[MLton-commit] r7005

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Sat Dec 20 08:39:35 PST 2008

Renamed drop -> skipManySatisfy and take -> manySatisfy and added several
variants of those as in FParsec.


U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/read.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/detail/mk-parsec.fun
U   mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/public/parsec.sig


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/read.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/read.sml	2008-12-16 10:21:30 UTC (rev 7004)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/read.sml	2008-12-20 16:39:32 UTC (rev 7005)
@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@
       lp 0
-   fun ignored 0 = drop Char.isSpace >> (L"(*" >> eta ignored 1 <|> return ())
+   val skipSpaces = skipManySatisfy Char.isSpace
+   fun ignored 0 = skipSpaces >> (L"(*" >> eta ignored 1 <|> return ())
      | ignored n = L"*)" >> eta ignored (n-1) <|>
                    L"(*" >> eta ignored (n+1) <|>
                    elem  >> eta ignored n
@@ -66,15 +68,14 @@
    datatype radix = datatype StringCvt.radix
-   fun id first rest =
-       sat first >>= (fn c => take rest >>= (fn cs => return (implode (c::cs))))
+   fun id first rest = map implode (many1Satisfy2 first rest)
    val alphaId = id Char.isAlpha
                     (fn c => Char.isAlpha c
                              orelse Char.isDigit c
                              orelse #"'" = c orelse #"_" = c)
    val isSymbolic = Char.contains "!#$%&*+-/:<=>?@\\^`|~"
-   val symbolicId = id isSymbolic isSymbolic
+   val symbolicId = map implode (many1Satisfy isSymbolic)
    val shortId = alphaId <|> symbolicId
    val longId = sepBy1 shortId (E#".")
@@ -304,7 +305,7 @@
          <|> E#"u" >> satN Char.isHexDigit 4 >>= (fn ds => scan (#"u" :: ds) cs)
          <|> E#"U" >> satN Char.isHexDigit 8 >>= (fn ds => scan (#"U" :: ds) cs)
          <|> sat Char.isGraph >>= (fn c => scan [c] cs)
-         <|> sat Char.isSpace >> drop Char.isSpace >> E#"\\" >>= (fn _ =>
+         <|> sat Char.isSpace >> skipSpaces >> E#"\\" >>= (fn _ =>
              chars cs)
          and scan c cs =
              case Char.scan List.getItem (#"\\" :: c)

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/detail/mk-parsec.fun
--- mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/detail/mk-parsec.fun	2008-12-16 10:21:30 UTC (rev 7004)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/detail/mk-parsec.fun	2008-12-20 16:39:32 UTC (rev 7005)
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
    (* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
    open Arg
+   open Sequence
    type 'a etaexp_dom = Sequence.t * State.t
    type msg = Sequence.Pos.t
    datatype 'a reply =
@@ -110,16 +111,34 @@
         of NONE        => EMPTY (FAIL (pos s))
          | SOME (c, s) => taste (OK (c, s, pos s))
-   fun drop p s = let
-      fun done f s = f (OK ((), s, pos s))
-      fun some (c, s') s = if p c then lp s' else done taste s
-      and body f s =
-          case get s
-           of NONE    => done f s
-            | SOME cs => some cs s
-      and lp s = body taste s
+   local
+      fun mk isZero zero plus finish req1 q p s = let
+         fun ok v s = OK (finish v, s, pos s)
+         fun done v =
+             if isZero v
+             then EMPTY o (if req1 then FAIL o pos else ok v)
+             else taste o ok v
+         fun step p es s =
+             case get s
+              of NONE        => done es s
+               | SOME (e, t) => if p e then body (plus (e, es)) t else done es s
+         and body es = step p es
+      in
+         case q
+          of NONE   => body zero s
+           | SOME q => step q zero s
+      end
+      val mkMany = mk null [] op :: rev
+      val mkSkip = mk id true (const false) General.ignore
-      body EMPTY s
+      val many1Satisfy = mkMany true NONE
+      val many1Satisfy2 = mkMany true o SOME
+      val manySatisfy = mkMany false NONE
+      val manySatisfy2 = mkMany false o SOME
+      val skipMany1Satisfy = mkSkip true NONE
+      val skipMany1Satisfy2 = mkSkip true o SOME
+      val skipManySatisfy = mkSkip false NONE
+      val skipManySatisfy2 = mkSkip false o SOME
    fun sat p s =
@@ -128,21 +147,6 @@
          | SOME (c, s') =>
            if p c then taste (OK (c, s', pos s')) else EMPTY (FAIL (pos s))
-   fun take p = let
-      fun done s =
-       fn [] => EMPTY (OK ([], s, pos s))
-        | cs => taste (OK (rev cs, s, pos s))
-      fun lp cs s =
-          case get s
-           of NONE => done s cs
-            | SOME (c, s') =>
-              if p c
-              then lp (c::cs) s'
-              else done s cs
-   in
-      lp []
-   end
    fun peek p s =
        case p s
         of EMPTY (OK (x, _, m)) => EMPTY (OK (x, s, m))

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/public/parsec.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/public/parsec.sig	2008-12-16 10:21:30 UTC (rev 7004)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/public/parsec.sig	2008-12-20 16:39:32 UTC (rev 7005)
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
 signature PARSEC = sig
    include MK_PARSEC_DOM
+   structure Elem : T
+   sharing Elem = Sequence.Elem
    include ETAEXP'
    include MONADP where type 'a monad = 'a etaexp
@@ -23,17 +26,26 @@
    val getState : State.t t
    val setState : State.t -> Unit.t t
-   val fromScan : ((Sequence.Elem.t, Sequence.t) Reader.t
-                   -> ('a, Sequence.t) Reader.t) -> 'a t
+   val fromScan :
+       ((Elem.t, Sequence.t) Reader.t -> ('a, Sequence.t) Reader.t) -> 'a t
    val fromReader : ('a, Sequence.t) Reader.t -> 'a t
    val guess : 'a t UnOp.t
-   val elem : Sequence.Elem.t t
-   val drop : Sequence.Elem.t UnPr.t -> Unit.t t
-   val sat : Sequence.Elem.t UnPr.t -> Sequence.Elem.t t
-   val take : Sequence.Elem.t UnPr.t -> Sequence.Elem.t List.t t
+   val elem : Elem.t t
+   val sat : Elem.t UnPr.t -> Elem.t t
+   val manySatisfy : Elem.t UnPr.t -> Elem.t List.t t
+   val manySatisfy2 : Elem.t UnPr.t -> Elem.t UnPr.t -> Elem.t List.t t
+   val many1Satisfy : Elem.t UnPr.t -> Elem.t List.t t
+   val many1Satisfy2 : Elem.t UnPr.t -> Elem.t UnPr.t -> Elem.t List.t t
+   val skipManySatisfy : Elem.t UnPr.t -> Unit.t t
+   val skipManySatisfy2 : Elem.t UnPr.t -> Elem.t UnPr.t -> Unit.t t
+   val skipMany1Satisfy : Elem.t UnPr.t -> Unit.t t
+   val skipMany1Satisfy2 : Elem.t UnPr.t -> Elem.t UnPr.t -> Unit.t t
    val ->> : 'a t * 'b t -> 'b t
    val >>- : 'a t * 'b t -> 'a t

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