[MLton-commit] r6733

Matthew Fluet fluet at mlton.org
Tue Aug 19 15:12:14 PDT 2008

Move primitive type checking to Prim (avoids duplication w/ HashType functor)

U   mlton/trunk/mlton/atoms/hash-type.fun
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/atoms/prim.fun
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/atoms/prim.sig


Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/atoms/hash-type.fun
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/atoms/hash-type.fun	2008-08-19 22:12:03 UTC (rev 6732)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/atoms/hash-type.fun	2008-08-19 22:12:13 UTC (rev 6733)
@@ -208,185 +208,22 @@
                                   orelse Vector.exists (bs, fn b => b))}
 fun checkPrimApp {args, prim, result, targs}: bool =
-   let
-      datatype z = datatype Prim.Name.t
-      fun done (args', result') =
-         Vector.equals (args, Vector.fromList args', equals)
-         andalso equals (result, result')
-      fun targ i = Vector.sub (targs, i)
-      fun oneTarg f =
-         1 = Vector.length targs
-         andalso done (f (targ 0))
-      local
-         fun make f s = let val t = f s in done ([t], t) end
-      in
-         val realUnary = make real
-         val wordUnary = make word
-      end
-      local
-         fun make f s = let val t = f s in done ([t, t], t) end
-      in
-         val realBinary = make real
-         val wordBinary = make word
-      end
-      local
-         fun make f s = let val t = f s in done ([t, t], bool) end
-      in
-         val realCompare = make real
-         val wordCompare = make word
-      end
-      val cint = word (WordSize.cint ())
-      val compareRes = word WordSize.compareRes
-      val csize = word (WordSize.csize ())
-      val cptrdiff = word (WordSize.cptrdiff ())
-      val seqIndex = word (WordSize.seqIndex ())
-      val shiftArg = word WordSize.shiftArg
-      val bigIntInfWord = word (WordSize.bigIntInfWord ())
-      val smallIntInfWord = word (WordSize.smallIntInfWord ())
-      fun intInfBinary () = done ([intInf, intInf, csize], intInf)
-      fun intInfShift () = done ([intInf, shiftArg, csize], intInf)
-      fun intInfUnary () = done ([intInf, csize], intInf)
-      fun realTernary s = done ([real s, real s, real s], real s)
-      val word8Array = array word8
-      fun wordShift s = done ([word s, shiftArg], word s)
-   in
-      case Prim.name prim of
-         Array_array => oneTarg (fn targ => ([seqIndex], array targ))
-       | Array_array0Const => oneTarg (fn targ => ([], array targ))
-       | Array_length => oneTarg (fn t => ([array t], seqIndex))
-       | Array_sub => oneTarg (fn t => ([array t, seqIndex], t))
-       | Array_toVector => oneTarg (fn t => ([array t], vector t))
-       | Array_update => oneTarg (fn t => ([array t, seqIndex, t], unit))
-       | CPointer_add => done ([cpointer, csize], cpointer) 
-       | CPointer_diff => done ([cpointer, cpointer], csize)
-       | CPointer_equal => done ([cpointer, cpointer], bool)
-       | CPointer_fromWord => done ([csize], cpointer)
-       | CPointer_getCPointer => done ([cpointer, cptrdiff], cpointer)
-       | CPointer_getObjptr => oneTarg (fn t => ([cpointer, cptrdiff], t))
-       | CPointer_getReal s => done ([cpointer, cptrdiff], real s)
-       | CPointer_getWord s => done ([cpointer, cptrdiff], word s)
-       | CPointer_lt => done ([cpointer, cpointer], bool)
-       | CPointer_setCPointer => done ([cpointer, cptrdiff, cpointer], unit)
-       | CPointer_setObjptr => oneTarg (fn t => ([cpointer, cptrdiff, t], unit))
-       | CPointer_setReal s => done ([cpointer, cptrdiff, real s], unit)
