val _ = () and exception optimization in MLton

Suresh Jagannathan
Sat, 12 Aug 2000 18:19:23 -0400

   From: "Stephen Weeks" <>
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
   Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 16:30:43 -0700 (PDT)
   X-UIDL: e194477d21a43485465ff1d9bc754079

   So my previous optimization was too aggressive.  I could imagine some kind of
   local flow analysis to try to improve stuff, but that sounds too messy.  Here is 
   my new proposal.  The optimization will remove a handler push/pop if there are
   no nontail calls in the scope of the handler, but will not otherwise move the

Isn't this going to weaken the utility of the optimization 
seriously?  Other than for fairly trivial expressions or
loops containing fairly trivial expressions, I don't see
how this optimization would get enabled since I would
expect almost any interesting expression to have a non-tail
call somewhere in its dynamic scope.

On the point of separate assembly -- I'll chime in with
Steve and Henry that some kind of set partition based on
some connected component metric is the right way to go.
To a first approximation, I would think that we'd never
want to split a top-level function across separate assembly

    -- sj