
Suresh Jagannathan
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 12:51:01 -0500

Some bizarre results follow.  Basically, running kit
with -no-polyvariance, -inline 15, and flatten rounds = 1
(as was the case with the 3-19 version) slows it down
considerably (> 180 seconds with uncurrying).  One question 
about times though: I presume that user time is not indicative 
of wallclock time, but the amount of time taken by the
process to run.  The reason I ask is because Siskind
had another process running simultaenously.  

    -- sj


  MLton (with uncurrying):     182.33user .59system
        (without uncurrying):  150.89user 1.01system
  NJ:                           60.32user 1.44system

begin kit
mlton compile time
compile ==> 
 MLton 1999-11-21 created this file on Tue Dec 21 16:47:55 1999.
 Do not edit this file.
 Flag settings: 
    aux: false
    chunk: coalesce 2000
    fixed heap: Some(67108864)
    flatten rounds: 1
    includes: [mlton.h]
    inline: NonRecursive Some(15)
    inline rounds: 1
    uncurry: true
    input file: /fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/kit.sml
    instrument: false
    instrument Sxml: false
    keepCps: false
    match: left to right
    messages: true
    mode: compile
    polyvariance: None
    print at fun entry: false
    profile: false
    safe: true
    type check: false
   parse ==> 
   ==> time = 29.470
 ast size is ~1 bytes
 size = 200191
   elaborate ==> 
   ==> time = 57.660
 core-ml size is ~1 bytes
 size = 225177
   infer ==> 
      unification ==> 
      ==> time = 31.040
      finish infer ==> 
      ==> time = 47.780
   ==> time = 81.820
 xml.unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   infer simplify ==> 
    simplify made 173768 modifications
    simplify made 587 modifications
   ==> time = 36.960
 xml size is ~1 bytes
 size = 137016
 num types in program = 25967
 num types in table = 52113
 hash table size is ~1 bytes
   mono ==> 
   ==> time = 42.900
 .unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   mono simplify ==> 
    simplify made 23075 modifications
    simplify made 10446 modifications
   ==> time = 27.490
  size is ~1 bytes
 size = 170954
 num types in program = 14948
 num types in table = 81157
 hash table size is ~1 bytes
   implement exceptions ==> 
   ==> time = 2.180
 sxml.unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   implement exceptions simplify ==> 
    simplify made 4495 modifications
    simplify made 228 modifications
   ==> time = 20.210
 sxml size is ~1 bytes
   polyvariance ==> 
   ==> time = 0.000
 sxml.poly size is ~1 bytes
 size = 169317
 num types in program = 13963
 num types in table = 81264
 hash table size is ~1 bytes
   closure convert ==> 
      flow analysis ==> 
      ==> time = 8.920
    flow size is ~1 bytes
      free variables ==> 
      ==> time = 8.080
      globalize ==> 
      ==> time = 1.010
      convert ==> 
      ==> time = 86.950
   ==> time = 106.830
 cps.unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   closure convert simplify ==> 
      simplify ==> 
       num functions 11800
       num local functions 128314
       num primExps 187903
       num types in program 27324
       num types in table = 38412
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 remove unused functions ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.460
       num functions 11615
       num local functions 126365
       num primExps 186074
       num types in program 27011
       num types in table = 38412
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 set constants ==> 
	 ==> time = 1.790
	 leaf inline ==> 
	    inline ==> 
	    ==> time = 18.500
	 ==> time = 18.500
       num functions 7844
       num local functions 72220
       num primExps 164328
       num types in program 18528
       num types in table = 38412
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 constant propagation ==> 
	    inferHandlers ==> 
	    ==> time = 1.770
	    fixed point ==> 
	    ==> time = 26.600
	 ==> time = 96.230
       num functions 7844
       num local functions 69573
       num primExps 132252
       num types in program 18378
       num types in table = 38414
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 useless ==> 
	    analyze ==> 
	    ==> time = 85.650
	 ==> time = 116.540
       num functions 7844
       num local functions 65119
       num primExps 123508
       num types in program 14642
