new snapshot

Stephen Weeks
Tue, 11 May 1999 13:22:43 -0700 (PDT)

There is a new snapshot available at

The changes are:
 * bug fix in atoms/
 * code for Henry's coalescer is included
 * implementation of binary heaps is available.
   see src/library/heap/{heap.sig,}

Here is an example of how to use BinaryHeap.

   structure H = BinaryHeap(structure O = Int
			    open Int
			    fun inject x = x
			    fun project x = x
			    val largest = Int.maxInt
			    val smallest = Int.minInt)
   open H
   val h = new[(1, "1"), (2, "2"), (3, "3")]
   val _ =
      while not(isEmpty h) do
	 (print(deleteMin h)
	  ; print "\n")

Hopefully, someone will reimplement Henry's coalescer using BinaryHeap 
so that it is reasonably fast.