-       | CPointer_setWord s => done ([cpointer, cptrdiff, word s], unit)
-       | CPointer_sub => done ([cpointer, csize], cpointer)
-       | CPointer_toWord => done ([cpointer], csize)
-       | Exn_extra => oneTarg (fn t => ([exn], t))
-       | Exn_name => done ([exn], string)
-       | Exn_setExtendExtra => oneTarg (fn t => ([arrow (t, t)], unit))
-       | Exn_setInitExtra => oneTarg (fn t => ([t], unit))
-       | FFI f => done (Vector.toList (CFunction.args f), CFunction.return f)
-       | FFI_Symbol _ => done ([], cpointer)
-       | GC_collect => done ([], unit)
-       | IntInf_add => intInfBinary ()
-       | IntInf_andb => intInfBinary ()
-       | IntInf_arshift => intInfShift ()
-       | IntInf_compare => done ([intInf, intInf], compareRes)
-       | IntInf_equal => done ([intInf, intInf], bool)
-       | IntInf_gcd => intInfBinary ()
-       | IntInf_lshift => intInfShift ()
-       | IntInf_mul => intInfBinary ()
-       | IntInf_neg => intInfUnary ()
-       | IntInf_notb => intInfUnary ()
-       | IntInf_orb => intInfBinary ()
-       | IntInf_quot => intInfBinary ()
-       | IntInf_rem => intInfBinary ()
-       | IntInf_sub => intInfBinary ()
-       | IntInf_toString => done ([intInf, word32, csize], string)
-       | IntInf_toVector => done ([intInf], vector bigIntInfWord)
-       | IntInf_toWord => done ([intInf], smallIntInfWord)
-       | IntInf_xorb => intInfBinary ()
-       | MLton_bogus => oneTarg (fn t => ([], t))
-       | MLton_bug => done ([string], unit)
-       | MLton_eq => oneTarg (fn t => ([t, t], bool))
-       | MLton_equal => oneTarg (fn t => ([t, t], bool))
-       | MLton_halt => done ([cint], unit)
-       | MLton_hash => oneTarg (fn t => ([seqIndex, t], word32))
-       | MLton_handlesSignals => done ([], bool)
-       | MLton_installSignalHandler => done ([], unit)
-       | MLton_share => oneTarg (fn t => ([t], unit))
-       | MLton_size => oneTarg (fn t => ([t], csize))
-       | MLton_touch => oneTarg (fn t => ([t], unit))
-       | Real_Math_acos s => realUnary s
-       | Real_Math_asin s => realUnary s
-       | Real_Math_atan s => realUnary s
-       | Real_Math_atan2 s => realBinary s
-       | Real_Math_cos s => realUnary s
-       | Real_Math_exp s => realUnary s
-       | Real_Math_ln s => realUnary s
-       | Real_Math_log10 s => realUnary s
-       | Real_Math_sin s => realUnary s
-       | Real_Math_sqrt s => realUnary s
-       | Real_Math_tan s => realUnary s
-       | Real_abs s => realUnary s
-       | Real_add s => realBinary s
-       | Real_castToWord (s, s') => done ([real s], word s')
-       | Real_div s => realBinary s
-       | Real_equal s => realCompare s
-       | Real_ldexp s => done ([real s, cint], real s)
-       | Real_le s => realCompare s
-       | Real_lt s => realCompare s
-       | Real_mul s => realBinary s
-       | Real_muladd s => realTernary s
-       | Real_mulsub s => realTernary s
-       | Real_neg s => realUnary s
-       | Real_qequal s => realCompare s
-       | Real_rndToReal (s, s') => done ([real s], real s')
-       | Real_rndToWord (s, s', _) => done ([real s], word s')
-       | Real_round s => realUnary s
-       | Real_sub s => realBinary s
-       | Ref_assign => oneTarg (fn t => ([reff t, t], unit))
-       | Ref_deref => oneTarg (fn t => ([reff t], t))
-       | Ref_ref => oneTarg (fn t => ([t], reff t))
-       | Thread_atomicBegin => done ([], unit)
-       | Thread_atomicEnd => done ([], unit)
-       | Thread_atomicState => done ([], word32)
-       | Thread_copy => done ([thread], thread)
-       | Thread_copyCurrent => done ([], unit)
-       | Thread_returnToC => done ([], unit)
-       | Thread_switchTo => done ([thread], unit)
