[MLton-commit] r7455
Wesley Terpstra
wesley at mlton.org
Sun May 2 04:39:05 PDT 2010
Update to use new targets/X folder.
Removed all CRs (was only on some lines...)
U mlton/trunk/package/mingw/Makefile
Modified: mlton/trunk/package/mingw/Makefile
--- mlton/trunk/package/mingw/Makefile 2010-04-29 17:24:11 UTC (rev 7454)
+++ mlton/trunk/package/mingw/Makefile 2010-05-02 11:39:04 UTC (rev 7455)
@@ -1,104 +1,105 @@
-PKG=self32 self64 mingw32 mingw64 gmp32 gmp64 dlfcn32 dlfcn64 msys wget 7zip
-PKG_LST=$(patsubst %,%.lst,$(PKG))
-PKG_WXS=$(patsubst %,%.wxs,$(PKG))
-PKG_WIXOBJ=$(patsubst %,%.wixobj,$(PKG))
-ifeq (,$(VERSION))
-VERSION := $(shell date +%Y%m%d)
-# Windows versions have to be (0-255).(0-255).(0-65536)
-# So lets just use YY.MM.DD for the version (leading 0s stripped)
-WINVERSION := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed -r 's/20(..)(..)(..)/\1.\2.\3/;s/0*([1-9]+)/\1/g')
-all: MLton-$(VERSION).exe MLton-$(VERSION).msi
-MLton-$(VERSION).exe: 7zS.sfx MLton.conf data.7z
- cat $^ > $@
-data.7z: 7z/MLton-$(VERSION).msi
- rm -f $@
- cd 7z; 7z a ../$@ -mx9 -mmt $(<F)
-7z/MLton-$(VERSION).msi: mlton.wixobj dirs.wixobj files.wixobj $(PKG_WIXOBJ)
- mkdir -p $(@D)
- light -dcl:none -cultures:en-us -ext WixUIExtension -out $@ $^
-MLton-$(VERSION).msi: mlton.wixobj dirs.wixobj files.wixobj $(PKG_WIXOBJ)
- light -dcl:high -cultures:en-us -ext WixUIExtension -out $@ $^
-.PHONY: clean distclean
- rm -rf staging 7z MLton.conf data.7z *.wixpdb *.wixobj *.wxs
- rm -f guid.exe files2cmp.exe dirs2wix.exe files2wix.exe
- rm -f $(PKG_LST)
-distclean: clean
- rm -f MLton-*.exe MLton-*.msi dl/*.7z
-%.wixobj: %.wxs
- candle -ext WixUIExtension $<
-%.exe: %.sml
- $(MLTON) $<
-# Cannot use a pattern rule b/c %.wxs already exists.
-mlton.wxs: mlton.wxs.in guid.exe
- sed "s/@VERSION@/$(VERSION)/g;s/@WINVERSION@/$(WINVERSION)/g" < $< | \
- sed "s/@GUID1@/`./guid $(VERSION).1`/g;s/@GUID2@/`./guid $(VERSION).2`/g" > $@
-MLton.conf: MLton.conf.in guid.exe
- sed "s/@VERSION@/$(VERSION)/g;s/@WINVERSION@/$(WINVERSION)/g" < $< | \
- sed "s/@GUID1@/`./guid $(VERSION).1`/g;s/@GUID2@/`./guid $(VERSION).2`/g" > $@
- rm -rf staging
- $(MAKE) -C ../.. PREFIX= install
- mv ../../install staging
- rm staging/lib/mlton/self/*-gdb.a
+PKG=self32 self64 mingw32 mingw64 gmp32 gmp64 dlfcn32 dlfcn64 msys wget 7zip
+PKG_LST=$(patsubst %,%.lst,$(PKG))
+PKG_WXS=$(patsubst %,%.wxs,$(PKG))
+PKG_WIXOBJ=$(patsubst %,%.wixobj,$(PKG))
+ifeq (,$(VERSION))
+VERSION := $(shell date +%Y%m%d)
+# Windows versions have to be (0-255).(0-255).(0-65536)
+# So lets just use YY.MM.DD for the version (leading 0s stripped)
+WINVERSION := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed -r 's/20(..)(..)(..)/\1.\2.\3/;s/0*([1-9]+)/\1/g')
+all: MLton-$(VERSION).exe MLton-$(VERSION).msi
+MLton-$(VERSION).exe: 7zS.sfx MLton.conf data.7z
+ cat $^ > $@
+data.7z: 7z/MLton-$(VERSION).msi
+ rm -f $@
+ cd 7z; 7z a ../$@ -mx9 -mmt $(<F)
+7z/MLton-$(VERSION).msi: mlton.wixobj dirs.wixobj files.wixobj $(PKG_WIXOBJ)
+ mkdir -p $(@D)
+ light -dcl:none -cultures:en-us -ext WixUIExtension -out $@ $^
+MLton-$(VERSION).msi: mlton.wixobj dirs.wixobj files.wixobj $(PKG_WIXOBJ)
+ light -dcl:high -cultures:en-us -ext WixUIExtension -out $@ $^
+.PHONY: clean distclean
+ rm -rf staging 7z MLton.conf data.7z *.wixpdb *.wixobj *.wxs
+ rm -f guid.exe files2cmp.exe dirs2wix.exe files2wix.exe
+ rm -f $(PKG_LST)
+distclean: clean
+ rm -f MLton-*.exe MLton-*.msi dl/*.7z
+%.wixobj: %.wxs
+ candle -ext WixUIExtension $<
+%.exe: %.sml
+ $(MLTON) $<
+# Cannot use a pattern rule b/c %.wxs already exists.
