[MLton-commit] r6076

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Sun Oct 21 05:45:14 PDT 2007

Added an example transcript to the documentation.  Sealed the
implementation of Pretty opaquely.  Simplified the contString option (from
three alternatives to two), because one of the alternatives (ALWAYS_AT_NL)
wouldn't behave nicely.


U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pretty.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/pretty.sig


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pretty.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pretty.sml	2007-10-19 22:17:22 UTC (rev 6075)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pretty.sml	2007-10-21 12:32:07 UTC (rev 6076)
@@ -4,17 +4,10 @@
  * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
-(* XXX indentation formatting option(s) *)
-datatype cont_string =
 functor MkOpts (type 'a t) = struct
    type t =
         {conNest : Int.t Option.t t,
-         contString : cont_string t,
+         contString : Bool.t t,
          fieldNest : Int.t Option.t t,
          intRadix : StringCvt.radix t,
          maxDepth : Int.t Option.t t,
@@ -40,393 +33,401 @@
         wordRadix = f (#wordRadix r)}
-functor WithPretty (Arg : WITH_PRETTY_DOM) : PRETTY_CASES = struct
-   (* <-- SML/NJ workaround *)
-   open TopLevel
-   infix  7 *`
-   infix  6 +`
-   infixr 6 <^> <+>
-   infixr 5 <$> <$$> </> <//>
-   infix  4 <\ \>
-   infixr 4 </ />
-   infix  2 >|
-   infixr 2 |<
-   infix  1 >>=
-   infix  0 &
-   infixr 0 -->
-   (* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
+functor WithPretty (Arg : WITH_PRETTY_DOM) = let
+   structure Result = struct
+      (* <-- SML/NJ workaround *)
+      open TopLevel
+      infix  7 *`
+      infix  6 +`
+      infixr 6 <^> <+>
+      infixr 5 <$> <$$> </> <//>
+      infix  4 <\ \>
+      infixr 4 </ />
+      infix  2 >|
+      infixr 2 |<
+      infix  1 >>=
+      infix  0 &
+      infixr 0 -->
+      (* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
-   structure Fixity = struct
-      datatype t = ATOMIC | NONFIX | INFIXL of Int.t | INFIXR of Int.t
-   end
+      structure Fixity = struct
+         datatype t = ATOMIC | NONFIX | INFIXL of Int.t | INFIXR of Int.t
+      end
-   open Fixity
+      open Fixity
-   fun mark f doc = (f, doc)
+      fun mark f doc = (f, doc)
-   open Prettier
+      open Prettier
-   val parens       = (1, (lparen,   rparen))
-   val hashParens   = (2, (txt "#(", rparen))
-   val braces       = (1, (lbrace,   rbrace))
-   val brackets     = (1, (lbracket, rbracket))
-   val hashBrackets = (2, (txt "#[", rbracket))
+      val parens       = (1, (lparen,   rparen))
+      val hashParens   = (2, (txt "#(", rparen))
+      val braces       = (1, (lbrace,   rbrace))
+      val brackets     = (1, (lbracket, rbracket))
+      val hashBrackets = (2, (txt "#[", rbracket))
-   fun surround (n, p) = nest n o enclose p
-   fun atomize (a, d) = if ATOMIC = a then d else surround parens d
+      fun surround (n, p) = nest n o enclose p
+      fun atomize (a, d) = if ATOMIC = a then d else surround parens d
-   structure Fmt = struct
-      datatype cont_string = datatype cont_string
+      structure Fmt = struct
+         structure Opts = MkOpts (type 'a t = 'a)
-      structure Opts = MkOpts (type 'a t = 'a)
+         datatype t = T of Opts.t
-      datatype t = T of Opts.t
+         val default =
+             T {conNest = SOME 1,
+                contString = true,
+                fieldNest = SOME 1,
+                intRadix = StringCvt.DEC,
+                maxDepth = NONE,
+                maxLength = NONE,
+                maxString = NONE,
+                realFmt = StringCvt.GEN NONE,
+                wordRadix = StringCvt.HEX}
-      val default =
-          T {conNest = SOME 1,
-             contString = AT_NL_TO_FIT,
-             fieldNest = SOME 1,
-             intRadix = StringCvt.DEC,
-             maxDepth = NONE,
-             maxLength = NONE,
-             maxString = NONE,
-             realFmt = StringCvt.GEN NONE,
-             wordRadix = StringCvt.HEX}
+         structure RefOpts = MkOpts (Ref)
-      structure RefOpts = MkOpts (Ref)
+         datatype 'a opt =
+            O of {get : Opts.t -> 'a,