       num types in table = 39106
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 simplify types ==> 
	    fixed point ==> 
	    ==> time = 0.750
	 ==> time = 16.270
       num functions 7844
       num local functions 55790
       num primExps 109992
       num types in program 10209
       num types in table = 41931
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 poly equal ==> 
	 ==> time = 1.090
       num functions 7860
       num local functions 56116
       num primExps 110390
       num types in program 10227
       num types in table = 41934
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 contify ==> 
	 ==> time = 7.130
       num functions 4756
       num local functions 56305
       num primExps 107388
       num types in program 9710
       num types in table = 41934
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 inline ==> 
	 ==> time = 17.480
       num functions 3080
       num local functions 72805
       num primExps 153599
       num types in program 9467
       num types in table = 41934
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 raise to jump ==> 
	    inferHandlers ==> 
	    ==> time = 2.120
	 ==> time = 3.560
       num functions 3080
       num local functions 72805
       num primExps 153599
       num types in program 9467
       num types in table = 41934
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 contify ==> 
	 ==> time = 9.530
       num functions 2994
       num local functions 68245
       num primExps 153539
       num types in program 9464
       num types in table = 41934
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 introduce loops ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.260
	 loop invariant ==> 
	 ==> time = 8.920
       num functions 2994
       num local functions 68364
       num primExps 152428
       num types in program 9232
       num types in table = 41934
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 flatten ==> 
	    analyze ==> 
	    ==> time = 4.340
	 ==> time = 16.510
       num functions 2994
       num local functions 68364
       num primExps 110184
       num types in program 5919
       num types in table = 41934
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 redundant ==> 
	 ==> time = 11.500
       num functions 2994
       num local functions 68364
       num primExps 110184
       num types in program 5919
       num types in table = 41934
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 remove unused functions ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.620
	 remove unused globals ==> 
	 ==> time = 1.020
	 remove unused constructors ==> 
	 ==> time = 1.130
       num functions 2961
       num local functions 68186
       num primExps 108649
       num types in program 5874
       num types in table = 41934
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 save world ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.190
      ==> time = 345.110
   ==> time = 345.110
 cps size is ~1 bytes
   backend ==> 
      compute representations ==> 
      ==> time = 0.180
      inferHandlers ==> 
      ==> time = 1.960
      chunkify ==> 
      ==> time = 25.850
      allocate registers ==> 
      ==> time = 86.160
    reg size is ~1 bytes
   ==> time = 156.960
 c size is ~1 bytes
   emit C ==> 
   ==> time = 40.790
 numPeeks = 78798356
 average position in property list = 0.514
==> time = 951.260
911.30user 40.22system 16:13.76elapsed 97%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (963major+1453244minor)pagefaults 0swaps
nj compile time
1498.93user 31.38system 25:37.58elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (775major+1446525minor)pagefaults 0swaps
gcc compile time
gcc -c -I/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/include -L/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/lib  -O2 -w -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -o /tmp/filewujY6b.o /fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/kit.c
gcc -I/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/include -L/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/lib  -O2 -w -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -o /fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/kit /tmp/filewujY6b.o -lmlton -lm -lgmp
4025.60user 56.08system 1:08:29elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (47614major+4358155minor)pagefaults 0swaps
mlton run time

