Stephen Weeks
Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:24:32 -0700 (PDT)
> On an unrelated note, Henry mentioned a while ago that failure
> to uncurry could be the cause of the slowdown in the Kit (because
> environment records were growing too big). Is this your belief
> as well?
I think it's possible, but not probable.
> If so, I would be willing to take a shot at implementing
> a simple uncurryer before the meeting. Presumably, the uncurryer
> works over XML, right?
Yes. Sxml would be sufficient. It's the same signature as Xml except
no need to handle PolyVal and Exception declerations. Look at
src/xml/call-count.fun for an example, since it has to handle currying
in order to count curried applications as one call.
In any case, I think it's simple enough to implement that it's worth
doing the experiment.