+                  set : RefOpts.t -> 'a Ref.t,
+                  chk : 'a Effect.t}
-      datatype 'a opt =
-         O of {get : Opts.t -> 'a,
-               set : RefOpts.t -> 'a Ref.t,
-               chk : 'a Effect.t}
+         val notNeg = fn i => if i < 0 then raise Size else ()
+         val notNegOpt = Option.app notNeg
+         fun chkRealFmt fmt =
+             if case fmt
+                 of StringCvt.SCI (SOME i) => i < 0
+                  | StringCvt.FIX (SOME i) => i < 0
+                  | StringCvt.GEN (SOME i) => i < 1
+                  | _                      => false
+             then raise Size
+             else ()
-      val notNeg = fn i => if i < 0 then raise Size else ()
-      val notNegOpt = Option.app notNeg
-      fun chkRealFmt fmt =
-          if case fmt
-              of StringCvt.SCI (SOME i) => i < 0
-               | StringCvt.FIX (SOME i) => i < 0
-               | StringCvt.GEN (SOME i) => i < 1
-               | _                      => false
-          then raise Size
-          else ()
+         val conNest = O {get = #conNest, set = #conNest, chk = notNegOpt}
+         val contString = O {get = #contString, set = #contString, chk = ignore}
+         val fieldNest = O {get = #fieldNest, set = #fieldNest, chk = notNegOpt}
+         val intRadix = O {get = #intRadix, set = #intRadix, chk = ignore}
+         val maxDepth = O {get = #maxDepth, set = #maxDepth, chk = notNegOpt}
+         val maxLength = O {get = #maxLength, set = #maxLength, chk = notNegOpt}
+         val maxString = O {get = #maxString, set = #maxString, chk = notNegOpt}
+         val realFmt = O {get = #realFmt, set = #realFmt, chk = chkRealFmt}
+         val wordRadix = O {get = #wordRadix, set = #wordRadix, chk = ignore}
-      val conNest = O {get = #conNest, set = #conNest, chk = notNegOpt}
-      val contString = O {get = #contString, set = #contString, chk = ignore}
-      val fieldNest = O {get = #fieldNest, set = #fieldNest, chk = notNegOpt}
-      val intRadix = O {get = #intRadix, set = #intRadix, chk = ignore}
-      val maxDepth = O {get = #maxDepth, set = #maxDepth, chk = notNegOpt}
-      val maxLength = O {get = #maxLength, set = #maxLength, chk = notNegOpt}
-      val maxString = O {get = #maxString, set = #maxString, chk = notNegOpt}
-      val realFmt = O {get = #realFmt, set = #realFmt, chk = chkRealFmt}
-      val wordRadix = O {get = #wordRadix, set = #wordRadix, chk = ignore}
+         structure I = MapOpts (type 'a dom = 'a and 'a cod = 'a Ref.t
+                                val f = ref)
+               and P = MapOpts (type 'a dom = 'a Ref.t and 'a cod = 'a
+                                val f = !)
-      structure I = MapOpts (type 'a dom = 'a and 'a cod = 'a Ref.t val f = ref)
-            and P = MapOpts (type 'a dom = 'a Ref.t and 'a cod = 'a val f = !)
+         fun op & (T opts, (O {set, chk, ...}, v)) =
+             (chk v
+            ; case I.map opts
+               of refOpts => (set refOpts := v ; T (P.map refOpts)))
-      fun op & (T opts, (O {set, chk, ...}, v)) =
-          (chk v
-         ; case I.map opts
-            of refOpts => (set refOpts := v ; T (P.map refOpts)))
+         fun op := x = x
-      fun op := x = x
+         fun ! (O {get, ...}) (T opts) = get opts
+      end
-      fun ! (O {get, ...}) (T opts) = get opts
-   end
+      type c = {map : (HashUniv.t, Prettier.t Option.t) HashMap.t,
+                cnt : Int.t Ref.t,
+                fmt : Fmt.t}
+      type v = {maxDepth : OptInt.t}
+      datatype e = E of c * v
+      type 'a t = e * 'a -> Fixity.t * Prettier.t
+      type 'a p = e * 'a -> Prettier.t
-   type c = {map : (HashUniv.t, Prettier.t Option.t) HashMap.t,
-             cnt : Int.t Ref.t,
-             fmt : Fmt.t}
-   type v = {maxDepth : OptInt.t}
-   datatype e = E of c * v
-   type 'a t = e * 'a -> Fixity.t * Prettier.t
-   type 'a p = e * 'a -> Prettier.t
+      fun inj b a2b = b o Pair.map (id, a2b)
-   fun inj b a2b = b o Pair.map (id, a2b)
+      val txt0b = txt "0b"
+      val txt0o = txt "0o"
+      val txt0w = txt "0w"
+      val txt0wb = txt "0wb"
+      val txt0wo = txt "0wo"
+      val txt0wx = txt "0wx"
+      val txt0x = txt "0x"
+      val txtDots = txt "..."
