
Matthew Fluet
Tue, 15 Aug 2000 11:26:56 -0400 (EDT)

Here are the results from the benchmarks I ran this morning using an
x86-G1 mlton.  (Hence, for compile times, both the c-codegen and the
x86-codegen are being run from the same executable; so, given the results
in the running times, I suspect that the compile times are uniformly
greater than compile times would be with a c-G1 mlton, but the differences
in compile times should reflect the tradeoffs between using gcc and the
x86-codegen.  Also, the x86-codegen is being run with ChunkPerFunc but no
splitting of the assembly file.)

Compile Times: user+sys
benchmark       c-codegen  x86-codegen  
checksum             3.15         3.15
count-graphs         9.60         7.34
fib                  2.81         2.88
knuth-bendix        15.70        10.63
life                 7.30         5.75
logic               47.36        30.60
mlyacc             443.73       387.54
mpuz                 4.65         4.03
ratio-regions       17.32        13.03
smith-normal-form  221.73        94.04
tak                  2.88         2.90
wc                   7.50         6.03

This seems to confirm that we can do better than gcc, particularly for
large programs.  I don't quite know what's up with smith-normal-form,
especially considering that the x86-codegen's executable is just as fast.
I looked at mlyacc, and it produces a 117,000 line assembly file, so I
don't think that separate assembly would help much at this level (although
I haven't done any serious testing of different sized assembly files).
However, I noted that during the x86-codegen phase of mlyacc, I was using
around 87% of memory; so I think I'm going to investigate
translating->output a chunk at a time, rather than doing each phase on the
whole program.  I don't think I'll try for a G2 self-compile until I 
investigate that.

Running Times: user+sys
benchmark       c-codegen  x86-codegen   x86/c
checksum            11.58        13.20    1.14
count-graphs        18.87        21.20    1.12
fib                 21.26        17.28    0.81
knuth-bendix        37.32        39.27    1.05
life               103.25       116.52    1.13
logic               91.48        77.36    0.79
mlyacc              41.10        34.70    0.84
mpuz                76.60        90.85    1.19
ratio-regions       41.40        39.79    0.96
smith-normal-form    4.04         4.02    1.00
tak                 48.46        37.86    0.78
wc                  24.72        36.34    1.47

We're closing the gap here.  Here's what's currently going on in the
simplification phase: eliminating blocks which only jump to another label,
collapsing if-s whose branches are the same label (yes, this really does
occur after eliminating jumps to jumps), combining block A with block B
when A's goto B is the only transfer to B, peepholing (multiplication and
division by powers of 2, addition and subtraction of +/-1, collapse
cmp-setcc-test-jcc to cmp-jcc, eliminate simple copies of the form 
RI(0) = SI(4); 
SI(24) = RI(0),
eliminate self moves of the form RI(0) = RI(0) (which are created by the
elimination of self copies)), and rewriting transfers to allow some jumps
to fall through to the next instruction.

There are two other simplifications that I would like to try:
(1) currently, before a transfer, all pseudo-regs are flushed.  For
ifs and switches, it might be better to only flush the pseudo-regs that
are live down the corresponding branch (and lift up the pseudo-regs that
are live down all branches).

(2) As a follow-up to (1), knowing which pseudo-regs are live into the
next block, I could coerce the register allocator to ensure that those
pseudo-regs are in some set of registers and then the next block would
assume that those pseudo-regs are held in the corresponding registers.
But, this is going to take a little analysis to choose which pseudo-regs
should be carried across the jump.  This would probably result in a little
more register-register shuffling at the end of a block, that would
probably be better than a store-jump-load.

Adding (1) shouldn't be difficult at all.  Adding (2) will be a little bit
more difficult, probably not by the end of this week.

Finally, there are some other tweaks I'd like to try to avoid some memory
references that I'm seeing.  I don't expect anything spectacular, but
every little bit might help.