 ** Building basis library **

[reading source file:	Initial.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Initial.sml.c]
[reading source file:	GENERAL.sml]
[reading source file:	General.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-General.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OPTION.sml]
[reading source file:	Option.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Option.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST.sml]
[reading source file:	List.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-List.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST_PAIR.sml]
[reading source file:	ListPair.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-ListPair.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST_SORT.sml]
[reading source file:	ListSort.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-ListSort.sml.c]
[reading source file:	wordtables.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code1.c]
[reading source file:	VECTOR.sml]
[reading source file:	Vector.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code4.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Vector.sml.c]
[reading source file:	ARRAY.sml]
[reading source file:	Array.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code7.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[reading source file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml]
[reading source file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml]
[reading source file:	ByteVector.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code10.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code13.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[reading source file:	ByteArray.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code16.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code19.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[reading source file:	STRING_CVT.sml]
[reading source file:	StringCvt.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-StringCvt.sml.c]
[reading source file:	STR_BASE.sml]
[reading source file:	StrBase.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-StrBase.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Char.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Char.sml.c]
[reading source file:	String.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-String.sml.c]
[reading source file:	CHAR.sml]
[reading source file:	STRING.sml]
[reading source file:	SUBSTRING.sml]
[reading source file:	Substring.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Substring.sml.c]
[reading source file:	BOOL.sml]
[reading source file:	Bool.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Bool.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Word.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Word.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Word8.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Word8.sml.c]
[reading source file:	WORD.sml]
[reading source file:	BYTE.sml]
[reading source file:	Byte.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Byte.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Int.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Int.sml.c]
[reading source file:	INTEGER.sml]
[reading source file:	MATH.sml]
[reading source file:	Math.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Math.sml.c]
[reading source file:	REAL.sml]
[reading source file:	Real.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Real.sml.c]
[reading source file:	IO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code24.c]
[reading source file:	TEXT_IO.sml]
[reading source file:	TextIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-TextIO.sml.c]
[reading source file:	BIN_IO.sml]
[reading source file:	BinIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-BinIO.sml.c]
[reading source file:	TIME.sml]
[reading source file:	Time.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Time.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_PATH.sml]
[reading source file:	Path.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Path.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml]
[reading source file:	FileSys.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-FileSys.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_PROCESS.sml]
[reading source file:	Process.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Process.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code25.c]
[reading source file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml]
[reading source file:	CommandLine.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-CommandLine.sml.c]
[reading source file:	DATE.sml]
[reading source file:	Date.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Date.sml.c]
[reading source file:	TIMER.sml]
[reading source file:	Timer.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Timer.sml.c]
[reading source file:	RANDOM.sml]
[reading source file:	Random.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Random.sml.c]
[reading source file:	SML90.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code26.c]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	PM/NoProf/link_objects.c]
[wrote executable file:	run]

