bug in IntInf.scan StringCvt.HEX
Stephen Weeks
Mon, 10 May 1999 18:19:42 -0700 (PDT)
The reason I cc'ed MLton on this is that this behavior causes a bug in
the SML/NJ compiled version of MLton. MLton uses IntInf in one place
in its implementation: atoms/small-int-inf.fun. This module converts
strings representing IntInfs in the input program into word32s if the
IntInf is small enough to fit in MLton's represenation of small
IntInfs. As a consequence of the NJ bug, the SML/NJ compiled version
of MLton does not correctly handle IntInf constants in the input
program when those constants begin with "0x". I am not sure if this
affects the self-compiled version or not. I am investigating.