+      val txtFalse = txt "false"
+      val txtFn = txt "#fn"
+      val txtHash = txt "#"
+      val txtHashDQuote = txt "#\""
+      val txtNlBs = txt "\\n\\"
+      val txtBsDots = txt "\\..."
+      val txtTrue = txt "true"
+      val txtUnit = txt "()"
-   val txt0b = txt "0b"
-   val txt0o = txt "0o"
-   val txt0w = txt "0w"
-   val txt0wb = txt "0wb"
-   val txt0wo = txt "0wo"
-   val txt0wx = txt "0wx"
-   val txt0x = txt "0x"
-   val txtDots = txt "..."
-   val txtFalse = txt "false"
-   val txtFn = txt "#fn"
-   val txtHash = txt "#"
-   val txtHashDQuote = txt "#\""
-   val txtNlBs = txt "\\n\\"
-   val txtBsDots = txt "\\..."
-   val txtTrue = txt "true"
-   val txtUnit = txt "()"
+      val ctorRef = Generics.C "ref"
-   val ctorRef = Generics.C "ref"
+      fun cyclic aT aP =
+          case HashUniv.new {eq = op =, hash = Arg.hash aT}
+           of (to, _) =>
+              fn (e as E ({map, cnt, ...}, _), v) =>
+                 case to v
+                  of vD =>
+                     case HashMap.find map vD
+                      of SOME (SOME u) => (ATOMIC, u)
+                       | SOME NONE => let
+                            val u = txtHash <^>
+                                    txt (Int.toString (cnt := !cnt + 1 ; !cnt))
+                         in
+                            HashMap.insert map (vD, SOME u)
+                          ; (ATOMIC, u)
+                         end
+                       | NONE =>
+                         (HashMap.insert map (vD, NONE)
+                        ; case aP (e, v)
+                           of (f, d) =>
+                              (f,
+                               lazy (fn () =>
+                                        case HashMap.find map vD
+                                         of SOME (SOME u) => u <^> equals
+                                          | _             => empty) <^> d))
-   fun cyclic aT aP =
-       case HashUniv.new {eq = op =, hash = Arg.hash aT}
-        of (to, _) =>
-           fn (e as E ({map, cnt, ...}, _), v) =>
-              case to v
-               of vD =>
-                  case HashMap.find map vD
-                   of SOME (SOME u) => (ATOMIC, u)
-                    | SOME NONE => let
-                         val u = txtHash <^>
-                                 txt (Int.toString (cnt := !cnt + 1 ; !cnt))
-                      in
-                         HashMap.insert map (vD, SOME u)
-                       ; (ATOMIC, u)
-                      end
-                    | NONE =>
-                      (HashMap.insert map (vD, NONE)
-                     ; case aP (e, v)
-                        of (f, d) =>
-                           (f,
-                            lazy (fn () => case HashMap.find map vD
-                                            of SOME (SOME u) => u <^> equals
-                                             | _             => empty) <^> d))
+      fun sequ style toSlice getItem aP
+               (e as E ({fmt = Fmt.T r, ...}, _), a) = let
+         fun lp (n, d, s) =
+             case getItem s
+              of NONE        => surround style d
+               | SOME (a, s) => let
+                    val d = d <^> comma
+                 in
+                    if SOME 0 = n
+                    then surround style (d <$> txtDots)
+                    else lp (OptInt.- (n, SOME 1), d <$> group (aP (e, a)), s)
+                 end
+         open Fmt
+      in
+         (ATOMIC,
+          if SOME 0 = #maxLength r
+          then surround style txtDots
+          else case getItem (toSlice a)
+                of NONE        => op <^> (#2 style)
+                 | SOME (a, s) =>
+                   lp (OptInt.- (#maxLength r, SOME 1), group (aP (e, a)), s))
+      end
-   fun sequ style toSlice getItem aP (e as E ({fmt = Fmt.T r, ...}, _), a) = let
-      fun lp (n, d, s) =
-          case getItem s
-           of NONE        => surround style d
-            | SOME (a, s) => let
-                 val d = d <^> comma
-              in
-                 if SOME 0 = n
-                 then surround style (d <$> txtDots)