 ** Building basis library **

[reading source file:	Initial.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Initial.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Initial.sml.log]
[reading source file:	GENERAL.sml]
[wrote log file:	GENERAL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	General.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-General.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	General.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OPTION.sml]
[wrote log file:	OPTION.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Option.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Option.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Option.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST.sml.log]
[reading source file:	List.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-List.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	List.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST_PAIR.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST_PAIR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ListPair.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-ListPair.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	ListPair.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST_SORT.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST_SORT.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ListSort.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-ListSort.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	ListSort.sml.log]
[reading source file:	wordtables.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code27.c]
[wrote log file:	wordtables.sml.log]
[reading source file:	VECTOR.sml]
[wrote log file:	VECTOR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Vector.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code30.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Vector.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Vector.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ARRAY.sml]
[wrote log file:	ARRAY.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Array.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code33.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote log file:	Array.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml]
[wrote log file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml]
[wrote log file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ByteVector.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code36.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code39.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[wrote log file:	ByteVector.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ByteArray.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code42.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code45.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[wrote log file:	ByteArray.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STRING_CVT.sml]
[wrote log file:	STRING_CVT.sml.log]
[reading source file:	StringCvt.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-StringCvt.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	StringCvt.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STR_BASE.sml]
[wrote log file:	STR_BASE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	StrBase.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-StrBase.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	StrBase.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Char.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Char.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Char.sml.log]
[reading source file:	String.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-String.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	String.sml.log]
[reading source file:	CHAR.sml]
[wrote log file:	CHAR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STRING.sml]
[wrote log file:	STRING.sml.log]
[reading source file:	SUBSTRING.sml]
[wrote log file:	SUBSTRING.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Substring.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Substring.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Substring.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BOOL.sml]
[wrote log file:	BOOL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Bool.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Bool.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Bool.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Word.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Word.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Word.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Word8.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Word8.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Word8.sml.log]
[reading source file:	WORD.sml]
[wrote log file:	WORD.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BYTE.sml]
[wrote log file:	BYTE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Byte.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Byte.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Byte.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Int.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Int.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Int.sml.log]
[reading source file:	INTEGER.sml]
[wrote log file:	INTEGER.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MATH.sml]
[wrote log file:	MATH.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Math.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Math.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Math.sml.log]
[reading source file:	REAL.sml]
[wrote log file:	REAL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Real.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Real.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Real.sml.log]
[reading source file:	IO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code50.c]
[wrote log file:	IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TEXT_IO.sml]
[wrote log file:	TEXT_IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TextIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-TextIO.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	TextIO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BIN_IO.sml]
[wrote log file:	BIN_IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BinIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-BinIO.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	BinIO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TIME.sml]
[wrote log file:	TIME.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Time.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Time.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Time.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_PATH.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_PATH.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Path.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Path.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Path.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	FileSys.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-FileSys.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	FileSys.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_PROCESS.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_PROCESS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Process.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Process.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Process.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code51.c]
[wrote log file:	OS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml]
[wrote log file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	CommandLine.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-CommandLine.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	CommandLine.sml.log]
[reading source file:	DATE.sml]
[wrote log file:	DATE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Date.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Date.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Date.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TIMER.sml]
[wrote log file:	TIMER.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Timer.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Timer.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Timer.sml.log]
[reading source file:	RANDOM.sml]