-       | TopLevel_getHandler => done ([], arrow (exn, unit))
-       | TopLevel_getSuffix => done ([], arrow (unit, unit))
-       | TopLevel_setHandler => done ([arrow (exn, unit)], unit)
-       | TopLevel_setSuffix => done ([arrow (unit, unit)], unit)
-       | Vector_length => oneTarg (fn t => ([vector t], seqIndex))
-       | Vector_sub => oneTarg (fn t => ([vector t, seqIndex], t))
-       | Weak_canGet => oneTarg (fn t => ([weak t], bool))
-       | Weak_get => oneTarg (fn t => ([weak t], t))
-       | Weak_new => oneTarg (fn t => ([t], weak t))
-       | Word8Array_subWord s => done ([word8Array, seqIndex], word s)
-       | Word8Array_updateWord s => done ([word8Array, seqIndex, word s], unit)
-       | Word8Vector_subWord s => done ([word8Vector, seqIndex], word s)
-       | WordVector_toIntInf => done ([vector bigIntInfWord], intInf)
-       | Word_add s => wordBinary s
-       | Word_addCheck (s, _) => wordBinary s
-       | Word_andb s => wordBinary s
-       | Word_castToReal (s, s') => done ([word s], real s')
-       | Word_equal s => wordCompare s
-       | Word_extdToWord (s, s', _) => done ([word s], word s')
-       | Word_lshift s => wordShift s
-       | Word_lt (s, _) => wordCompare s
-       | Word_mul (s, _) => wordBinary s
-       | Word_mulCheck (s, _) => wordBinary s
-       | Word_neg s => wordUnary s
-       | Word_negCheck s => wordUnary s
-       | Word_notb s => wordUnary s
-       | Word_orb s => wordBinary s
-       | Word_quot (s, _) => wordBinary s
-       | Word_rem (s, _) => wordBinary s
-       | Word_rndToReal (s, s', _) => done ([word s], real s')
-       | Word_rol s => wordShift s
-       | Word_ror s => wordShift s
-       | Word_rshift (s, _) => wordShift s
-       | Word_sub s => wordBinary s
-       | Word_subCheck (s, _) => wordBinary s
-       | Word_toIntInf => done ([smallIntInfWord], intInf)
-       | Word_xorb s => wordBinary s
-       | World_save => done ([string], unit)
-       | _ => Error.bug (concat ["HashType.checkPrimApp: strange prim: ",
-                                 Prim.toString prim])
-   end
+   Prim.checkApp (prim,
+                  {args = args,
+                   result = result,
+                   targs = targs,
+                   typeOps = {array = array,
+                              arrow = arrow,
+                              bool = bool,
+                              cpointer = cpointer,
+                              equals = equals,
+                              exn = exn,
+                              intInf = intInf,
+                              real = real,
+                              reff = reff,
+                              thread = thread,
+                              unit = unit,
+                              vector = vector,
+                              weak = weak,
+                              word = word}})

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/atoms/prim.fun
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/atoms/prim.fun	2008-08-19 22:12:03 UTC (rev 6732)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/atoms/prim.fun	2008-08-19 22:12:13 UTC (rev 6733)
@@ -1126,6 +1126,214 @@
        fn {prim, ...} => cast prim)
+fun 'a checkApp (prim: 'a t,
+                 {args: 'a vector,
+                  result: 'a,
+                  targs: 'a vector,
+                  typeOps = {array: 'a -> 'a,
+                             arrow: 'a * 'a -> 'a,
+                             bool: 'a,
+                             cpointer: 'a,
+                             equals: 'a * 'a -> bool,
+                             exn: 'a,
+                             intInf: 'a,
+                             real: RealSize.t -> 'a,