-                 else lp (OptInt.- (n, SOME 1), d <$> group (aP (e, a)), s)
-              end
-      open Fmt
-   in
-      (ATOMIC,
-       if SOME 0 = #maxLength r
-       then surround style txtDots
-       else case getItem (toSlice a)
-             of NONE        => op <^> (#2 style)
-              | SOME (a, s) =>
-                lp (OptInt.- (#maxLength r, SOME 1), group (aP (e, a)), s))
-   end
+      val intPrefix =
+       fn StringCvt.BIN => txt0b (* XXX HaMLet-S *)
+        | StringCvt.OCT => txt0o (* XXX non-standard *)
+        | StringCvt.DEC => empty
+        | StringCvt.HEX => txt0x
-   val intPrefix =
-    fn StringCvt.BIN => txt0b (* XXX HaMLet-S *)
-     | StringCvt.OCT => txt0o (* XXX non-standard *)
-     | StringCvt.DEC => empty
-     | StringCvt.HEX => txt0x
+      fun mkInt fmt (E ({fmt = Fmt.T {intRadix, ...}, ...}, _), i) =
+          (ATOMIC, intPrefix intRadix <^> txt (fmt intRadix i))
-   fun mkInt fmt (E ({fmt = Fmt.T {intRadix, ...}, ...}, _), i) =
-       (ATOMIC, intPrefix intRadix <^> txt (fmt intRadix i))
+      val wordPrefix =
+       fn StringCvt.BIN => txt0wb (* XXX HaMLet-S *)
+        | StringCvt.OCT => txt0wo (* XXX non-standard *)
+        | StringCvt.DEC => txt0w
+        | StringCvt.HEX => txt0wx
-   val wordPrefix =
-    fn StringCvt.BIN => txt0wb (* XXX HaMLet-S *)
-     | StringCvt.OCT => txt0wo (* XXX non-standard *)
-     | StringCvt.DEC => txt0w
-     | StringCvt.HEX => txt0wx
+      fun mkWord fmt (E ({fmt = Fmt.T {wordRadix, ...}, ...}, _), w) =
+          (ATOMIC, wordPrefix wordRadix <^> txt (fmt wordRadix w))
-   fun mkWord fmt (E ({fmt = Fmt.T {wordRadix, ...}, ...}, _), w) =
-       (ATOMIC, wordPrefix wordRadix <^> txt (fmt wordRadix w))
+      fun mkReal fmt (E ({fmt = Fmt.T {realFmt, ...}, ...}, _), r) =
+          (ATOMIC, txt (fmt realFmt r))
-   fun mkReal fmt (E ({fmt = Fmt.T {realFmt, ...}, ...}, _), r) =
-       (ATOMIC, txt (fmt realFmt r))
+      fun depth aP (E (c, {maxDepth}), v) =
+          if SOME 0 = maxDepth
+          then (ATOMIC, txtDots)
+          else aP (E (c, {maxDepth = OptInt.- (maxDepth, SOME 1)}), v)
-   fun depth aP (E (c, {maxDepth}), v) =
-       if SOME 0 = maxDepth
-       then (ATOMIC, txtDots)
-       else aP (E (c, {maxDepth = OptInt.- (maxDepth, SOME 1)}), v)
+      fun nested (m, lhs, frhs, s)
+                 (ex as (E ({fmt = Fmt.T r, ...}, _), _)) = let
+         val rhs = frhs ex
+         fun next n = nest n (lhs <$> rhs)
+         fun same () = nest m (lhs <+> rhs)
+      in
+         group (case s r
+                 of SOME n => if m <= n then same () else next n
+                  | NONE   => same ())
+      end
-   fun nested (m, lhs, frhs, s) (ex as (E ({fmt = Fmt.T r, ...}, _), _)) = let
-      val rhs = frhs ex
-      fun next n = nest n (lhs <$> rhs)
-      fun same () = nest m (lhs <+> rhs)
-   in
-      group (case s r
-              of SOME n => if m <= n then same () else next n
-               | NONE   => same ())
-   end
+      val exnHandler : Exn.t t Ref.t =
+          ref (mark ATOMIC o txtHash <\ op <^> o txt o General.exnName o #2)
+      fun regExn aP e2a =
+          Ref.modify (fn exnHandler => fn (env, e) =>
+                                          case e2a e
+                                           of NONE   => exnHandler (env, e)
+                                            | SOME a => aP (env, a))
+                     exnHandler
-   val exnHandler : Exn.t t Ref.t =
-       ref (mark ATOMIC o txtHash <\ op <^> o txt o General.exnName o #2)
-   fun regExn aP e2a =
-       Ref.modify (fn exnHandler => fn (env, e) =>
-                      case e2a e
-                       of NONE   => exnHandler (env, e)
-                        | SOME a => aP (env, a))
-                  exnHandler
+      fun iso' bP = inj bP o Iso.to
-   fun iso' bP = inj bP o Iso.to
+      structure PrettyRep = LayerRep
+        (open Arg
+         structure Rep = struct
+            type 'a t = 'a t and 'a s = 'a t and ('a, 'k) p = 'a p
+         end)
-   structure PrettyRep = LayerRep
-     (open Arg
-      structure Rep = struct
