 6063)
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
+   ../../ops.sml

Added: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ops.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ops.sml	2007-10-06 21:27:10 UTC (rev 6062)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ops.sml	2007-10-06 21:29:35 UTC (rev 6063)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security, Helsinki, Finland
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+structure Ops = struct
+   datatype 'a wops =
+      W of {wordSize : Int.t,
+            orb : 'a BinOp.t,
+            << : 'a ShiftOp.t,
+            ~>> : 'a ShiftOp.t,
+            >> : 'a ShiftOp.t,
+            isoWord8 : ('a, Word8.t) Iso.t,
+            isoWord8X : ('a, Word8.t) Iso.t}
+   datatype 'a iops =
+      I of {precision : Int.t Option.t,
+            maxInt : 'a Option.t,
+            fromInt : Int.t -> 'a,
+            *` : 'a BinOp.t,
+            +` : 'a BinOp.t,
+            div : 'a BinOp.t,
+            mod : 'a BinOp.t}
+functor MkWordOps (Arg : WORD) = struct
+   local
+      open Arg
+   in
+      val ops =
+          Ops.W {wordSize = wordSize, orb = op orb,
+                 << = op <<, ~>> = op ~>>, >> = op >>,
+                 isoWord8 = isoWord8, isoWord8X = isoWord8X}
+   end
+structure LargeRealWordOps = MkWordOps (CastLargeReal.Bits)
+structure LargeWordOps = MkWordOps (LargeWord)
+structure RealWordOps = MkWordOps (CastReal.Bits)
+structure WordOps = MkWordOps (Word)
+structure Word32Ops = MkWordOps (Word32)
+structure Word64Ops = MkWordOps (Word64)
+structure Word8Ops = MkWordOps (Word8)
+functor MkIntOps (Arg : INTEGER) = struct
+   local
+      open Arg
+   in
+      val ops =
+          Ops.I {precision = precision,
+                 maxInt = maxInt,
+                 fromInt = fromInt,
+                 *` = op *, +` = op +,
+                 div = op div, mod = op mod}
+   end
+structure FixedIntOps = MkIntOps (FixedInt)
+structure IntOps = MkIntOps (Int)
+structure LargeIntOps = MkIntOps (LargeInt)

Property changes on: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/ops.sml
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pickle.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pickle.sml	2007-10-06 21:27:10 UTC (rev 6062)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pickle.sml	2007-10-06 21:29:35 UTC (rev 6063)
@@ -75,22 +75,6 @@
-datatype 'a ops =
-   OPS of {wordSize : Int.t,
-           orb : 'a BinOp.t,
-           << : 'a ShiftOp.t,
-           ~>> : 'a ShiftOp.t,
-           isoWord8 : ('a, Word8.t) Iso.t,
-           isoWord8X : ('a, Word8.t) Iso.t}
-functor WordWithOps (Arg : WORD) = struct
-   open Arg
-   val ops = OPS {wordSize = wordSize, orb = op orb, << = op <<, ~>> = op ~>>,
-                  isoWord8 = isoWord8, isoWord8X = isoWord8X}
 functor WithPickle (Arg : WITH_PICKLE_DOM) : PICKLE_CASES = struct
    (* <-- SML/NJ workaround *)
    open TopLevel
@@ -110,13 +94,6 @@
    infixr 0 -->
    (* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
-   structure Word = WordWithOps (Word)
-   structure Word32 = WordWithOps (Word32)
-   structure Word64 = WordWithOps (Word64)
-   structure LargeWord = WordWithOps (LargeWord)
-   structure LargeRealWord = WordWithOps (CastLargeReal.Bits)
-   structure RealWord = WordWithOps (CastReal.Bits)
    structure Dyn = HashUniv
    structure I = let
@@ -219,7 +196,7 @@
    (* Encodes either 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits of data and an optional size. *)
    fun bits sized
-            (OPS {wordSize = n, orb, <<, ~>>, isoWord8 = (toW8, fromW8), ...})
+            (Ops.W {wordSize = n, orb, <<, ~>>, isoWord8 = (toW8, fromW8), ...})
             (toBits, fromBits) = let
       fun alts ` op o =
           if      n <= 8  then `0w0
@@ -252,11 +229,11 @@
          sz = SOME ((n + 7) div 8 + Bool.toInt sized)}
-   val word32 = bits false Word32.ops Iso.id
+   val word32 = bits false Word32Ops.ops Iso.id
    (* Encodes fixed size int as a size followed by little endian bytes. *)
-   fun mkFixedInt (OPS {orb, <<, ~>>, isoWord8 = (toW8, fromW8),
-                        isoWord8X = (_, fromW8X), ...})
+   fun mkFixedInt (Ops.W {orb, <<, ~>>, isoWord8 = (toW8, fromW8),
+                          isoWord8X = (_, fromW8X), ...})
                   (fromBitsX, toBits) =
        P {rd = let
              open I
@@ -292,7 +269,7 @@
    val () = if LargeWord.wordSize < valOf FixedInt.precision
             then fail "LargeWord can't hold a FixedInt"
             else ()
-   val fixedInt = mkFixedInt LargeWord.ops LargeWord.isoFixedIntX
+   val fixedInt = mkFixedInt LargeWordOps.ops LargeWord.isoFixedIntX
    fun cyclic {readProxy, readBody, writeWhole, self} = let
       val (toDyn, fromDyn) = Dyn.new {eq = Arg.eq self, hash = Arg.hash self}
@@ -657,20 +634,20 @@
       val bool = iso' char (swap Char.isoInt <--> Bool.isoInt)
       val int =
           if case Int.precision of NONE => false | SOME n => n <= Word.wordSize
-          then mkFixedInt Word.ops Word.isoIntX
+          then mkFixedInt WordOps.ops Word.isoIntX
           else if isSome Int.precision
           then iso' fixedInt Int.isoFixedInt
           else iso' largeInt Int.isoLargeInt
-      val real = bits true RealWord.ops CastReal.isoBits
+      val real = bits true RealWordOps.ops CastReal.isoBits
       val string = string
-      val word = mkFixedInt Word.ops Iso.id
+      val word = mkFixedInt WordOps.ops Iso.id
-      val largeReal = bits true LargeRealWord.ops CastLargeReal.isoBits
-      val largeWord = mkFixedInt LargeWord.ops Iso.id
+      val largeReal = bits true LargeRealWordOps.ops CastLargeReal.isoBits
+      val largeWord = mkFixedInt LargeWordOps.ops Iso.id
       val word8  = word8
       val word32 = word32
-      val word64 = bits false Word64.ops Iso.id
+      val word64 = bits false Word64Ops.ops Iso.id
       open Arg PickleRep)