+                             reff: 'a -> 'a,
+                             thread: 'a,
+                             unit: 'a,
+                             vector: 'a -> 'a,
+                             weak: 'a -> 'a,
+                             word: WordSize.t -> 'a}}): bool =
+   let
+      fun done (args', result') =
+         Vector.equals (args, Vector.fromList args', equals)
+         andalso equals (result, result')
+      fun targ i = Vector.sub (targs, i)
+      fun oneTarg f =
+         1 = Vector.length targs
+         andalso done (f (targ 0))
+      local
+         fun make f s = let val t = f s in done ([t], t) end
+      in
+         val realUnary = make real
+         val wordUnary = make word
+      end
+      local
+         fun make f s = let val t = f s in done ([t, t], t) end
+      in
+         val realBinary = make real
+         val wordBinary = make word
+      end
+      local
+         fun make f s = let val t = f s in done ([t, t], bool) end
+      in
+         val realCompare = make real
+         val wordCompare = make word
+      end
+      val cint = word (WordSize.cint ())
+      val compareRes = word WordSize.compareRes
+      val csize = word (WordSize.csize ())
+      val cptrdiff = word (WordSize.cptrdiff ())
+      val seqIndex = word (WordSize.seqIndex ())
+      val shiftArg = word WordSize.shiftArg
+      val bigIntInfWord = word (WordSize.bigIntInfWord ())
+      val smallIntInfWord = word (WordSize.smallIntInfWord ())
+      val word8 = word WordSize.word8
+      val word32 = word WordSize.word32
+      fun intInfBinary () = done ([intInf, intInf, csize], intInf)
+      fun intInfShift () = done ([intInf, shiftArg, csize], intInf)
+      fun intInfUnary () = done ([intInf, csize], intInf)
+      fun realTernary s = done ([real s, real s, real s], real s)
+      val word8Array = array word8
+      fun wordShift s = done ([word s, shiftArg], word s)
+      val word8Vector = vector word8
+      val string = word8Vector
+  in
+      case prim of
+         Array_array => oneTarg (fn targ => ([seqIndex], array targ))
+       | Array_array0Const => oneTarg (fn targ => ([], array targ))
+       | Array_length => oneTarg (fn t => ([array t], seqIndex))
+       | Array_sub => oneTarg (fn t => ([array t, seqIndex], t))
+       | Array_toVector => oneTarg (fn t => ([array t], vector t))
+       | Array_update => oneTarg (fn t => ([array t, seqIndex, t], unit))
+       | CPointer_add => done ([cpointer, csize], cpointer)
+       | CPointer_diff => done ([cpointer, cpointer], csize)
+       | CPointer_equal => done ([cpointer, cpointer], bool)
+       | CPointer_fromWord => done ([csize], cpointer)
+       | CPointer_getCPointer => done ([cpointer, cptrdiff], cpointer)
+       | CPointer_getObjptr => oneTarg (fn t => ([cpointer, cptrdiff], t))
+       | CPointer_getReal s => done ([cpointer, cptrdiff], real s)
+       | CPointer_getWord s => done ([cpointer, cptrdiff], word s)
+       | CPointer_lt => done ([cpointer, cpointer], bool)
+       | CPointer_setCPointer => done ([cpointer, cptrdiff, cpointer], unit)
+       | CPointer_setObjptr => oneTarg (fn t => ([cpointer, cptrdiff, t], unit))
+       | CPointer_setReal s => done ([cpointer, cptrdiff, real s], unit)
+       | CPointer_setWord s => done ([cpointer, cptrdiff, word s], unit)
+       | CPointer_sub => done ([cpointer, csize], cpointer)
+       | CPointer_toWord => done ([cpointer], csize)
+       | Exn_extra => oneTarg (fn t => ([exn], t))
+       | Exn_name => done ([exn], string)
+       | Exn_setExtendExtra => oneTarg (fn t => ([arrow (t, t)], unit))
+       | Exn_setInitExtra => oneTarg (fn t => ([t], unit))