-         type 'a t = 'a t and 'a s = 'a t and ('a, 'k) p = 'a p
-      end)
+      open PrettyRep.This
-   open PrettyRep.This
+      structure Pretty = struct
+         type 'a monad = e -> 'a * e
+         fun return a e = (a, e)
+         fun (aM >>= a2bM) e = uncurry a2bM (aM e)
-   structure Pretty = struct
-      type 'a monad = e -> 'a * e
-      fun return a e = (a, e)
-      fun (aM >>= a2bM) e = uncurry a2bM (aM e)
+         fun getFmt (e as E ({fmt, ...}, _)) = (fmt, e)
+         fun setFmt fmt (E ({cnt, map, ...}, v)) =
+             ((), E ({cnt = cnt, fmt = fmt, map = map}, v))
-      fun getFmt (e as E ({fmt, ...}, _)) = (fmt, e)
-      fun setFmt fmt (E ({cnt, map, ...}, v)) =
-          ((), E ({cnt = cnt, fmt = fmt, map = map}, v))
+         fun getRemDepth (e as E (_, {maxDepth})) = (maxDepth, e)
+         fun setRemDepth remDepth =
+             (Fmt.notNegOpt remDepth
+            ; fn (E (c, _)) => ((), E (c, {maxDepth = remDepth})))
-      fun getRemDepth (e as E (_, {maxDepth})) = (maxDepth, e)
-      fun setRemDepth remDepth =
-          (Fmt.notNegOpt remDepth
-         ; fn (E (c, _)) => ((), E (c, {maxDepth = remDepth})))
+         structure Fixity = Fixity
-      structure Fixity = Fixity
+         type 'a t = 'a -> (Fixity.t * Prettier.t) monad
-      type 'a t = 'a -> (Fixity.t * Prettier.t) monad
+         fun getPrinter aT =
+             case getT aT
+              of aP => fn a => fn e => (aP (e, a), e)
+         fun setPrinter aP = mapT (const (Pair.fst o uncurry aP o Pair.swap))
+         fun mapPrinter f t = setPrinter (f (getPrinter t)) t
-      fun getPrinter aT =
-          case getT aT
-           of aP => fn a => fn e => (aP (e, a), e)
-      fun setPrinter aP = mapT (const (Pair.fst o uncurry aP o Pair.swap))
-      fun mapPrinter f t = setPrinter (f (getPrinter t)) t
-      local
-         fun mk con n cmpL cmpR =
-             if n < 0 orelse 9 < n then raise Domain else
-                fn c => case txt (Generics.Con.toString c) of c =>
-                   fn (aT, bT) => case getT aT & getT bT of aP & bP =>
-                      (mapS o const)
-                         (fn (e, (a, b)) => let
-                                val (aF, aS) = aP (e, a)
-                                val (bF, bS) = bP (e, b)
-                                val aS = if cmpL aF
-                                         then surround parens aS
-                                         else aS
-                                val bS = if cmpR bF
-                                         then surround parens bS
-                                         else bS
-                             in
-                                (con n, aS <$> c </> bS)
-                             end)
-      in
-         fun infixL n =
-             mk INFIXL n
-                (fn INFIXL l => l <  n | INFIXR r => r <= n | _ => false)
-                (fn INFIXL l => l <= n | INFIXR r => r <= n | _ => false)
-         fun infixR n =
-             mk INFIXR n
-                (fn INFIXL l => l <= n | INFIXR r => r <= n | _ => false)
-                (fn INFIXL l => l <= n | INFIXR r => r <  n | _ => false)
+         local
+            fun mk con n cmpL cmpR =
+                if n < 0 orelse 9 < n then raise Domain else
+                   fn c => case txt (Generics.Con.toString c) of c =>
+                      fn (aT, bT) => case getT aT & getT bT of aP & bP =>
+                         (mapS o const)
+                            (fn (e, (a, b)) => let
+                                   val (aF, aS) = aP (e, a)
+                                   val (bF, bS) = bP (e, b)
+                                   val aS = if cmpL aF
+                                            then surround parens aS
+                                            else aS
+                                   val bS = if cmpR bF
+                                            then surround parens bS
+                                            else bS
+                                in
+                                   (con n, aS <$> c </> bS)
+                                end)