[wrote log file:	RANDOM.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Random.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Random.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Random.sml.log]
[reading source file:	SML90.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code52.c]
[wrote log file:	SML90.sml.log]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	PM/Prof/link_objects.c]
[wrote executable file:	run]
stack size(bytes): 65,536
max semispace size(bytes): 33,554,432
GC time(ms): 15,620 (8.5%)
maxPause(ms):: 580
number of GCs: 46
bytes allocated: 1,267,249,740
bytes copied: 301,117,104
max bytes live: 11,255,032
182.33user 0.59system 3:12.12elapsed 95%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (1888major+16743minor)pagefaults 0swaps
mlton run time without uncurrying
compile ==> 
 MLton 1999-11-21 created this file on Tue Dec 21 18:41:28 1999.
 Do not edit this file.
 Flag settings: 
    aux: false
    chunk: coalesce 2000
    fixed heap: Some(67108864)
    flatten rounds: 1
    includes: [mlton.h]
    inline: NonRecursive Some(30)
    inline rounds: 1
    uncurry: false
    input file: /fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/kit.sml
    instrument: false
    instrument Sxml: false
    keepCps: false
    match: left to right
    messages: true
    mode: compile
    polyvariance: Some({rounds = 2, small = 30, product = 300})
    print at fun entry: false
    profile: false
    safe: true
    type check: false
   parse ==> 
   ==> time = 28.660
 ast size is ~1 bytes
 size = 200191
   elaborate ==> 
   ==> time = 56.990
 core-ml size is ~1 bytes
 size = 225177
   infer ==> 
      unification ==> 
      ==> time = 29.820
      finish infer ==> 
      ==> time = 48.150
   ==> time = 81.410
 xml.unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   infer simplify ==> 
    simplify made 173768 modifications
    simplify made 587 modifications
   ==> time = 35.310
 xml size is ~1 bytes
 size = 137016
 num types in program = 25967
 num types in table = 52113
 hash table size is ~1 bytes
   mono ==> 
   ==> time = 38.950
 .unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   mono simplify ==> 
    simplify made 13203 modifications
    simplify made 5593 modifications
   ==> time = 22.720
  size is ~1 bytes
 size = 168169
 num types in program = 13865
 num types in table = 72833
 hash table size is ~1 bytes
   implement exceptions ==> 
   ==> time = 2.280
 sxml.unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   implement exceptions simplify ==> 
    simplify made 4407 modifications
    simplify made 218 modifications
   ==> time = 19.130
 sxml size is ~1 bytes
   polyvariance ==> 
    simplify made 7395 modifications
    simplify made 5093 modifications
    size = 184716
    num types in program = 11445
    num types in table = 72940
    hash table size is ~1 bytes
    simplify made 1525 modifications
    simplify made 106 modifications
    size = 183085
    num types in program = 11350
    num types in table = 72940
    hash table size is ~1 bytes
   ==> time = 76.630
 sxml.poly size is ~1 bytes
 size = 183085
 num types in program = 11350
 num types in table = 72940
 hash table size is ~1 bytes
   closure convert ==> 
      flow analysis ==> 
      ==> time = 8.170
    flow size is ~1 bytes
      free variables ==> 
      ==> time = 9.900
      globalize ==> 
      ==> time = 1.080
      convert ==> 
      ==> time = 86.820
   ==> time = 107.920
 cps.unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   closure convert simplify ==> 
      simplify ==> 
       num functions 10844
       num local functions 137509
       num primExps 197433
       num types in program 22994
       num types in table = 32917
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 remove unused functions ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.480
       num functions 10642
       num local functions 134975
       num primExps 195097
       num types in program 22734
       num types in table = 32917
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 set constants ==> 
	 ==> time = 1.960
	 leaf inline ==> 
	    inline ==> 
	    ==> time = 22.920
	 ==> time = 22.920
       num functions 7690
       num local functions 80071
       num primExps 175541
       num types in program 15335
       num types in table = 32917
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 constant propagation ==> 
	    inferHandlers ==> 
	    ==> time = 2.600
	    fixed point ==> 
	    ==> time = 42.850
	 ==> time = 87.020
       num functions 7690
       num local functions 78550
       num primExps 142278
       num types in program 15265
       num types in table = 32920
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 useless ==> 
	    analyze ==> 
	    ==> time = 114.800
	 ==> time = 140.460
       num functions 7690
       num local functions 72829
       num primExps 133941
       num types in program 12795
       num types in table = 33442
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 simplify types ==> 
	    fixed point ==> 
	    ==> time = 0.760
	 ==> time = 17.290
       num functions 7690
       num local functions 61537
       num primExps 118283
       num types in program 8232
       num types in table = 35975
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 poly equal ==> 
	 ==> time = 1.560
       num functions 7706
       num local functions 61863
       num primExps 118681
       num types in program 8250
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 contify ==> 
	 ==> time = 8.990
       num functions 4344
       num local functions 62084
       num primExps 116988
       num types in program 8035
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 inline ==> 
	 ==> time = 24.110
       num functions 2261
       num local functions 87348
       num primExps 200667
       num types in program 7668
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 raise to jump ==> 
	    inferHandlers ==> 
	    ==> time = 2.310
	 ==> time = 4.190
       num functions 2261
       num local functions 87348
       num primExps 200667
       num types in program 7668
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 contify ==> 
	 ==> time = 11.120
       num functions 2245
       num local functions 87297
       num primExps 200639
       num types in program 7668
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 introduce loops ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.240
	 loop invariant ==> 
	 ==> time = 11.920
       num functions 2245
       num local functions 87414
       num primExps 198820
       num types in program 7404
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 flatten ==> 
	    analyze ==> 
	    ==> time = 2.360
	 ==> time = 19.600
       num functions 2245
       num local functions 87414
       num primExps 134521
       num types in program 4686
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 redundant ==> 
	 ==> time = 16.880
       num functions 2245
       num local functions 87414
       num primExps 134521
       num types in program 4686
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 remove unused functions ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.300
	 remove unused globals ==> 
	 ==> time = 1.040
	 remove unused constructors ==> 
	 ==> time = 1.570
       num functions 2187
       num local functions 86913
       num primExps 132585
       num types in program 4637
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 save world ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.220
      ==> time = 391.380
   ==> time = 391.380
 cps size is ~1 bytes
   backend ==> 
      compute representations ==> 
      ==> time = 0.120
      inferHandlers ==> 
      ==> time = 1.950
      chunkify ==> 
      ==> time = 17.200
      allocate registers ==> 
      ==> time = 170.830
    reg size is ~1 bytes
   ==> time = 220.650
 c size is ~1 bytes
   emit C ==> 
   ==> time = 44.320
 numPeeks = 130209604
 average position in property list = 0.474
==> time = 1129.020
gcc -c -I/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/include -L/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/lib  -O1 -w -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -o /tmp/fileZjoS8K.o /tmp/fileQHysBW.c
gcc -I/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/include -L/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/lib  -O1 -w -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -o /fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/kit /tmp/fileZjoS8K.o -lmlton -lm -lgmp

