kit compile

Stephen Weeks
Fri, 5 Mar 1999 15:34:35 -0500

Here's the numbers for a compile and run of the kit by both SML/NJ and
smlc.  The smlc run was with no polyvariance and 2 rounds of flattening.

  NJ compile time:	757.21

smlc compile time:	1203.57
 gcc compile time:	2887.09
	code size:	13,141,129

NJ run time:	136.18

		resizable heap	100m heap
smlc run time:	96.00		91.74

There may be one problem with the run times because the benchmark is
the kit processing the basis library, which involves calling the C
compiler on their generated C code.  I'm not sure how those gcc times
were charged.  I'm looking into turning that part off for the real run
so that all of the time is spent in ML.