+         in
+            fun infixL n =
+                mk INFIXL n
+                   (fn INFIXL l => l <  n | INFIXR r => r <= n | _ => false)
+                   (fn INFIXL l => l <= n | INFIXR r => r <= n | _ => false)
+            fun infixR n =
+                mk INFIXR n
+                   (fn INFIXL l => l <= n | INFIXR r => r <= n | _ => false)
+                   (fn INFIXL l => l <= n | INFIXR r => r <  n | _ => false)
+         end
-   end
-   fun fmt t =
-       case getT t
-        of p => fn fmt => fn x =>
-           group (#2 (p (E ({map = HashMap.new {eq = HashUniv.eq,
-                                                hash = HashUniv.hash},
-                             cnt = ref ~1,
-                             fmt = fmt},
-                            {maxDepth = Fmt.! Fmt.maxDepth fmt}),
-                         x)))
-   fun pretty t = fmt t Fmt.default
-   fun show t = Prettier.render NONE o pretty t
+      fun fmt t =
+          case getT t
+           of p => fn fmt => fn x =>
+              group (#2 (p (E ({map = HashMap.new {eq = HashUniv.eq,
+                                                   hash = HashUniv.hash},
+                                cnt = ref ~1,
+                                fmt = fmt},
+                               {maxDepth = Fmt.! Fmt.maxDepth fmt}),
+                            x)))
+      fun pretty t = fmt t Fmt.default
+      fun show t = Prettier.render NONE o pretty t
-   structure Open = LayerDepCases
-     (fun iso        aT = iso' (getT aT)
-      fun isoProduct aP = iso' (getP aP)
-      fun isoSum     aS = iso' (getS aS)
+      structure Open = LayerDepCases
+        (fun iso        aT = iso' (getT aT)
+         fun isoProduct aP = iso' (getP aP)
+         fun isoSum     aS = iso' (getS aS)
-      fun aP *` bP = let
-         val aP = getP aP
-         val bP = getP bP
-      in
-         fn (e, a & b) => aP (e, a) <^> comma <$> bP (e, b)
-      end
-      fun T t = group o #2 o getT t
-      fun R l = let
-         val s = Generics.Label.toString l
-         val t = txt s <+> equals
-         val m = String.length s + 2
-      in
-         fn aT => nested (m, t, T aT, #fieldNest)
-      end
-      fun tuple aP = mark ATOMIC o surround parens o getP aP
-      fun record aP = mark ATOMIC o surround braces o getP aP
+         fun aP *` bP = let
+            val aP = getP aP
+            val bP = getP bP
+         in
+            fn (e, a & b) => aP (e, a) <^> comma <$> bP (e, b)
+         end
+         fun T t = group o #2 o getT t
+         fun R l = let
+            val s = Generics.Label.toString l
+            val t = txt s <+> equals
+            val m = String.length s + 2
+         in
+            fn aT => nested (m, t, T aT, #fieldNest)
+         end
+         fun tuple aP = mark ATOMIC o surround parens o getP aP
+         fun record aP = mark ATOMIC o surround braces o getP aP
-      fun aS +` bS = let
-         val aP = getS aS
-         val bP = getS bS
-      in
-         fn (e, INL a) => aP (e, a)
-          | (e, INR b) => bP (e, b)
-      end
-      fun unit _ = (ATOMIC, txtUnit)
-      fun C0 c = const (ATOMIC, txt (Generics.Con.toString c))
-      fun C1 c = let
-         val s = Generics.Con.toString c
-         val t = txt s
-         val m = String.length s + 1
-      in
-         fn aT => mark NONFIX o nested (m, t, atomize o getT aT, #conNest)
-      end
-      fun data aS = depth (getS aS)
+         fun aS +` bS = let
+            val aP = getS aS
+            val bP = getS bS
+         in
+            fn (e, INL a) => aP (e, a)
+             | (e, INR b) => bP (e, b)
+         end
+         fun unit _ = (ATOMIC, txtUnit)
+         fun C0 c = const (ATOMIC, txt (Generics.Con.toString c))
+         fun C1 c = let
+            val s = Generics.Con.toString c
+            val t = txt s
+            val m = String.length s + 1
+         in
+            fn aT => mark NONFIX o nested (m, t, atomize o getT aT, #conNest)
+         end
+         fun data aS = depth (getS aS)
-      val Y = Tie.function
+         val Y = Tie.function
-      fun exn ? = depth (!exnHandler) ?