 ** Building basis library **

[reading source file:	Initial.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Initial.sml.c]
[reading source file:	GENERAL.sml]
[reading source file:	General.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-General.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OPTION.sml]
[reading source file:	Option.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Option.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST.sml]
[reading source file:	List.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-List.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST_PAIR.sml]
[reading source file:	ListPair.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-ListPair.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST_SORT.sml]
[reading source file:	ListSort.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-ListSort.sml.c]
[reading source file:	wordtables.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code1.c]
[reading source file:	VECTOR.sml]
[reading source file:	Vector.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code4.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Vector.sml.c]
[reading source file:	ARRAY.sml]
[reading source file:	Array.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code7.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[reading source file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml]
[reading source file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml]
[reading source file:	ByteVector.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code10.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code13.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[reading source file:	ByteArray.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code16.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code19.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[reading source file:	STRING_CVT.sml]
[reading source file:	StringCvt.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-StringCvt.sml.c]
[reading source file:	STR_BASE.sml]
[reading source file:	StrBase.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-StrBase.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Char.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Char.sml.c]
[reading source file:	String.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-String.sml.c]
[reading source file:	CHAR.sml]
[reading source file:	STRING.sml]
[reading source file:	SUBSTRING.sml]
[reading source file:	Substring.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Substring.sml.c]
[reading source file:	BOOL.sml]
[reading source file:	Bool.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Bool.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Word.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Word.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Word8.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Word8.sml.c]
[reading source file:	WORD.sml]
[reading source file:	BYTE.sml]
[reading source file:	Byte.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Byte.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Int.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Int.sml.c]
[reading source file:	INTEGER.sml]
[reading source file:	MATH.sml]
[reading source file:	Math.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Math.sml.c]
[reading source file:	REAL.sml]
[reading source file:	Real.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Real.sml.c]
[reading source file:	IO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code24.c]
[reading source file:	TEXT_IO.sml]
[reading source file:	TextIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-TextIO.sml.c]
[reading source file:	BIN_IO.sml]
[reading source file:	BinIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-BinIO.sml.c]
[reading source file:	TIME.sml]
[reading source file:	Time.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Time.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_PATH.sml]
[reading source file:	Path.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Path.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml]
[reading source file:	FileSys.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-FileSys.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_PROCESS.sml]
[reading source file:	Process.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Process.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code25.c]
[reading source file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml]
[reading source file:	CommandLine.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-CommandLine.sml.c]
[reading source file:	DATE.sml]
[reading source file:	Date.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Date.sml.c]
[reading source file:	TIMER.sml]
[reading source file:	Timer.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Timer.sml.c]
[reading source file:	RANDOM.sml]
[reading source file:	Random.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Random.sml.c]
[reading source file:	SML90.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code26.c]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	PM/NoProf/link_objects.c]
[wrote executable file:	run]

 ** Building basis library **

[reading source file:	Initial.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Initial.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Initial.sml.log]
[reading source file:	GENERAL.sml]
[wrote log file:	GENERAL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	General.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-General.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	General.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OPTION.sml]
[wrote log file:	OPTION.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Option.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Option.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Option.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST.sml.log]
[reading source file:	List.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-List.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	List.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST_PAIR.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST_PAIR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ListPair.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-ListPair.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	ListPair.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST_SORT.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST_SORT.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ListSort.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-ListSort.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	ListSort.sml.log]
[reading source file:	wordtables.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code27.c]
[wrote log file:	wordtables.sml.log]
[reading source file:	VECTOR.sml]
[wrote log file:	VECTOR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Vector.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code30.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Vector.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Vector.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ARRAY.sml]
[wrote log file:	ARRAY.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Array.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code33.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote log file:	Array.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml]
[wrote log file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml]
[wrote log file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ByteVector.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code36.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code39.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[wrote log file:	ByteVector.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ByteArray.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code42.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code45.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[wrote log file:	ByteArray.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STRING_CVT.sml]
[wrote log file:	STRING_CVT.sml.log]
[reading source file:	StringCvt.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-StringCvt.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	StringCvt.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STR_BASE.sml]
[wrote log file:	STR_BASE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	StrBase.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-StrBase.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	StrBase.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Char.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Char.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Char.sml.log]
[reading source file:	String.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-String.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	String.sml.log]
[reading source file:	CHAR.sml]
[wrote log file:	CHAR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STRING.sml]
[wrote log file:	STRING.sml.log]
[reading source file:	SUBSTRING.sml]
[wrote log file:	SUBSTRING.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Substring.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Substring.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Substring.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BOOL.sml]
[wrote log file:	BOOL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Bool.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Bool.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Bool.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Word.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Word.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Word.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Word8.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Word8.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Word8.sml.log]
[reading source file:	WORD.sml]
[wrote log file:	WORD.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BYTE.sml]
[wrote log file:	BYTE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Byte.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Byte.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Byte.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Int.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Int.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Int.sml.log]
[reading source file:	INTEGER.sml]
[wrote log file:	INTEGER.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MATH.sml]
[wrote log file:	MATH.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Math.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Math.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Math.sml.log]
[reading source file:	REAL.sml]
[wrote log file:	REAL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Real.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Real.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Real.sml.log]
[reading source file:	IO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code50.c]
[wrote log file:	IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TEXT_IO.sml]
[wrote log file:	TEXT_IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TextIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-TextIO.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	TextIO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BIN_IO.sml]
[wrote log file:	BIN_IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BinIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-BinIO.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	BinIO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TIME.sml]
[wrote log file:	TIME.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Time.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Time.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Time.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_PATH.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_PATH.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Path.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Path.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Path.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	FileSys.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-FileSys.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	FileSys.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_PROCESS.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_PROCESS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Process.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Process.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Process.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code51.c]
[wrote log file:	OS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml]
[wrote log file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	CommandLine.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-CommandLine.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	CommandLine.sml.log]
[reading source file:	DATE.sml]
[wrote log file:	DATE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Date.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Date.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Date.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TIMER.sml]
[wrote log file:	TIMER.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Timer.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Timer.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Timer.sml.log]
[reading source file:	RANDOM.sml]
[wrote log file:	RANDOM.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Random.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Random.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Random.sml.log]
[reading source file:	SML90.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code52.c]
[wrote log file:	SML90.sml.log]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	PM/Prof/link_objects.c]
[wrote executable file:	run]
stack size(bytes): 65,536
max semispace size(bytes): 33,554,432
GC time(ms): 15,250 (10.0%)
maxPause(ms):: 590
number of GCs: 45
bytes allocated: 1,233,654,964
bytes copied: 297,133,344
max bytes live: 11,373,940
150.89user 1.01system 2:52.77elapsed 87%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (2122major+17017minor)pagefaults 0swaps