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/shrink.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/shrink.sml	2007-10-06 21:27:10 UTC (rev 6062)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/shrink.sml	2007-10-06 21:29:35 UTC (rev 6063)
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 functor WithShrink (Arg : WITH_SHRINK_DOM) : SHRINK_CASES = struct
    (* <-- SML/NJ workaround *)
    open TopLevel
+   infix 7 >> << *`
+   infix 6 +`
+   infix 4 orb
    infix 0 &
    (* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
@@ -34,6 +37,41 @@
        IN {kids = fn (_, e, _) => e,
            shrink = fn _ => []}
+   fun mkInt (Ops.I {precision, fromInt, maxInt, +`, *`, div, mod, ...}) =
+       if isSome precision
+       then IN {kids = fn (_, e, _) => e,
+                shrink = fn i => let
+                               val m = valOf maxInt div fromInt 2 +` fromInt 1
+                               fun lp (d, is) = let
+                                  val h = (i div d) div fromInt 2 *` d
+                                  val l = i mod d
+                                  val i' = h+`l
+                               in
+                                  if i' = i then is
+                                  else if d = m then i'::is
+                                  else lp (d *` fromInt 2, i'::is)
+                               end
+                            in
+                               lp (fromInt 1, [])
+                            end}
+       else none
+   fun mkWord (Ops.W {wordSize, <<, >>, orb, ...}) =
+       IN {kids = fn (_, e, _) => e,
+           shrink = fn w => let
+                          fun lp (s, ws) =
+                              if s = Word.fromInt wordSize then ws else let
+                                 val h = (w >> (s + 0w1)) << s
+                                 val s' = Word.fromInt wordSize - s
+                                 val l = (w << s') >> s'
+                                 val w' = h orb l
+                              in
+                                 if w' = w then ws else lp (s+0w1, w'::ws)
+                              end
+                       in
+                          lp (0w0, [])
+                       end}
    structure ShrinkRep = LayerRep
      (open Arg
       structure Rep = MkClosedRep (type 'a t = 'a t))
@@ -142,22 +180,22 @@
       fun refc _ = none
-      val fixedInt  = none
-      val largeInt  = none
+      val fixedInt  = mkInt FixedIntOps.ops
+      val largeInt  = mkInt LargeIntOps.ops
       val largeReal = none
-      val largeWord = none
+      val largeWord = mkWord LargeWordOps.ops
       val bool   = none
       val char   = none
-      val int    = none
+      val int    = mkInt IntOps.ops
       val real   = none
       val string = iso' (list' char) String.isoList
-      val word   = none
+      val word   = mkWord WordOps.ops
-      val word8  = none
-      val word32 = none
-      val word64 = none
+      val word8  = mkWord Word8Ops.ops
+      val word32 = mkWord Word32Ops.ops
+      val word64 = mkWord Word64Ops.ops
       open Arg ShrinkRep)

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/lib.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/lib.mlb	2007-10-06 21:27:10 UTC (rev 6062)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/lib.mlb	2007-10-06 21:29:35 UTC (rev 6063)
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@
+         detail/ops.sml
          detail/opt-int.sml (* XXX Should really go to Extended Basis? *)

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