-      fun regExn0 c = case C0 c of uP => regExn uP o Pair.snd
-      fun regExn1 c aT = case C1 c aT of aP => regExn aP o Pair.snd
+         fun exn ? = depth (!exnHandler) ?
+         fun regExn0 c = case C0 c of uP => regExn uP o Pair.snd
+         fun regExn1 c aT = case C1 c aT of aP => regExn aP o Pair.snd
-      fun refc aT =
-          cyclic (Arg.Open.refc ignore aT) o flip inj ! |< C1 ctorRef aT
-      fun array aT =
-          cyclic (Arg.Open.array ignore aT) |<
-          sequ hashParens ArraySlice.full ArraySlice.getItem (T aT)
-      fun vector aT =
-          sequ hashBrackets VectorSlice.full VectorSlice.getItem (T aT)
-      fun list aT = sequ brackets id List.getItem (T aT)
+         fun refc aT =
+             cyclic (Arg.Open.refc ignore aT) o flip inj ! |< C1 ctorRef aT
+         fun array aT =
+             cyclic (Arg.Open.array ignore aT) |<
+                    sequ hashParens ArraySlice.full ArraySlice.getItem (T aT)
+         fun vector aT =
+             sequ hashBrackets VectorSlice.full VectorSlice.getItem (T aT)
+         fun list aT = sequ brackets id List.getItem (T aT)
-      fun op --> _ = const (ATOMIC, txtFn)
+         fun op --> _ = const (ATOMIC, txtFn)
-      local
-         val toLit = txt o Substring.translate Char.toString
-      in
-         fun string (E ({fmt = Fmt.T r, ...}, _), s) = let
-            val l = size s
-            val n = Int.min (getOpt (#maxString r, l), l)
-            val suf = if n < l then txtBsDots else empty
-            val s = Substring.substring (s, 0, n)
-            fun wide () = toLit s
-            fun narrow () =
-                List.foldl1
-                   (fn (x, s) => s <^> txtNlBs <$> backslash <^> x)
-                   (List.map toLit (Substring.fields (#"\n" <\ op =) s))
+         local
+            val toLit = txt o Substring.translate Char.toString
-            (ATOMIC,
-             dquotes ((case #contString r
-                        of ALWAYS_AT_NL => narrow ()
-                         | AT_NL_TO_FIT =>
-                           choice {wide = wide (), narrow = lazy narrow}
-                         | NEVER_CONT => wide ())
-                      <^> suf))
+            fun string (E ({fmt = Fmt.T r, ...}, _), s) = let
+               val l = size s
+               val n = Int.min (getOpt (#maxString r, l), l)
+               val suf = if n < l then txtBsDots else empty
+               val s = Substring.substring (s, 0, n)
+               fun wide () = toLit s
+               fun narrow () =
+                   List.foldl1
+                      (fn (x, s) => s <^> txtNlBs <$> backslash <^> x)
+                      (List.map toLit (Substring.fields (#"\n" <\ op =) s))
+            in
+               (ATOMIC,
+                dquotes ((if #contString r
+                          then choice {wide = wide (), narrow = lazy narrow}
+                          else wide ())
+                         <^> suf))
+            end
-      end
-      fun bool (_, b) = (ATOMIC, if b then txtTrue else txtFalse)
-      fun char (_, x) =
-          (ATOMIC, txtHashDQuote <^> txt (Char.toString x) <^> dquote)
-      val int  = mkInt Int.fmt
-      val real = mkReal Real.fmt
-      val word = mkWord Word.fmt
+         fun bool (_, b) = (ATOMIC, if b then txtTrue else txtFalse)
+         fun char (_, x) =