 ** Building basis library **

[reading source file:	Initial.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Initial.sml.c]
[reading source file:	GENERAL.sml]
[reading source file:	General.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-General.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OPTION.sml]
[reading source file:	Option.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Option.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST.sml]
[reading source file:	List.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-List.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST_PAIR.sml]
[reading source file:	ListPair.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-ListPair.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST_SORT.sml]
[reading source file:	ListSort.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-ListSort.sml.c]
[reading source file:	wordtables.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code1.c]
[reading source file:	VECTOR.sml]
[reading source file:	Vector.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code4.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Vector.sml.c]
[reading source file:	ARRAY.sml]
[reading source file:	Array.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code7.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[reading source file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml]
[reading source file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml]
[reading source file:	ByteVector.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code10.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code13.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[reading source file:	ByteArray.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code16.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code19.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[reading source file:	STRING_CVT.sml]
[reading source file:	StringCvt.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-StringCvt.sml.c]
[reading source file:	STR_BASE.sml]
[reading source file:	StrBase.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-StrBase.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Char.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Char.sml.c]
[reading source file:	String.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-String.sml.c]
[reading source file:	CHAR.sml]
[reading source file:	STRING.sml]
[reading source file:	SUBSTRING.sml]
[reading source file:	Substring.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Substring.sml.c]
[reading source file:	BOOL.sml]
[reading source file:	Bool.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Bool.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Word.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Word.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Word8.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Word8.sml.c]
[reading source file:	WORD.sml]
[reading source file:	BYTE.sml]
[reading source file:	Byte.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Byte.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Int.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Int.sml.c]
[reading source file:	INTEGER.sml]
[reading source file:	MATH.sml]
[reading source file:	Math.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Math.sml.c]
[reading source file:	REAL.sml]
[reading source file:	Real.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Real.sml.c]
[reading source file:	IO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code24.c]
[reading source file:	TEXT_IO.sml]
[reading source file:	TextIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-TextIO.sml.c]
[reading source file:	BIN_IO.sml]
[reading source file:	BinIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-BinIO.sml.c]
[reading source file:	TIME.sml]
[reading source file:	Time.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Time.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_PATH.sml]
[reading source file:	Path.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Path.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml]
[reading source file:	FileSys.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-FileSys.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_PROCESS.sml]
[reading source file:	Process.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Process.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code25.c]
[reading source file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml]
[reading source file:	CommandLine.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-CommandLine.sml.c]
[reading source file:	DATE.sml]
[reading source file:	Date.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Date.sml.c]
[reading source file:	TIMER.sml]
[reading source file:	Timer.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Timer.sml.c]
[reading source file:	RANDOM.sml]
[reading source file:	Random.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Random.sml.c]
[reading source file:	SML90.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code26.c]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	PM/NoProf/link_objects.c]
[wrote executable file:	run]