+mlton.wxs: mlton.wxs.in guid.exe
+ sed "s/@VERSION@/$(VERSION)/g;s/@WINVERSION@/$(WINVERSION)/g" < $< | \
+ sed "s/@GUID1@/`./guid $(VERSION).1`/g;s/@GUID2@/`./guid $(VERSION).2`/g" > $@
+MLton.conf: MLton.conf.in guid.exe
+ sed "s/@VERSION@/$(VERSION)/g;s/@WINVERSION@/$(WINVERSION)/g" < $< | \
+ sed "s/@GUID1@/`./guid $(VERSION).1`/g;s/@GUID2@/`./guid $(VERSION).2`/g" > $@
+ rm -rf staging
+ $(MAKE) -C ../.. PREFIX= install
+ mv ../../install staging
+ rm staging/lib/mlton/targets/self/*-gdb.a
cd staging; find * -type f > ../$@.tmp
- mv $@.tmp $@
+ mv $@.tmp $@
self64.lst: self32.lst
rm -rf ../../runtime.x64
cp -a ../../runtime ../../runtime.x64
$(MAKE) -C ../../runtime.x64 TARGET=x86_64-w64-mingw32 TARGET_ARCH=amd64 TARGET_OS=mingw clean all
- mkdir -p staging/lib/mlton/sml/basis/config/c/amd64-mingw
- cp ../../runtime.x64/gen/c-types.sml staging/lib/mlton/sml/basis/config/c/amd64-mingw
- mkdir -p staging/lib/mlton/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include
- cp ../../runtime.x64/gen/c-types.h staging/lib/mlton/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include
- cp ../../runtime.x64/gen/sizes ../../runtime.x64/*.a staging/lib/mlton/x86_64-w64-mingw32
- echo "x86_64-w64-mingw32 amd64 mingw" >> staging/lib/mlton/target-map
- rm staging/lib/mlton/x86_64-w64-mingw32/*-gdb.a
- rm -rf ../../runtime.x64
- sed "s@'/lib/mlton'@\`cd \"\$$dir/lib/mlton\" \&\& pwd\`@" < staging/bin/mlton > staging/mlton
+ mkdir -p staging/lib/mlton/targets/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sml
+ cp ../../runtime.x64/gen/c-types.sml staging/lib/mlton/targets/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sml
+ mkdir -p staging/lib/mlton/targets/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include
+ cp ../../runtime.x64/gen/c-types.h staging/lib/mlton/targets/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include
+ cp ../../runtime.x64/gen/sizes ../../runtime.x64/*.a staging/lib/mlton/targets/x86_64-w64-mingw32
+ echo "amd64" >staging/lib/mlton/targets/x86_64-w64-mingw32/arch
+ echo "mingw" >staging/lib/mlton/targets/x86_64-w64-mingw32/os
+ rm staging/lib/mlton/targets/x86_64-w64-mingw32/*-gdb.a
+ rm -rf ../../runtime.x64
+ sed "s@'/lib/mlton'@\`cd \"\$$dir/lib/mlton\" \&\& pwd\`@" < staging/bin/mlton > staging/mlton
./staging/mlton -target x86_64-w64-mingw32 -build-constants true > staging/w64-constants.c
./staging/mlton -target x86_64-w64-mingw32 -verbose 1 staging/w64-constants.c
- ./staging/w64-constants > staging/lib/mlton/x86_64-w64-mingw32/constants
+ ./staging/w64-constants > staging/lib/mlton/targets/x86_64-w64-mingw32/constants
cd staging; find * -type f | grep -v self > ../$@.tmp
- mv $@.tmp $@
-.PRECIOUS: dl/%.7z
-dl/%.7z: dl/%.url
- wget -c -O $@.tmp `cat $<`
- mv $@.tmp $@
-%.lst: dl/%.7z self64.lst
- rm -rf staging.tmp
- mkdir staging.tmp
- cd staging.tmp; 7z x ../$<
- cd staging.tmp; find * -type f | sed 's@^\./@@' > ../$@.tmp
- rm -rf staging.tmp
- cd staging; 7z x ../$<
- mv $@.tmp $@
-%.wxs: %.lst files2cmp.exe
- ./files2cmp $(*F) < $< > $@
-# This has to happen after everything else is unpacked; depend on PKG_LST
-dirs.wxs: dirs2wix.exe $(PKG_LST)
- cd staging; find * -type d | ../dirs2wix > ../$@.tmp
- mv $@.tmp $@
-files.wxs: files2wix.exe guid.exe $(PKG_LST)
- cat $(PKG_LST) | sort | uniq | ./files2wix > ./$@.tmp
- mv $@.tmp $@
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+.PRECIOUS: dl/%.7z
+dl/%.7z: dl/%.url
+ wget -c -O $@.tmp `cat $<`
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+%.lst: dl/%.7z self64.lst
+ rm -rf staging.tmp
+ mkdir staging.tmp
+ cd staging.tmp; 7z x ../$<
+ cd staging.tmp; find * -type f | sed 's@^\./@@' > ../$@.tmp
+ rm -rf staging.tmp
+ cd staging; 7z x ../$<
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+%.wxs: %.lst files2cmp.exe
+ ./files2cmp $(*F) < $< > $@
+# This has to happen after everything else is unpacked; depend on PKG_LST
+dirs.wxs: dirs2wix.exe $(PKG_LST)
+ cd staging; find * -type d | ../dirs2wix > ../$@.tmp
+ mv $@.tmp $@
+files.wxs: files2wix.exe guid.exe $(PKG_LST)
+ cat $(PKG_LST) | sort | uniq | ./files2wix > ./$@.tmp
+ mv $@.tmp $@
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