paper run times

Stephen Weeks
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 15:32:52 -0500

Times are in seconds.  Third column gives the ratio of the SML/NJ
run time and the smlc run time.

		SML/NJ	 smlc	NJ / smlc
		-------	-------	--------
barnes-hut	 28.8	 10.83	2.76
count-graphs	 27.36	  9.95	2.75
fft		 52.23	 39.8	1.31
knuth-bendix	 44.08	 14.93	2.95
lexgen		 52.74	 32.0	1.65
life		 51.52	 53.02	0.97
logic		 48.6	 48.85	0.99
mandelbrot	 40.29	 14.51	2.78
matrix-multiply	 51.41	 11.76	4.37
mlyacc		 43.39	 20.54	2.11
nucleic		 58.5	 17.19	3.40
ratio-regions	122.48	 18.62	6.58
simple		 25.33	 17.69	1.43
tsp		191.74	 26.03	7.37
vliw		 28.06	 18.95	1.48
zern		114.83	 43.81	2.62
smlc		198.71	103.67	1.92