 ** Building basis library **

[reading source file:	Initial.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Initial.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Initial.sml.log]
[reading source file:	GENERAL.sml]
[wrote log file:	GENERAL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	General.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-General.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	General.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OPTION.sml]
[wrote log file:	OPTION.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Option.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Option.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Option.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST.sml.log]
[reading source file:	List.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-List.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	List.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST_PAIR.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST_PAIR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ListPair.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-ListPair.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	ListPair.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST_SORT.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST_SORT.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ListSort.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-ListSort.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	ListSort.sml.log]
[reading source file:	wordtables.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code27.c]
[wrote log file:	wordtables.sml.log]
[reading source file:	VECTOR.sml]
[wrote log file:	VECTOR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Vector.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code30.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Vector.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Vector.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ARRAY.sml]
[wrote log file:	ARRAY.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Array.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code33.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote log file:	Array.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml]
[wrote log file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml]
[wrote log file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ByteVector.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code36.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code39.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[wrote log file:	ByteVector.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ByteArray.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code42.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code45.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[wrote log file:	ByteArray.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STRING_CVT.sml]
[wrote log file:	STRING_CVT.sml.log]
[reading source file:	StringCvt.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-StringCvt.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	StringCvt.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STR_BASE.sml]
[wrote log file:	STR_BASE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	StrBase.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-StrBase.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	StrBase.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Char.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Char.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Char.sml.log]
[reading source file:	String.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-String.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	String.sml.log]
[reading source file:	CHAR.sml]
[wrote log file:	CHAR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STRING.sml]
[wrote log file:	STRING.sml.log]
[reading source file:	SUBSTRING.sml]
[wrote log file:	SUBSTRING.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Substring.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Substring.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Substring.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BOOL.sml]
[wrote log file:	BOOL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Bool.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Bool.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Bool.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Word.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Word.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Word.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Word8.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Word8.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Word8.sml.log]
[reading source file:	WORD.sml]
[wrote log file:	WORD.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BYTE.sml]
[wrote log file:	BYTE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Byte.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Byte.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Byte.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Int.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Int.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Int.sml.log]
[reading source file:	INTEGER.sml]
[wrote log file:	INTEGER.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MATH.sml]
[wrote log file:	MATH.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Math.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Math.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Math.sml.log]
[reading source file:	REAL.sml]
[wrote log file:	REAL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Real.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Real.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Real.sml.log]
[reading source file:	IO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code50.c]
[wrote log file:	IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TEXT_IO.sml]
[wrote log file:	TEXT_IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TextIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-TextIO.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	TextIO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BIN_IO.sml]
[wrote log file:	BIN_IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BinIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-BinIO.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	BinIO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TIME.sml]
[wrote log file:	TIME.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Time.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Time.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Time.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_PATH.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_PATH.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Path.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Path.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Path.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	FileSys.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-FileSys.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	FileSys.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_PROCESS.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_PROCESS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Process.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Process.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Process.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code51.c]
[wrote log file:	OS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml]
[wrote log file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	CommandLine.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-CommandLine.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	CommandLine.sml.log]
[reading source file:	DATE.sml]
[wrote log file:	DATE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Date.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Date.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Date.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TIMER.sml]
[wrote log file:	TIMER.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Timer.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Timer.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Timer.sml.log]
[reading source file:	RANDOM.sml]
[wrote log file:	RANDOM.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Random.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Random.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Random.sml.log]
[reading source file:	SML90.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code52.c]
[wrote log file:	SML90.sml.log]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	PM/Prof/link_objects.c]
[wrote executable file:	run]
nj run time
60.32user 1.44system 1:13.91elapsed 83%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (604major+25586minor)pagefaults 0swaps
nj size
-rw-r--r--   1 suresh   CSI       5726768 Dec 21 18:55 kit.x86-linux
end kit