+             (ATOMIC, txtHashDQuote <^> txt (Char.toString x) <^> dquote)
+         val int  = mkInt Int.fmt
+         val real = mkReal Real.fmt
+         val word = mkWord Word.fmt
-      val fixedInt = mkInt FixedInt.fmt
-      val largeInt = mkInt LargeInt.fmt
+         val fixedInt = mkInt FixedInt.fmt
+         val largeInt = mkInt LargeInt.fmt
-      val largeReal = mkReal LargeReal.fmt
-      val largeWord = mkWord LargeWord.fmt
+         val largeReal = mkReal LargeReal.fmt
+         val largeWord = mkWord LargeWord.fmt
-      val word8  = mkWord Word8.fmt
-      val word32 = mkWord Word32.fmt
-      val word64 = mkWord Word64.fmt
+         val word8  = mkWord Word8.fmt
+         val word32 = mkWord Word32.fmt
+         val word64 = mkWord Word64.fmt
-      open Arg PrettyRep)
+         open Arg PrettyRep)
+   end
+   Result :> PRETTY_CASES
+      where type ('a,     'x) Open.Rep.t = ('a,     'x) Result.Open.Rep.t
+      where type ('a,     'x) Open.Rep.s = ('a,     'x) Result.Open.Rep.s
+      where type ('a, 'k, 'x) Open.Rep.p = ('a, 'k, 'x) Result.Open.Rep.p

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/pretty.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/pretty.sig	2007-10-19 22:17:22 UTC (rev 6075)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/pretty.sig	2007-10-21 12:32:07 UTC (rev 6076)
@@ -8,6 +8,30 @@
  * Signature for a generic function for pretty-printing values of
  * arbitrary Standard ML types.
+ * Example:
+ *
+ *> - val t = iso (record (R' "id" int  *` R' "text" string))
+ *> =             (fn {id=a, text=b} => a & b,
+ *> =              fn a & b => {id=a, text=b}) ;
+ *> val t = - : {id : Int.t, text : String.t} Rep.t
+ *> - val v = {id = 0xF00BAA, text = "Text that spans\nmultiple lines."} ;
+ *> val v = {id = 15731626, text = "Text that spans\nmultiple lines."}
+ *>   : {id : Int.t, text : String.t}
+ *> - println |< show t v ;
+ *> {id = 15731626, text = "Text that spans\nmultiple lines."}
+ *> - val opts = let
+ *> =    open Fmt
+ *> = in
+ *> =    default & intRadix   := StringCvt.HEX
+ *> =            & fieldNest  := SOME 4
+ *> = end ;
+ *> val fmtOpts = - : Fmt.t
+ *> - println o Prettier.render (SOME 20) |< fmt t opts v ;
+ *> {id = 0xF00BAA,
+ *>  text =
+ *>      "Text that spans\n\
+ *>      \multiple lines."}
+ *
  * Features:
  * - The result is a document that can be rendered to a desired width
  * (number of columns).
@@ -19,6 +43,9 @@
  * "..." otherwise.
  * - The default formatting of integers, words, and reals can be
  * specified.
+ * - Can use line continuations in strings.
+ * - The nesting (or indentation) of record fields and datatype
+ * constructor can be specified.
  * - The radix of integers and words is shown in the output with a "b"
  * (binary ; HaMLet-S), "o" (octal ; non-standard), or "x" prefix.
  * - Sharing of mutable objects is shown in the output.  Each shared
@@ -133,16 +160,11 @@
       (** === String Formatting Options === *)
-      datatype cont_string =
-         ALWAYS_AT_NL
-       | AT_NL_TO_FIT
-       | NEVER_CONT
-      val contString : cont_string opt
+      val contString : Bool.t opt
-       * How to use line continuations.
+       * Whether to use line continuations in strings or not.
-       * default: {AT_NL_TO_FIT}
+       * default: {true}
       (** === Datatype Formatting Options == *)

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