[MLton-commit] r6034

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Wed Sep 19 05:56:09 PDT 2007

Added a monadic combinator interface to the Pretty generic allowing pretty
printing to be customized.


U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pretty.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/pretty.sig
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/test/pretty.sml


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pretty.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pretty.sml	2007-09-19 10:22:43 UTC (rev 6033)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pretty.sml	2007-09-19 12:56:08 UTC (rev 6034)
@@ -37,12 +37,17 @@
    infixr 4 </ />
    infix  2 >|
    infixr 2 |<
+   infix  1 >>=
    infix  0 &
    infixr 0 -->
    (* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
-   datatype f = ATOMIC | NONFIX | INFIXL of Int.t | INFIXR of Int.t
+   structure Fixity = struct
+      datatype t = ATOMIC | NONFIX | INFIXL of Int.t | INFIXR of Int.t
+   end
+   open Fixity
    fun mark f doc = (f, doc)
    open Prettier
@@ -87,7 +92,8 @@
                set : RefOpts.t -> 'a Ref.t,
                chk : 'a Effect.t}
-      val notNeg = Option.app (fn i => if i < 0 then raise Size else ())
+      val notNeg = fn i => if i < 0 then raise Size else ()
+      val notNegOpt = Option.app notNeg
       fun chkRealFmt fmt =
           if case fmt
               of StringCvt.SCI (SOME i) => i < 0
@@ -100,9 +106,9 @@
       val intRadix  = O {get = #intRadix,  set = #intRadix,  chk = ignore}
       val wordRadix = O {get = #wordRadix, set = #wordRadix, chk = ignore}
       val realFmt   = O {get = #realFmt,   set = #realFmt,   chk = chkRealFmt}
-      val maxDepth  = O {get = #maxDepth,  set = #maxDepth,  chk = notNeg}
-      val maxLength = O {get = #maxLength, set = #maxLength, chk = notNeg}
-      val maxString = O {get = #maxString, set = #maxString, chk = notNeg}
+      val maxDepth  = O {get = #maxDepth,  set = #maxDepth,  chk = notNegOpt}
+      val maxLength = O {get = #maxLength, set = #maxLength, chk = notNegOpt}
+      val maxString = O {get = #maxString, set = #maxString, chk = notNegOpt}
       structure I = MapOpts (type 'a dom = 'a and 'a cod = 'a Ref.t val f = ref)
             and P = MapOpts (type 'a dom = 'a Ref.t and 'a cod = 'a val f = !)
@@ -122,7 +128,7 @@
              fmt : Fmt.t}
    type v = {maxDepth : OptInt.t}
    datatype e = E of c * v
-   type 'a t = e * 'a -> f * Prettier.t
+   type 'a t = e * 'a -> Fixity.t * Prettier.t
    type 'a p = e * 'a -> Prettier.t
    fun inj b a2b = b o Pair.map (id, a2b)
@@ -240,6 +246,27 @@
    open PrettyRep.This
    structure Pretty = struct
+      type 'a monad = e -> 'a * e
+      fun return a e = (a, e)
+      fun (aM >>= a2bM) e = uncurry a2bM (aM e)
+      fun getFmt (e as E ({fmt, ...}, _)) = (fmt, e)
+      fun setFmt fmt (E ({cnt, map, ...}, v)) =
+          ((), E ({cnt = cnt, fmt = fmt, map = map}, v))
+      fun getRemDepth (e as E (_, {maxDepth})) = (maxDepth, e)
+      fun setRemDepth maxDepth (E (c, _)) = ((), E (c, {maxDepth = maxDepth}))
+      structure Fixity = Fixity
+      type 'a t = 'a -> (Fixity.t * Prettier.t) monad
+      fun getPrinter aT =
+          case getT aT
+           of aP => fn a => fn e => (aP (e, a), e)
+      fun setPrinter aP = mapT (const (Pair.fst o uncurry aP o Pair.swap))
+      fun mapPrinter f t = setPrinter (f (getPrinter t)) t
          fun mk con n cmpL cmpR =
              if n < 0 orelse 9 < n then raise Domain else

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/pretty.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/pretty.sig	2007-09-19 10:22:43 UTC (rev 6033)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/pretty.sig	2007-09-19 12:56:08 UTC (rev 6034)
@@ -76,6 +76,55 @@
    (** Substructure for additional pretty printing combinators. *)
    structure Pretty : sig
+      (** == Monadic Combinator Interface ==
+       *
+       * This interface allows the pretty printer stored in a type
+       * representation to be extracted and replaced with a custom pretty
+       * printer.
+       *)
+      include MONAD_CORE
+      val getFmt : Fmt.t monad
+      (** Returns the default formatting options. *)
+      val setFmt : Fmt.t -> Unit.t monad
+      (**
+       * Functionally sets the default formatting options.  The new
+       * default formatting options are only passed to the children of the
+       * current monadic operation.  Note that changing the {maxDepth}
+       * option has no effect on any default printers.
+       *)
+      val getRemDepth : Int.t Option.t monad
+      (** Returns the remaining depth. *)
+      val setRemDepth : Int.t Option.t -> Unit.t monad
+      (**
+       * Functionally sets the remaining depth.  The new depth only
+       * affects the direct subactions of the current monadic action.
+       *)
+      structure Fixity : sig
+         datatype t =
+            ATOMIC
+          | NONFIX
+          | INFIXL of Int.t
+          | INFIXR of Int.t
+      end
+      type 'a t = 'a -> (Fixity.t * Prettier.t) monad
+      (** The type of pretty printing actions. *)
+      val getPrinter : ('a, 'x) PrettyRep.t -> 'a t
+      (** Returns the pretty printing action stored in a type representation. *)
+      val setPrinter : 'a t -> ('a, 'x) PrettyRep.t UnOp.t
+      (** Functionally updates the pretty printing action in a type rep. *)
+      val mapPrinter : 'a t UnOp.t -> ('a, 'x) PrettyRep.t UnOp.t
+      (** {mapPrinter f t} is equivalent to {setPrinter (f (getPrinter t)) t}. *)
       (** == Infix Constructors ==
        * The {infixL} and {infixR} combinators update a given sum type

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/test/pretty.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/test/pretty.sml	2007-09-19 10:22:43 UTC (rev 6033)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/test/pretty.sml	2007-09-19 12:56:08 UTC (rev 6034)
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
        testEq string (fn () => {expect = s, actual = render n (pretty t v)})
    structure Graph = MkGraph (Generic)
+   structure BinTree = MkBinTree (Generic)
    val () =
@@ -126,5 +127,23 @@
                \  VTX (6, #1)]"
+          let
+             open BinTree Prettier Pretty Pretty.Fixity
+             fun withAngles xP x =
+                 xP x >>= (fn (_, d) =>
+                 return (ATOMIC, angles d))
+          in
+             tst (SOME 30)
+                 (BinTree.t (mapPrinter withAngles int))
+                 "BR\n\
+                 \ (BR (LF, <0>, LF),\n\
+                 \  <1>,\n\
+                 \  BR\n\
+                 \   (LF,\n\
+                 \    <2>,\n\
+                 \    BR (LF, <3>, LF)))"
+                 (BR (BR (LF, 0, LF), 1, BR (LF, 2, BR (LF, 3, LF))))
+          end

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