+       | FFI f => done (Vector.toList (CFunction.args f), CFunction.return f)
+       | FFI_Symbol _ => done ([], cpointer)
+       | GC_collect => done ([], unit)
+       | IntInf_add => intInfBinary ()
+       | IntInf_andb => intInfBinary ()
+       | IntInf_arshift => intInfShift ()
+       | IntInf_compare => done ([intInf, intInf], compareRes)
+       | IntInf_equal => done ([intInf, intInf], bool)
+       | IntInf_gcd => intInfBinary ()
+       | IntInf_lshift => intInfShift ()
+       | IntInf_mul => intInfBinary ()
+       | IntInf_neg => intInfUnary ()
+       | IntInf_notb => intInfUnary ()
+       | IntInf_orb => intInfBinary ()
+       | IntInf_quot => intInfBinary ()
+       | IntInf_rem => intInfBinary ()
+       | IntInf_sub => intInfBinary ()
+       | IntInf_toString => done ([intInf, word32, csize], string)
+       | IntInf_toVector => done ([intInf], vector bigIntInfWord)
+       | IntInf_toWord => done ([intInf], smallIntInfWord)
+       | IntInf_xorb => intInfBinary ()
+       | MLton_bogus => oneTarg (fn t => ([], t))
+       | MLton_bug => done ([string], unit)
+       | MLton_deserialize => oneTarg (fn t => ([word8Vector], t))
+       | MLton_eq => oneTarg (fn t => ([t, t], bool))
+       | MLton_equal => oneTarg (fn t => ([t, t], bool))
+       | MLton_halt => done ([cint], unit)
+       | MLton_hash => oneTarg (fn t => ([seqIndex, t], word32))
+       | MLton_handlesSignals => done ([], bool)
+       | MLton_installSignalHandler => done ([], unit)
+       | MLton_serialize => oneTarg (fn t => ([t], word8Vector))
+       | MLton_share => oneTarg (fn t => ([t], unit))
+       | MLton_size => oneTarg (fn t => ([t], csize))
+       | MLton_touch => oneTarg (fn t => ([t], unit))
+       | Real_Math_acos s => realUnary s
+       | Real_Math_asin s => realUnary s
+       | Real_Math_atan s => realUnary s
+       | Real_Math_atan2 s => realBinary s
+       | Real_Math_cos s => realUnary s
+       | Real_Math_exp s => realUnary s
+       | Real_Math_ln s => realUnary s
+       | Real_Math_log10 s => realUnary s
+       | Real_Math_sin s => realUnary s
+       | Real_Math_sqrt s => realUnary s
+       | Real_Math_tan s => realUnary s
+       | Real_abs s => realUnary s
+       | Real_add s => realBinary s
+       | Real_castToWord (s, s') => done ([real s], word s')
+       | Real_div s => realBinary s
+       | Real_equal s => realCompare s
+       | Real_ldexp s => done ([real s, cint], real s)
+       | Real_le s => realCompare s
+       | Real_lt s => realCompare s
+       | Real_mul s => realBinary s
+       | Real_muladd s => realTernary s
+       | Real_mulsub s => realTernary s
+       | Real_neg s => realUnary s
+       | Real_qequal s => realCompare s
+       | Real_rndToReal (s, s') => done ([real s], real s')
+       | Real_rndToWord (s, s', _) => done ([real s], word s')
+       | Real_round s => realUnary s
+       | Real_sub s => realBinary s
+       | Ref_assign => oneTarg (fn t => ([reff t, t], unit))
+       | Ref_deref => oneTarg (fn t => ([reff t], t))
+       | Ref_ref => oneTarg (fn t => ([t], reff t))
+       | Thread_atomicBegin => done ([], unit)
+       | Thread_atomicEnd => done ([], unit)
+       | Thread_atomicState => done ([], word32)
+       | Thread_copy => done ([thread], thread)
+       | Thread_copyCurrent => done ([], unit)
+       | Thread_returnToC => done ([], unit)
+       | Thread_switchTo => done ([thread], unit)
+       | TopLevel_getHandler => done ([], arrow (exn, unit))
+       | TopLevel_getSuffix => done ([], arrow (unit, unit))
+       | TopLevel_setHandler => done ([arrow (exn, unit)], unit)
+       | TopLevel_setSuffix => done ([arrow (unit, unit)], unit)
+       | String_toWord8Vector => done ([string], word8Vector)
+       | Vector_length => oneTarg (fn t => ([vector t], seqIndex))
+       | Vector_sub => oneTarg (fn t => ([vector t, seqIndex], t))
+       | Weak_canGet => oneTarg (fn t => ([weak t], bool))
+       | Weak_get => oneTarg (fn t => ([weak t], t))
+       | Weak_new => oneTarg (fn t => ([t], weak t))
+       | Word8Array_subWord s => done ([word8Array, seqIndex], word s)
+       | Word8Array_updateWord s => done ([word8Array, seqIndex, word s], unit)
+       | Word8Vector_subWord s => done ([word8Vector, seqIndex], word s)
+       | Word8Vector_toString => done ([word8Vector], string)
+       | WordVector_toIntInf => done ([vector bigIntInfWord], intInf)
+       | Word_add s => wordBinary s
+       | Word_addCheck (s, _) => wordBinary s
+       | Word_andb s => wordBinary s
+       | Word_castToReal (s, s') => done ([word s], real s')
+       | Word_equal s => wordCompare s
+       | Word_extdToWord (s, s', _) => done ([word s], word s')
+       | Word_lshift s => wordShift s
+       | Word_lt (s, _) => wordCompare s
+       | Word_mul (s, _) => wordBinary s
+       | Word_mulCheck (s, _) => wordBinary s
+       | Word_neg s => wordUnary s
+       | Word_negCheck s => wordUnary s
+       | Word_notb s => wordUnary s
+       | Word_orb s => wordBinary s
+       | Word_quot (s, _) => wordBinary s
+       | Word_rem (s, _) => wordBinary s
+       | Word_rndToReal (s, s', _) => done ([word s], real s')
+       | Word_rol s => wordShift s
+       | Word_ror s => wordShift s
+       | Word_rshift (s, _) => wordShift s
+       | Word_sub s => wordBinary s
+       | Word_subCheck (s, _) => wordBinary s
+       | Word_toIntInf => done ([smallIntInfWord], intInf)
+       | Word_xorb s => wordBinary s
+       | World_save => done ([string], unit)
+   end
+val checkApp =
+   fn z =>
+   Trace.trace ("Prim.check", layout o #1, Layout.ignore) checkApp z
 fun ('a, 'b) extractTargs (prim: 'b t,
                            {args: 'a vector,
                             deArray: 'a -> 'a,

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/atoms/prim.sig
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/atoms/prim.sig	2008-08-19 22:12:03 UTC (rev 6732)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/atoms/prim.sig	2008-08-19 22:12:13 UTC (rev 6733)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
+(* Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
  *    Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
  * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
@@ -219,6 +219,23 @@
       val assign: 'a t
       val bogus: 'a t
       val bug: 'a t
+      val checkApp: 'a t * {args: 'a vector,
+                            result: 'a,
+                            targs: 'a vector,
+                            typeOps: {array: 'a -> 'a,
+                                      arrow: 'a * 'a -> 'a,
+                                      bool: 'a,
+                                      cpointer: 'a,
+                                      equals: 'a * 'a -> bool,
+                                      exn: 'a,
+                                      intInf: 'a,
+                                      real: RealSize.t -> 'a,
+                                      reff: 'a -> 'a,
+                                      thread: 'a,
+                                      unit: 'a,
+                                      vector: 'a -> 'a,
+                                      weak: 'a -> 'a,
+                                      word: WordSize.t -> 'a}} -> bool
       val cpointerAdd: 'a t
       val cpointerDiff: 'a t
       val cpointerEqual: 'a t

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